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[We really missed our cheerleader today. Hope you feel better soon!]

Kai sighed a little as he read the message from Oz. It wasn’t the only message he had received from members of Leo and Caleb’s football team. He had chosen to skip the match, despite his excitement over another potential dare from the team, because of Caleb. Things between them remained strained and the last thing he wanted was to put him off during the match or show up somewhere he wasn’t welcome, so he had feigned illness that morning.

As bad as it felt to miss a potentially fun day, it was really sweet to see so many messages wishing him well. The usual daily messages on social media had also continued as he had resumed posting his daily pictures. And yet, the messages he actually wanted remained torturously absent.

It was like he had slipped back in time a month. Caleb had been away, and not messaging, while he had also been waiting to see what Luca would reply to the video he sent. Now, here he was again, desperately wishing for a message from Caleb while waiting longingly for Luca to message him.

As Kai laid on his bed staring at his phone, he couldn’t help smiling as he thought about Luca. The previous day, he had stumbled across him in the library at lunchtime. After a slightly embarrassing but exceptionally revealing conversation, and an unexpected and equally embarrassing ejaculation, the two had just hung out for the remainder of the lunch break, talking and joking around until they finally got too loud, woke Ms Gennifer and got evicted from the library.

Since then, Kai had expected some kind of contact but… nothing! Kai had considered messaging first, but as he felt he had already taken the first step on several occasions, he didn’t want to seem too forward and scare Luca off, so all he could do was wait!

When he heard the front door, followed by excitable voices, Kai quickly pulled the covers over himself and curled up. As loud footsteps came up the stairs and towards his door, he closed his eyes to pretend to be asleep.

“Kai. How’s it going?” Leo asked boldly as he entered without knocking.

Kai just let out an incoherent groan.

“Caleb isn’t with us!” Miles stated, shaking his head as he smirked at Leo.

“Oh,” Kai said, throwing back the covers as he sat up. “Where… is he?” he asked, trying to sound indifferent.

“At home. Still grounded for another couple of days,” Leo said with a slight snigger. Sympathetic as he was to his friend’s plight, as well as constantly amused by the thought of Caleb punching his brother in the face, Leo still enjoyed when Caleb suffered. As he flopped down onto Kai’s bed, squishing his legs, he added a slightly disgruntled, “We lost, by the way!”

Kai grunted as he pulled his legs out from under his brother, sitting up as Miles joined them. “Well… umm… try harder!?” he said with a shrug, not really sure what else to say.

“Some of the guys said it was because they didn’t have their favourite cheerleader cheering them on!” Miles said with a sweet smile.

“Oh, so THEY lose and I get blamed!” Kai huffed moodily.

“Yeah, that’s not what they meant and you know it ya moody little cunt,” Leo admonished his twin as he shook his head. Flopping to the side so most of his weight fell onto Kai, he grumbled, “I can’t wait for him to get ungrounded so you two can, like… kiss and make up or whatever!”

“We don’t kiss!” Kai snapped, “And geddoff!” He shoved Leo, but ended up pushing himself back instead.

“God, it’s a figure of speech. Fuck, you really need to unwind,” Leo said, looking both annoyed and concerned at the same time.

“Or,” Kai said, pausing to look back and forth between the other two, “You can both fuck off out of my room and leave me the fuck alone!”

“I think someone needs a dare!” Miles smirked.

“I think someone needs to go fuck themselves!” Kai retorted immediately.

“Geez, seriously Kai,” Leo said, now looking just concerned, “We just wanna help!”

“Then leave me alone!” Kai said, not quite as angrily, as he could see his brother was being sincere. “There’s a time for dares and… this isn’t it. Just… let me be alone, okay!”

“Okay, fine,” Leo nodded. “We’ll… go do something else!” he said, pausing a moment before he added, “For now! You’re not moping around ALL day. How about me and Smiles join ya for a movie night tonight?”

Kai wanted to continue venting at the other two, but he couldn’t keep it up and just nodded gently as he gave a meek smile.

“Sweet. C’mon arseface,” Leo said to Miles as he stood up, heading for the door. As he got there, he stopped, sighed and walked back to Kai, giving him a quick hug. As he approached the door once again, he saw Miles about to say something and snapped, “Shut up, Smiles!” before they disappeared.

Kai chuckled slightly as he flopped back down to lie of the bed. Staring across the room, he looked at the bed Caleb had used so often before they fell out and his mood immediately deteriorated again. Pushing himself back up, he decided to go out. While he trusted the other two to actually leave him alone for the afternoon, he could already hear them messing around (and probably squabbling) and wanted to get away from it.

He headed downstairs and slipped on his trainers, not bothering to grab anything else to wear as the warm summer weather hadn’t quite yet given way to autumn and it was a pleasant afternoon. With no specific plan on where to go, he just started walking and ended up heading in the general direction of Hanson Park.

The park was quite busy, which actually made for quite a nice distraction… at first. Kai had walked round, casually watching other people enjoying their day until he started noticing them – couples! They seemed to be everywhere. Young couples looking sickeningly in love, old couple looking annoyingly content in their togetherness, duos of friends messing around and having fun, pairs of mums out with their children on playdates. Everybody seemed to have somebody and Kai found it infuriating. Figuring the park maybe wasn’t the best idea, he headed back out. Perhaps hiding away in his room actually had been the best option.

Just as he exited the park, he stopped dead in his tracks and exclaimed, “Caleb!” There he was, standing right in front of him.

“Oh. Kai!” Caleb said, looking equally surprised at the encounter. He frowned a little and said, “I thought you were sick!”

“And I thought you were grounded!” Kai replied, a little more pointedly than he intended.

“Parents are out,” Caleb shrugged, then cocked his head to look at Kai questioningly as he asked, “And you?”

“I… started feeling better,” Kai lied, “Came out to get some air!”

“Oh, okay,” Caleb nodded.

They stood in awkward silence for several moments.

Kai eventually gave in and said, “Guess I’ll see you around,” as he walked past Caleb glumly.

“Kai,” Caleb called out.

Kai stopped and spun quickly on the spot, staring hopefully for a moment. As Caleb stood silently for several seconds, he eventually prompted, “Cay?”

“Just…” Caleb started, looking unsure what to say. He sighed softly and requested, “Give me more time, okay?”

Kai pursed his lips thoughtfully for a moment, then nodded, gave a meek smile and turned to continue walking away.


Kai stood at the top of the stairs, visibly trembling. Of course, anyone who saw him probably wouldn’t notice he was shaking, they would likely be too distracted by the fact he was stark naked.

After his run-in with Caleb, he had finally started to a feel a little more positive about things. After all, ‘give me more time’ suggested a future reconciliation and that had given him hope. But still, with things not resolved yet and still no message from Luca, Kai had felt like he needed a distraction. The mistake he made was in asking Miles and Leo to help him find one.

The other two boys had plotted for less than a minute before coming back to him with their idea. “Go and get the football from my back garden!” Miles had stated with a cocky grin.

Kai had been momentarily confused about why they needed it, until he realised they probably didn’t, it was just an excuse to make him go to Miles’s house, as proven when Leo added, “And do it… naked!”

Kai had refused. It was the middle of the afternoon, his parents were home, Miles’s parents were probably home, it was broad daylight and the street was moderately busy. There was no way he would be willing to do it. At least… that was what he knew he should have said. Instead, he was stripping almost the moment the words left his brother’s mouth. It would certainly make for a distraction.

Now that he had started, it seemed less like a fun risk and more like a horrifically terrible idea! The first part wasn’t even the difficult bit. Getting down the stairs and to the front door was virtually risk-free. His parents had settled into the lounge in front of the TV and likely wouldn’t move now. But still, fully exposed, all it would take is for one of them to wander out at the right time and he would face the ultimate embarrassment. Cautiously, he started down the stairs, mindlessly pawing at his annoyingly-persistent erection as he reached the bottom.

He got to the door and quietly pulled it open, creeping out silently before closing it behind him. He actually felt a massive wave of relief as he got outside, that quickly vanished as he reminded himself he was naked, outdoors, in the middle of the fucking day. He froze in place as a car sped past. If they had seen him, it would have only been for a split second, but it still made his heart feel like it was about to pound through his ribs.

“Fuck fuck fuckedy-fuck,” he whispered to himself as he scurried down the driveway to hide behind a shrub near the street. Once again he was torn between two options – waiting for the perfect moment to go, with the risk of his parents looking out the window and spotting him, or running blindly and risking being seen by anyone out on the street. As he glanced back at the house, his eyes were drawn upwards to Leo’s bedroom window where he could see Leo and Miles in absolute hysterics, both very clearly recording him. He flipped them off and made a dash for it.

Kai could feel the warm afternoon air across every inch of his body – blowing through his hair, licking across his scrawny chest, swirling around his exposed privates and bubbly butt – and yet it was his feet that made him feel the most exposed. The feel of bricks beneath his bare souls as he ran the rest of the driveway, followed by the paving slabs of the pavement as he continued on made him feel exceptionally nude.

He clasped his hands over his rigid prick and aching balls as he quickly looked round. Miraculously, the coast was clear. Aside from the car that had not long driven past, the road was empty and the footpaths similarly bereft of activity. Dashing across the road, he felt the surface change again, the paving slabs giving way to the warm tarmac of the road. He felt the slight sharpness of some small stones beneath his soles which made him wince as he scurried over and stopped at the end of the Benson household’s driveway.

Peering round at the house, he could see no signs of life, though he wasn’t sure if that was because nobody was home or just because they were doing other things. For all they knew, Miles’s parents could be in the back garden, where the football he had been sent to retrieve was. In fact, he wouldn’t put it past Miles to have planned that on purpose! A quick glance back across the road at his own house and he saw his two spectators still laughing at him. Figuring his luck with the empty street wouldn’t last forever, he took a deep breath and dashed down the driveway and to the side of the house.

He had made it without being seen… he hoped. His stomach churned with the constant dread that he was being watched by someone without even knowing. His cock was torturously hard as he kept it pressed firmly against his body. He gave it a gentle stroke with his hands and let out a shuddery gasp. It felt so good and he genuinely considered masturbating right there. It was only the chilling thought of doing the rest of the task with post-orgasmic clarity that prevented him.

“Okay, okay, nearly there. You can wank at home,” he whispered to himself. “Maybe with Miles and Leo watching,” he muttered dreamily, “Fuck, I want someone to see me cum!” He was excited and disturbed by the errant thought but forced himself to focus on the task at hand. Slowly slinking his way down the side of Miles’s house, he was aware of every sound that fluttered past him.

As he reached the corner and peered round, he was relieved to see no sign of Miles’s parents, though that didn’t mean they weren’t home. All it would take is for Mr or Mrs Benson to be working in the kitchen, where the sink overlooked the back garden, or be up at the study which had a desk up against the window and they would undoubtedly spot the naked teen the moment he stepped out into the open.

Kai tried to make himself go several times, but every time he took the first step he chickened out and stepped back. The football was barely more than a few metres away, lying in the middle of the lawn where it had been left. He kept hoping there would be a sudden strong gust of wind that would blow it towards him. Suddenly, there was a strong gust of wind… and the ball rolled just a tiny bit away from him. “Well fuck you too!” Kai growled to nobody in particular. “Fine,” he huffed to himself and made a dash for it.

He grabbed the ball and turned to see… empty windows. “Oh thank fuck,” Kai gasped, then felt the urge to masturbate once again. He held the ball under one arm and stroked his erection with the other, but as he felt himself getting close, the fear of how it would feel afterwards held him back and he stopped, his cock oozing precum as he hurried back to the side path.

This time Kai didn’t stop. Putting all of his hope into the street still being empty, he dashed straight down the path, down the driveway, across the footpath and into the road. He realised he likely should have stopped, if only to avoid being hit by a bus… not that any buses came down their road, but still, it could happen. Thankfully he made it across unscathed and not dead, scowling up at the two laughing boys once again as he headed for the front door.

Panting a little from the quick dash, he started taking deep breaths to regain his composure, worried his parents might hear his heavy breathing once he got inside. The breath caught in his throat, however, when he tried the door and found it was locked. “Fuck,” he whispered, realising immediately that it absolutely couldn’t be accidental. He scurried back far enough to see up to Leo’s window, holding the ball in front of his crotch, and gestured angrily to Leo and Miles with his free hand.

The window opened and Leo said as loudly as he dared, “We left the back door open!”

“Cunts!” Kai hissed back at them as he hurried round the side of the house.

Going in the back door meant sneaking past the lounge, but considering he had previously walked in fully nude without his parents even looking round, he figured it was just a minor hurdle. Part of him expected the back door to be locked too, just to mess with him, but it seemed the others had actually done what they said as the door was wide open.

Happily stepping back inside, Kai started towards the door to the hallway, but froze as he heard his dad ask, “Tea or coffee?”

“Fuck!” Kai gasped as he looked round frantically. He had barely more than a second to react, so he just threw himself to the ground, hiding behind the breakfast bar as his dad walked into the kitchen.

“Tea. And make it properly. Not that weak dishwater you drink!” Mrs Robinson called back from the lounge.

“Yes dear,” Mr Robinson said teasingly as he started filling the kettle.

Desperately trying to control his breathing and remain completely motionless to avoid detection, Kai heard hurried footsteps on the stairs, followed a few moments later by Leo saying, “Oh, hi dad!”

“Hey,” Mr Robinson replied cheerfully. “Fancy a cuppa? I just stuck the kettle on!”

“Nah, I’m good,” Leo said as he walked through the kitchen, looking around. As he got behind the breakfast bar, he spotted Kai and forced himself not to react to the naked boy, though a slight smirk did manage to force its way onto his face. Kai looked terrified, but at the same time his cock was hard. Actually, hard was an understatement, it looked almost painfully rigid, oozing precum. Kai was ready to blow!

“What you guys up to?” Mr Robinson asked, coming across to lean on the breakfast bar and talk to his son.

“Not much. Planning a movie night, which means about two hours of actually trying to pick what to watch!” Leo answered honestly as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Kai edged closer to the breakfast bar, hearing his dad right above him reply, “Ah yeah, been there! How’s Kai today?”

“Better,” Leo said, glancing down briefly. He tapped on his phone for a moment, then casually dropped his hand to his side, with the screen facing his brother.

Kai stared at the screen in horror as he read the words, [Cum before dad leaves the kitchen or I tell him you’re here!] He knew he couldn’t argue, and he didn’t know if Leo would actually do it. This wasn’t like one of the bigger things, where dobbing him in would get him arrested or expelled, he knew Leo would actively protect him from that. The only thing that would happen if Kai got caught now would be extreme embarrassment… and Kai really wasn’t sure if Leo would go through with it. Fairly certain he wouldn’t, Kai felt a surge of excitement at the thought of playing along and grabbed his dick. He began stroking as quickly as he could without making any noises that would give him away.

“That’s good. Your mum and I have been worried. He’s really not been himself!” Mr Robinson said with obvious concern.

“Don’t worry, I think he’s got his problems… in hand!” Leo said, barely holding back a laugh at his forced pun. He lifted his phone, tapped a few more times and started recording before he dropped it back down to point at Kai.

“I’m glad,” Mr Robinson said with a stern nod as the kettle clicked off. As he turned to start making the drinks, he asked, “So how’s year eleven so far?”

Kai was continuing to masturbate, unsure how he felt about the conversation. He couldn’t deny that his parents had a far from active role in his life, but it sounded like they really did care, and noticed more of what was going on with him than he realised. He didn’t really have much chance to contemplate his feelings on it as all that mattered now was complying with Leo’s demand.

“Meh, a lot like year ten but with more annoying little kids around,” Leo shrugged.

“Hey, YOU were one of those annoying little kids a couple of years back. Be nice!” Mr Robinson admonished the boy.

Kai could feel himself getting close. He kept his lips pressed tightly together to stop himself from moaning. It felt so good. He hadn’t cum for quite some time, he had edged a lot, he had just run around naked in broad daylight and he was at risk of being caught naked and wanking by his dad. All of that added up to a toe-curlingly intense orgasm that was just moments away.

“Be nice to year sevens? Umm, puke, no!” Leo scoffed. “If we start being nice to the new kids, then how will they learn to hate and fear school? What’s next? World peace? Eternal harmony? I don’t think so!”

“Sure, and nobody wants that,” Mr Robinson said sarcastically. “Here, look, d’ya think this is strong enough,” he asked as he held out a mug towards Leo. “You could virtually stand a spoon up in it! Reckon your mum’ll be happy?”

“I reckon there’s more chance of me being nice to a year seven!” Leo sniggered. He flinched a little as he suddenly felt a spurt of warm wetness across his feet, then another hit his shin, and another landed on his foot. Glancing down as soon as his dad turned away, he saw the red-faced, sweaty Kai, his jaw agape as he held back moans from his release.

“Well, wish me luck!” Mr Robinson said as he headed back towards the hallway carrying the two mugs.

“You’ll need it,” Leo sniggered, then looked down at Kai and grinned.

“You are an absolute cunt!” Kai whispered angrily.

“Hey, you wanted the distraction,” Leo replied quietly, “Don’t blame me for just being really fucking good at it!”

Kai just glared angrily as he rushed out and back up the stairs, leaving Leo to clean up his spunk.


John Warren

Can we get a teddy bear version of Kai?! i just want to hug and hold him and protect him…oh and have his dad walk around that breakfast bar too 🤣


Loved the tension with this predicament. Its great how Leo can be so supportive towards Kai but evil enough that his threats seem genuine.