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“Hi!” Kai exclaimed as the look of shock slowly changed into a gleeful smile as he stood facing Luca.

“Hey,” Luca replied, grinning back at Kai. “Oh, hey Caleb,” he said, glancing over to the boy on Kai’s bed.

“What are you…” Kai started, then paused mid-sentence as he smiled and reached out to grab Luca by both shoulders. He pulled him into the room and to the side, then raised a hand to gesture for him to stay put. Quickly turning, he headed back to Caleb, gesturing for him to stand.

Caleb seemed as confused as Kai, but stood up and was immediately grabbed just as Luca had been. He was immediately pulled across to the door and moved just outside it.

“Sorry, excuse me, kinda rude considering we only just made up, but I hope you understand,” Kai said with a slight smirk, then took a step back and closed the door. He turned back to Luca and pulled him into a kiss.

The two boys melted into each other for several moments, making out happily.

When Kai finally let go, he gave a slightly sheepish lop-sided smile and said, “I hope that was okay!”

“More than okay!” Luca said giddily.

“Good, I was worried,” Kai said with a grateful nod, “I wasn’t sure cos you… you weren’t replying, and I just panic sometimes!”

“Oh, yeah, sorry about that. I was kinda busy with Leo when your message came in!” Luca explained.

“Ohhh, okay,” Kai said with a quick nod that stopped after a moment as he cocked his head curiously, “Wait, no, that just makes it MORE confusing. Like… what are you doing here and… busy with Leo? How?”

Luca looked a little confused too as he said, “Oh, I figured you’re the one who told him to come and see me!”

“He came to see you?!” Kai exclaimed, then realised they were still standing awkwardly by the door. “Umm… sit down if you want,” he said, gesturing to his room in general. As he headed to sit on his own bed, Luca followed and sat beside him, placing a bag down by his feet. “So, yeah… Leo came to see you!?” Kai repeated, still sounding surprised.

“Yeah, he just showed up at my house. I mean… what kinda psycho just shows up at someone’s house!?” Luca said, grinning at the playful self-deprecation.

“I dunno, I’m okay with it,” Kai said with a broad smile. “What did… Leo want? He didn’t… say anything bad, did he?” he asked, then averted his gaze a little shamefully as he added, “He told me some of the stuff he’d said to you last year!”

Luca reached out to touch Kai’s arm, waiting for the other boy to look at him so he could smile reassuringly, then explained, “He didn’t say anything bad. He… actually apologised. A lot! Like… proper real apologising, not the sort you say when your mum makes you say sorry!”

Kai smirked. He knew that kind of apology well. He frowned thoughtfully for a moment and said, “I… I didn’t tell him to do that. We barely even talked about it at all, to be honest!”

“Well he… he seemed REALLY cut up about it. Not just what he said to me, but also… well, he never said it but I definitely got the impression he was REALLY bothered that he’d upset you!” Luca explained. He smiled sweetly as he said, “But we talked a lot… about a lot of things actually. He’s… not who I thought he was!”

“Yeah, he surprises me sometimes too,” Kai said thoughtfully.

“And when he found I didn’t have any plans… y’know, cos I NEVER have plans… he asked if I wanted to come here and hang out with you guys and… well… here I am!” Luca said a little sheepishly. “I really… hope it’s okay that I’m here. I didn’t wanna scare you off or seem too keen or anything!”

“No. Be keen!” Kai said, nodding emphatically with his eyes wide, “I like keen!”

“You do?” Luca asked with a giddy smile. “Well… in that case, I… kinda… made something last night that I was gonna give to you… eventually, but, hey… let’s test how keen I can be!”

“Ooh, interesting,” Kai said, bouncing happily as he watched Luca reach down to his bag.

“Sorry, it’s a bit rushed and I didn’t get to make inside look pretty yet!” Luca said as he handed over something that looked like an unenveloped greeting card.

Kai turned it over and found the front bore an anime-style picture of a naked boy on an escalator with his hands clasped over his crotch, clearly a depiction of the moment he had been spotted by Luca at the mall. “It’s me!” he declared in absolute delight. “Did you draw this?” he asked, staring at Luca.

Luca nodded, blushing heavily as he said, “Umm, yeah. Open it!”

Kai looked back down at the card and opened it, where he found the words, “I DARE YOU”. He could see square panels cut out around the ‘I’, the ‘YOU’ and the ‘R’ in dare. Below it was a small tab that said, ‘Pull’.

“Go on, pull it!” Luca grinned.

As Kai pulled the tab, the ‘I’ changed into ‘TO, the ‘R’ changed to a ‘T’ and the ‘YOU’ was replaced with ‘ME’. In effect, the card had gone from ‘I DARE YOU’ to ‘TO DATE ME’. “Oh my god, that’s so cute and so clever!” he said happily.

“Thanks,” Luca said shyly. “So… will you?” he asked curiously.

Kai carefully placed down the card, then reached out to pull Luca into another kiss. He held it for several seconds before he pulled away.

“That’s nice,” Luca giggled, “But if I don’t hear an actual yes, I’ll convince myself it’s not!”

Kai’s head tilted sympathetically as he stared at Luca for a few moments, a little saddened by the undeniable self-doubt. “Aww, you’re as broken as I am!” he said as he reached up and held a hand on each of Luca’s cheeks. “Of course it’s a yes!” he said before giving him another peck on the lips.

“Yay!” Luca cheered playfully, “So… I’ve never done this but you said you like me keen, so… when do I get to call you my boyfriend?”

Kai frowned, bobbing his head thoughtfully for a moment as he rubbed his chin, mumbling away at some mental arithmetic. “Okay, so it’s Saturday… couple of days… hmm, carry the one…” he grinned as he saw Luca looking a little anxious, so he put him out of his misery and declared, “Yeah, you can do that now!”

Luca burst into delighted laughter as he nodded and said, “You’re my boyfriend!” He glanced over at the door and said, “But don’t worry, I won’t tell!”

“It won’t exactly be a shock to Miles and Caleb, cos… I… might have already told them that we kissed. Mostly because I was so excited about it!” Kai confessed, blushing, “I hope that’s okay!”

Luca nodded, still grinning. “What about Leo?” he asked curiously.

“I’ll… tell him soon,” Kai said, still quite surprised at what his brother had done that morning. “But for now… you wanna hang out with us?”

“Definitely!” Luca said eagerly.

“Great, you stay here, I’ll go see what the others are up to!” Kai said as he stood up. He looked at the card sitting on the bed and grinned as he picked it up. He gave Luca another quick kiss before putting the card away and heading out into the hallway.

“Oh, come to kick us out of another room?” Miles asked with a playful smirk as Kai walked into Leo’s room.

Kai went to disagree, then glanced at Leo who looked a little sheepish and said, “Actually… yeah. Luca’s gonna hang out with us today. Can you guys go and join him. I need to talk to Leo!”

“Oooooh, someone’s in trouble!” Miles smirked as he jumped up. “Come on,” he said, dragging a reluctant and slightly bewildered Caleb out behind him.

The twins stood in momentary awkward silence after the door closed. It was Kai that finally broke it as he said, “You didn’t have to do that!”

“Yes I did,” Leo insisted.

“Yeah, well… not for me you didn’t!” Kai said softly.

“Fuck, get over yourself. Not everything’s about you, Kai!” Leo said a little curtly. He sighed gently and said, “I had to do it for me. Yeah, I… hated that I’d upset you, but… I hated myself more for saying that stuff, even just once. That’s not me, I promise!” He looked utterly forlorn as he explained, then looked doe-eyed at Kai as he asked, “You… know that, don’t you?”

“I do!” Kai nodded, then let out a hearty sigh. “That’s why it was so horrible to find out you’d even done it in the first place,” he explained, “You’re a dick, but… we all are, it’s why we’re friends. But there’s a HUGE difference between being a bit mean to people you like and being outright nasty to people you don’t know!”

“I know, and that’s why I had to make it right. I need us both to know that,” Leo explained, blushing heavily at his uncomfortable honesty.

“Well now we do!” Kai nodded.

“Yeah, and so does Luca, now! I’ve apologised and, well… I don’t think it’s forgiven or forgotten yet, but… me and Luca are cool,” Leo insisted, “He’s… actually really nice!” Leo said, smiling meekly, his cheeks flushing.

“He is!” Kai said with a nod. He briefly considered telling his brother about Luca being his boyfriend now, but… it really felt like this was about Leo for now, so he said, “It took a lot of balls to go and apologise like that and… I’m kinda proud of you!”

Leo tutted and rolled his eyes, averting his gaze from his twin. “Whatever,” he shrugged, though the smile forcing its way through was undeniable.

Kai chuckled at his brother’s terrible attempt at indifference, but he didn’t want to embarrass him anymore, so he just said, “Come on, let’s go join the others.”


The afternoon was decidedly normal, though a touch of normality seemed to be exactly what most of them needed. For Caleb, it was a chance to settle back into the group after keeping himself detached from it for so long. For Leo is was a chance to reassure himself that things were okay between himself and Kai. For Luca, it was mostly just a great opportunity for him to get to know the other three as well as he had started getting to know Kai.

Kai had noticed Luca sticking to him closely at first, and as much as he liked to think it was because of their new relationship, he realised quickly how nervous the other boy was to be around people. He wasn’t sure whether the others had picked up on it too, or if it was just their normal behaviour, but they seemed to be doing their very best to put the new addition to their group at ease and by early evening, Luca seemed almost as comfortable with the others as he was with him.

Earlier in the afternoon, having ventured out of Kai’s room and into the kitchen for refreshments, Kai approached his father and asked casually, “Dad, is it okay if Luca stays for dinner?”

“Of course,” Mr Robinson replied absently, then frowned and looked round at the boys as he asked, “Wait a minute. Who’s Luca?” He looked from Kai, to Leo, to Miles, to Caleb and finally settled on the new boy as he said, “I don’t know you!”

“He’s new!” Kai said, blushing a little.

“Nice to meet you sir. I’m Luca,” Luca said, offering his hand.

Mr Robinson smirked as he shook the boy’s hand and said, “Oh, you’ll never fit in with this lot!” As Luca looked mildly horrified, the man grinned and said, “You’ve actually got manners!”

Luca breathed an audible sigh of relief as the others groaned.

“You’ll have to forgive him,” Leo said with an eye roll, “He’s got this weird medical condition that makes him believe he’s funny!” As the boys sniggered and Mr Robinson raised his eyebrows, Leo cringed slightly and said, “But I think he’s hilarious. Love you dad, you’re the best, don’t ground me, can Luca stay?”

“If his parents say it’s okay,” Mr Robinson said with a nod.

“Yusss,” Kai and Leo both celebrated quietly as Luca smiled sweetly.

“So, are we expecting any other new additions?” Mr Robinson asked curiously as he returned to baking, “Just curious about whether we might need to start looking for a bigger house!”

“I mean, I wouldn’t say no to having my own room!” Miles said with a cheeky grin.

“Yeah, you’ve got one, it’s about a hundred feet that way!” Mr Robinson replied, pointing in the general direction of Miles’s house.

“Oh, can Luca stay over too?” Leo suddenly asked.

“Same as before. Luca’s parents say it’s okay and… the doors of Hotel Robinson are apparently always open!” Mr Robinson said a little sarcastically.

“Thanks dad,” Leo said happily before he looked to Kai and Luca who both looked a little nervous and asked, “That’s okay, right?”

And just like that, Luca was staying for the night. A quick phone call home was all it took to get him permission to stay, so long as he was back in the morning for a ‘family event’ that Luca evaded talking about.

Dinnertime had been amusing if a little tough on Luca as he received a thorough grilling from both Mr and Mrs Robinson about his entire life history. The others had all listened intently too, enjoying getting to know the new boy whilst sharing occasional stories of their own to amuse him.

Returning to Kai’s room as they decided how to spend the evening, Miles joked, “I’m guessing the dare bag’s not coming back out yet!”

“Oh,” Leo started, glancing at Luca, “Umm… you see, the dare bag is…”

“A bag with dares in it, I’m guessing,” Luca interjected before Leo could go on. “It was a cunning code, but I think I managed to crack it!” he said sarcastically.

“Okay, smart-arse,” Leo replied, rolling his eyes as he reluctantly smirked and nudged Luca, the others chuckling along with it.

“Yeah, Luca kinda knows ‘most’ of the stuff about the dares,” Kai explained.

“You mean there’s bits I don’t know?” Luca asked excitedly, “Tell me everything!”

The request started a sudden barrage of stories from Leo and Miles, with occasional additions by Caleb, the story bouncing back and forth between them all. To their credit, while the focus remained on sharing every moment of Kai’s embarrassment, they never shied away from their own inclusion in anything humiliating or even sexual.

“Wow!” Luca exclaimed as they finished up their story, “That’s… wow! Yeah, umm… I say get that dare bag back out right now!”

Leo was happy to comply, quickly rushing off to his room to bring both the dare and punishment bags back with him.

“Maybe it’s time to start over,” Kai mused thoughtfully. As the others looked at him questioningly, he explained, “Well a bunch of those dares were probably written before we really knew… y’know… the kind of stuff we could get up to. Plus there’s another person now AND we’re back at school! Maybe we dump what’s in there and chuck in a bunch of new ones!”

“Not the worst idea,” Miles shrugged.

“Plus,” Kai continued, smiling coyly, “I think we have someone else in the group who might be open to doing some of the dares!”

Leo recoiled slightly, holding his breath for a moment as he looked round nervously.

“Lucas is low-key into it too!” Kai stated.

Leo exhaled, then frowned over at Kai and then Luca, but didn’t say anything.

“Seriously, dude?” Caleb asked, looking both amused and surprised.

Luca blushed as he looked at Kai vaguely menacingly as he said, “After the stuff you guys just told me, I’m DEFINITELY not at Kai’s level!”

“Yet!” Kai added with a wicked grin.

“Hmmm,” Luca hummed disapprovingly, “But… I dunno, some of it sounds kinda fun!”

“Well how about they both get dares, but we only add the nastier stuff onto Kai’s ones!” Miles suggested diplomatically, getting immediate nods of agreement.

“Great, then dump out those dares and let’s get some new shit going!” Kai said excitedly. He watched as Leo tipped the dare bag out into the bin.

“How about these?” Leo asked, holding up the punishment bag.

“Why don’t we get rid of that entirely,” Leo suggested thoughtfully. As the others waited for him to elaborate, he smiled briefly at Kai and said, “This stuff’s all, like… voluntary and… supposed to be fun, right? So… let’s not be mean and go punishing anyone for stuff we’re meant to enjoy!”

“I like that,” Kai said, smiling happily back at his brother for a moment.

The boys quickly set about refilling the dare bag with ideas, casually chatting away about how things could work with the new set-up. Caleb, Miles and Leo would still take turns to draw dares, each having to do the ‘basic’ version of it. Once they completed it, a coin flip would decide whether Luca would do the same dare, or whether Kai would get to do it, now with all four of the others adding their ideas to make it harder for him.

“Okay, okay, stop,” Miles eventually called out, holding the bulging bag as he smirked, “I’d say we’ve probably got enough! And it’s Caleb’s turn, so, here ya go!” He offered the bag to Caleb.

“What? Why’s it my turn?” Caleb asked defensively.

“Because it’s your turn!” Miles said matter-of-factly. As it got a smirk from the others for the amusing obviousness, Miles rolled his eyes and explained, “The last official dare bag dares were the eleventh of August with the high-five thing in the square, which I did, and then the one after that was on the twenty-third. It was the blow job one Leo had to do!”

Leo blushed profusely at the mention of his last dare. Kai frowned a little as he remembered it, or rather, what it should have been. He had found the slip of paper Leo had drawn from the bag. His brother had claimed the dare was to give someone a blow job, but when Kai found it, he saw that the dare had just been about tickling. He had been a little too distracted at the time to give it much thought, but he cocked his head at his brother curiously now, trying to figure out why he might have lied about it.

“What are you doing?” Miles asked, squirming as Caleb grabbed at his head.

“I’m looking for your charging port. You’re clearly an android!” Caleb joked.

“Just cos you don’t even remember what you had for breakfast this morning doesn’t mean I’m some kind of robot!” Miles pouted.

“Shut up, I totally remember, it was toast!” Caleb said petulantly.

As the others looked to Miles, he smirked and said, “It was Coco Pops!”

“Dammit,” Caleb muttered, “But proves my point!”

“Oh my god, stop stalling and pick a fucking dare!” Leo grumbled.

“Fine,” Caleb huffed as he reached into the bag and pulled out a piece of paper. “Ah come on,” he groaned as he read it. As the others tried to grab for the paper to see what had caused the reaction, he yanked it away, rolled his eyes and complained, “Give a sexy lap dance in your underwear to a random member of the group!”

“Woo yeah, bring it on!” Miles cheered excitedly before proudly proclaiming, “That’s one of mine! Let’s roll a dice to see who’s getting to see Caleb’s sexy, sexy dance moves up close!” As everyone except Caleb laughed at the tease, Miles started pointing round the group starting with himself, then Leo, Luca and Kai as he said, “One, two, three, four!”

“Who’s on five and six? Mum and dad?” Leo asked, getting more laughs.

“Nobody, it’s a D4!” Miles replied matter-of-factly.

“Never let humour get in the way of being nerdy, right!” Luca said with a grin.

Leo snorted with laughter and immediately blushed at the noise he had made. He was saved from any more embarrassment by the sound of a digital die rolling.

“Four it is. That was… Kai!” Miles declared.

The two boys looked at each other nervously. Twelve hours earlier, they were barely speaking to each other. Now they were… getting very intimate again. It was certainly an interesting way to celebrate their reconciliation.

“Can we… see who else is doing the dare before I do it?” Caleb requested, already red-faced. It wasn’t clear whether he was just trying to delay, or trying to share out his embarrassment, but nobody questioned it anyway.

“Okay, coin flip then!” Miles said, tapping away on his phone again. “Luca, as the new guy you can pick, are you heads or tails?”

“Umm… I’ll be heads,” Luca said nervously, suddenly faced with the possibility of his first dare.

Kai stared intently as Miles tapped his screen to flip the virtual coin. While he was already due a lap dance from one of the sexiest guys he knew, this coin flip was going to determine whether he had to give his own performance to someone else in the room, or whether Luca would have to do it. As far as Kai was concerned, there was no bad outcome!

“Aaaaand, heads it is. Our lil Luca’s very first dare, I’m so proud!” Miles joked.

“Damn,” Luca muttered, though he didn’t look anywhere near as upset about it as Caleb had.

“Who’s he doing?” Leo asked urgently, sitting forward. Realising how keen he sounded, he sat back in his seat, folded his arms defensively and said, “Just… thinking if it’s not one of those two they can do them at the same time, that’s all!”

“Okay, one, two, three, four,” Miles said, gesturing to the allocated people before rolling again. “And two, that’s…”

“ME!” Leo yelped.

“Yeah,” Miles said, resisting the same urge to tease Leo that he could see was tempting Caleb and Kai. “I guess… I’ll be the DJ then,” he shrugged as he started looking for a musical accompaniment.

The other four milled around a little awkwardly before Kai and Leo both ended up sitting on the side of the spare bed.

“So… underwear,” Luca said shakily, looking to Caleb with shared nervousness.

Kai had been so caught up in the prospect of what Caleb was about to do that he hadn’t even considered Luca. He made eye contact and mouthed silently, “You okay?”

Luca looked scared, but managed a meek smile as he nodded and mouthed back, “I’m good!”

Kai was slightly more at ease until he saw Caleb’s t-shirt come off, prompting Luca to start doing the same. Seeing Caleb shirtless was always exciting, getting to see the alluring bulkiness of his chest and the bulge of his arms, sporting a heftiness that Kai had found increasingly intoxicating over the past couple of months. He knew he was staring and only managed to stop when he saw more skin coming on show beside him.

Luca slipped his t-shirt off too. Kai couldn’t even remember ever seeing Luca shirtless. In the locker room, he was always hidden away in a corner, likely as a result of his self-imposed seclusion he had previously mentioned. The one time Kai could recall seeing him get changed, he hadn’t even been able to see anything, as Luca had worn a vest beneath his school shirt that concealed most of his body. Now, he had no such covering.

Kai stared as a narrow strip of Luca’s navel came into view. The first time they had met up in the library, he had looked under the table to find the other boy without trousers, and observed how surprisingly hairy he was, his pale, skinny legs covered in fine dark hair. It seemed that dark hair continued up a little higher as Kai could see a dark trail of it emerging from his waistband, continuing up to his navel as it was revealed. The rest of his torso appeared to be smooth above his belly button, as a toned, flat stomach gave way to an equally flat and smooth chest, crowned with two stiff, brown nipples.

As the t-shirt pulled up further over his head, Luca’s armpits were displayed, revealing dark patches of hair in them which Kai was absolutely transfixed by. He almost let out an actual moan when Luca lowered his arms, anxiously placing the discarded t-shirt aside.

Luca looked round at the others. All three boys were staring at him and he cowered back a little until they seemed to catch on to what they were doing and averted their gaze.

Caleb returned to stripping, and reached down to pull off his socks before slipping his sweatpants down to reveal his thick, muscular legs and tight boxer-briefs that contained his meaty bulge.

Once again Luca copied, undoing his trousers before sliding them down. Kai finally got a proper look at the other boy’s bare legs. They were just as hairy as he recalled, not excessively, likely more a result of his Italian heritage rather than an inclination towards being excessively hirsute. Much like the rest of him, his legs were long and lean, without being gangly. Kai himself was definitely on the underweight/skinny side of lean. In Luca’s case, it simply looked like he was a naturally slender boy. The other part drawing the gaze of the others once again was his underwear – a pair of tight, black, Calvin Klein briefs that hugged a firm but petite butt round the back and a rather ample bulge at the front. Was he well endowed? Was he semi-hard? None of them knew but all looked keen to find out.

The awkwardness of the moment ended up being broken slightly by Caleb, who patted the equally-undressed boy beside him on the back and said, “Nice!”

“Thanks,” Luca chuckled awkwardly.

“Oh my god, I could watch this all night,” Miles muttered, sniggering to himself from Kai’s bed.

“What was that?” Leo called out, scowling as he forced his gaze away from the two near-nude teens.

“I said the music’s ready!” Miles said with a teasing grin, “Shall we begin?”

Caleb moved towards Kai as Luca stood in front of Leo, neither looking particularly happy about it as they nodded their readiness.

Kai stared up at Caleb, smirking at his discomfort, then heard the music start playing. He took a second to recognise the song but as he did, he leaned to the side to look over at Miles and rolled his eyes, mouthing, “So subtle!” The mischievous boy had chosen ‘Kiss’ by Prince for the dual lap dances.

“Ah come on, I can’t do this. It’s too embarrassing!” Caleb sighed.

“Y’know what,” Luca said, suddenly grinning as he reached out to pat Caleb on the back, “It’s only embarrassing if you don’t have fun!” He suddenly burst into some dance moves, gyrating aggressively at Leo who recoiled and started laughing.

“Oh my god,” Kai started laughing at his new boyfriend, who was blushing but still smiling. He turned his gaze to Caleb and raised his eyebrows.

“Well I’m not being outdone by the new guy!” Caleb said with a slight eye roll before he started his own attempt at sexy dancing.

“WOO! YEAH!” Miles called out, cheering as he jumped up to watch.

Laughing happily Kai got pushed to lean back onto his elbows as Caleb straddled his lap, still dancing terribly.

“Good plan!” Luca said, doing the same to Leo.

By the time the song came to an end, all five of the boys were in agony from laughing so much. Luca had playfully mounted Leo a few times, gyrating against him. Caleb had done the same to Kai, but having squished the smaller boy with his bulk, he had been a little more careful in his later moves.

“Oh my god, that was so stupid,” Luca said, laughing more at himself than Luca as he jumped off Leo’s lap and started pulling his clothes back on.

“I dunno, I think I found my new career!” Caleb joked.

Kai remained on the bed, leaning back for a moment as he watched Caleb and Luca, then looked to the side. Leo looked back at him at the exact same moment, then in unintended unison, they both looked down each other and spotted the unmistakable bulge of an erection. They made mortifying eye contact once again for a split second in shared realisation of being seen, then sat up to conceal their arousal from everyone else.

As Leo and Caleb both went over to accost Miles for what they called ‘terrible taste in music’, Luca hung back and whispered, “I… umm… should I have done that? I mean… he’s your brother and I’m your…” He paused, blushing again.

“Boyfriend!” Kai said, still grinning at the word. It got a gentle giggle back from Luca too. Kai frowned thoughtfully for a moment, then nodded and said, “Umm, how about we just say… when it comes to dares, anything goes, but the rest of the time… you save those sexy, sexy dance moves just for me!”

“Deal!” Luca said, gently stroking Kai’s arm in place of actually being able to kiss him.

“Great,” Kai said as he stood up, finally free of the lingering erection, “Because I have a feeling that won’t be tonight’s only dare!”


John Warren

Amazing chapter! And I will give Leo his credit. So when does Kai tell Leo about his status change….and why do I have a feeling about Leo’s interest in Luca…sleepover already, can’t wait to see how it all plays out.