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Hi there are leaks of my stuff. This sucks, I’m gonna try and contact like the sites involved and get it sorted out/taken down. The most I can do is post everyday now on this Patreon, since they can’t leak it all I guess. But please stop leaking my stuff, if I figure out who you are I’ll simply just remove you from the Patreon and not give you a refund.

~ anyway I have more outfits coming in today! Hopefully I’ll be able to wear them and my stupid period will be gone, if not expect a little bit of content today and also a lot more content tomorrow! Thank you and stay safe lovelies 💕



I better see a lewd vr headset


I'm sorry this is happening to you already


Why would someone want to ruin such thing?


People are just assholes and can’t just enjoy this


If you find out who it is you can take Legal actions as well


Watermark your content

Jesse Handley

Ffs people ruin all good things. I'm sorry this is happening you dont deserve that shit. You definitely should watermark like ashes said. Itll majorly help you as well as simply it's a good thing :)


Smh man, people really can’t just leave a good thing alone w/out trying to ruin it


Oh wow, the disrespect towards you from the one/those responsible. I'm really sorry this is happening and I hope it will get sorted out sooner rather then later.


Yeah unfortunately everybody gets leaked. Best you can do is quietly fight them, you know the internet if you tell them NOT to do something a ton more people will do it just to spite you


It unfortunately is an inevitable part of all this. If you watermark your content it at least, in part, turns into advertising. People pirate books, movies, everything. Take down what you can from sites but I wouldn't suggest making it a huge focus and risk your happiness/wellbeing over it.


There's always gunna be leaks.


I found a subreddit dedicated to leaking your patreon, if you want the link so you can DMCA it.


It's the cheap mf looking for free clout. Don't care about anyone but themself. Alot of talk on Reddit about a leak sub, just fyi.


That’s why you start with the lewds I guess. Sucks it’s happened though


And this is why we can't have nice things.


I can’t believe how awesome this community is. Amazing support. No one’s super pushy and if they are people shut them down quick. I like it here


Looking forward to some exposed booty!


Naomie, you can hire a company that's dedicated to issuing DMCA takedown requests on leaked content. That way you don't have to manually do takedowns.


Happy holidays & stay positive let’s all end the year great & begin a new one better


Smh, im sorry thats happening to you


Figures, this seems to happen to everyone. Theres companies you can hire to help you police that stuff if it gets really bad.


Bruh. More pressing things right now like making sure we still can see them.


I just hope you find the mf thats leaking, and power through. Would hate to see you quit over something like this😩😥


I tried reporting some of it and reddit said it didn’t go against their rules or some shit. Kinda wack


Ppl like this ruin it for everyone. I hope you can get it all squared away.


This calls for mass reporting, I visited two different subs and they’re posting stuff from even before she turned 18


How has everyone’s day been?