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No photos from me tonight! Sowwy 🥺👉👈 was having a bit of an off day and haven’t been feeling good for a bit! Maybe I’ll post later in the day, not sure, but I might just take a mental health day! I don’t wanna burn myself out! 💗 also as for the tiers that have access to mt personal Snapchat! Sorry if I don’t respond tonight or tomorrow! Once again i haven’t been feeling well but should be feeling better by Saturday! ☺️



As I've been saying before. Ones own health comes first. If you need a day or two off then do it. No need to say sorry for it 😊


It’s all good Naomie; you’ve been spoiling us with a lot of content this month (and last month). Definitely feel free to take a break.

Ryan Ortiz

I swear to god if you don't feel better soon I will completely understand ❤


Feel better


Everybody needs some time for themselves, no need to apologize. Hope you feel better soon.


Take your time to be a human