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I'll be as brief and frank as i possibly can.

The Commission Tiers as they are are too much work for a single person i tried my best but it's really to much.


Before raising the price i'll be changing the content of each tiers.

30$ tiers: no changes.

40$:  single refined sketch with flat colors ( 2 characters max)

60$:  fully colored pic upgraded (2 characters max) 




How soon will this be effective?


So, but what about fur the pending payment in a few days? Will the tiers still be the same till then?


the change isn't retroactive, the owed commissions will still be worked as the tiers are right now.


Right, right. I’m not worried about the owed comms, but im asking if once payment is made in 2 days, will the pledges -for that payment- still be the same one colored and 2 sketches? Also, I’d love to pledge both to the Grand financer and ardent backer pledges. But it doesn’t seem to let me. I’m afrayd if I update the pledge, it’ll only give me one or the other and I’d rather not lose my current pledge trying to ‘cheat’ the system, so to speak


noticed that. as said, the pledges from june forth will fall in the changes i just wrote above. also you can't pledge to two tiers. the only thing you can do is change to a personalized donation. it should allow you to set your custom price (in this case both tiers you'd set 100$).


Okay, just so my dumbass gets this; June payment, I.e two days, will be a pledge payed for your new pledge installments.. right? If so, yes, id love to go ahead and update my pledge to 100 for essentially both pledges


that should be granted, you have till 1st of june but better act fast, i'm not sure WHEN they actually do the taking.


sorry just wanna clarify, so does that mean its just simply 1 commission with 2 characters with flat colours like what i have been asking?


Patreon is doing that weird thing where it doesn't display all the comments, so apologies if some of my thoughts were said already. It's completely understandable that there would be changes made. 2 different sketches + a colored picture for $60 is really cheap, especially for your tier of art. I feel like you would need to establish what constitutes a fully-finished picture, as some of your art really gets incredible polish (your lighting effects are god-tier) and some doesn't. Also, I think that the $30 tier is a bit much for sketches, but take that what you will. I will be sad to see this go, but I can understand. I know you run short on time, and probably being asked to draw the same 10 characters all the time would get boring. At the moment I know that your queue of rewards is probably pretty darn long and you don't really get time to draw much other than commissions. My question is, what would you do with the extra time saved by cutting the rewards? Could we expect another Discord x Celestia comic, or art that you drew because you wanted to? My worry is that 95% of the postings these last few months have been rewards, and that by cutting a majority of the sketches that go along with them would leave little for the $5 backers. Would adding access to livestreams (if you would do them) to the $5 tier be a good idea? That would be something to add that shouldn't take up much extra time. Sad to see the best deal on Patreon go, but I can understand. Any thoughts?


it is still a pretty good deal in my book, i truly can't find one that gives you better for the price, i checked. the main problem is as you said the pics outside commissions. i do really owe much to you and my other commissioners a lot and i'll never say how thankful i am. the 30$ tier has been so far the most fair to me considering the price/hour of work. the main thing is exactly that, with more time i'll be able to work on more pics and comics (i have like 2-3 note blocks full of scripts for comics and yes some are dislestia based)


also about the livestream i was thinking of doing that, i already have a picarto i just need to set it up nicely and see if i can work with that.


I didn't mean to offend you mate, you're far and away the expert. Out of curiosity, how long does it take you to do the sketches, provided that you aren't asked to make edits? I feel bad every time I ask you to tweak something. I do hope you decide to start with something Dislestia-based! Both of those were fantastic, and the Shiny / Cadence one was super cute as well.


Something else to think about, why not start up a discord server? That way you can also have people chat and stop by, also it would be a way to notify people when you go live on Picarto.


offend? you didn't offend anyone don't worry. i was just being as honest and business like as possible. cause this is what this is supposed to be (or at least most of it) and yes most likely the first comic i will make on my own will be a discord x celestia. about the time per sketch? i really don't know, i'm pretty fussy about doing stuff right.


the notification for livestream is pretty nais but the notification arrives either way through picarto itself, at least for me it does. but that is still and idea i'll take in consideration ;)


The picarto notifications are hit-or-miss. Sometimes they don't go out, or take more than a few hours to show up. Generally the only way to be sure to get a picarto notification is to stay logged into picarto at all times, but I don't know of many people who do so. The Discord could also get more people interacting with you and your art. It's also a good way to get people invested in the community, and it makes it easy for people to be able to tell others about your art. I'd highly recommend it, and I'm more than willing to help you set it up! If we do that, I could also set it to automatically notify people, you wouldn't have to post an announcement to the Discord. :) But yeah man, the hard work does show! :)


true dat. i'll see how that can be set up i have someone that already does that so i might get a few pointers for that.


Alright mate. If you want assistance, just let me know. I've done set-ups for a few different people, including automation and other stuff. Something that's also fun is that Patreon roles also integrate into Discord, so you could also use that. :)


Sounds good to me Fallen.


Should I change my support amount now or wait til June 1?


change support amount? what do you mean? are you interested into the top tiers? what are you interested in? flat color or full color?


well then, you should probably wait to pay next month for the 30 after that you can pledge to 40 and it will automatically take the missing 10.