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Hello everyone,

I would like to inform you about some changes I have made to the Patreon plans. Due to personal health reasons, I am no longer able to deliver monthly rewards on time. As a result, Tier B/C users will receive a fixed "Custom Reward" at the end of each month. The "Custom Reward" will have the same nature as Tier C rewards, allowing you to freely choose the reward you want for that month.

However, the projects that you have voted for will continue to be completed, although the completion time may be extended by approximately one and a half months. Once a project is completed, I will immediately deliver the corresponding reward, without any additional charges as long as you remain a Patron member.

After the completion of all the works, the next round of character voting will continue.

Lastly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your continuous support.



Patreonのプランについて、いくつか変更を行うことをお知らせしたいと思います。個人的な健康上の理由から、月ごとのリワードを予定通りに提供することができなくなりました。そのため、Tier B/Cのユーザーは毎月末に固定の「自選リワード」を受け取ることになります。この「自選リワード」とは、Tier Cのリワードと同じ性質であり、当月にご希望のリワードを自由に選択できます。






我希望通知大家,我做出了一些關於 Patreon 方案的變更決定。出於個人健康狀況的原因,我已經無法按時完成每月的獎勵。因此,Tier B/C 用戶每月月底將會收到固定的「自選獎勵」。所謂的「自選獎勵」與 Tier C 的獎勵性質相同,您可以自由選擇當月想要的獎勵。

同時,大家投票的作品將會繼續完成,只是完成時間可能會延長約一個月半左右。作品完成後,我會立即發放獎勵,只要您仍然是 Patron 會員,將不會有任何額外費用。在所有作品完成之後,下一輪的角色投票將會繼續進行。



Josh Grilli

Health comes first, im new to your patreon but I know how tough it is to battle health issues while trying to meet deadlines. Stay healthy <3

