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Required: looks menu and f4se. Make sure that "esp" is activated.

Rona from Metro Conflict: The Origin,

Select "Rona MCTO" preset in the LooksMenu,

link PASSWORD IN DISCORD (you will have to link your discords to your patreon account)

  • If you want to replace the face of a follower with the face of Rona, tell me about it I will do it for you
  • If you find any problems with it, let me know.

To get clothes and glasses :

  • enter in the console "Help Rona 0" - and find ARMO ID
  • scroll the text with the mouse wheel,
  • then add the clothes to your inventory - "Player.additem ID 1"

Included BodySlide files.




Textures don't seem to be loading in the preset. Files all look to be in place, and all your other presets are loading fine so it doesn't seem to be Looksmenu having an off day, but it certainly looks as though its loading the vanilla face texture. Looks great in the pictures though, and thank you for all your work, you've made some amazing stuff that's made me replay the game far more than I otherwise would have done.


thank you, try to select 1 face first, then select Rona preset


I tried that, but I'll try it again later with a new game, I guess it's probably a Looksmenu issue as nobody else has reported problems. Thanks again Pavel, and for taking time to reply.


try to write to our support-mods in the discord server, maybe the guys will help


Seems to work just fine on a new game, I'll play around with it and see if I can isolate the problem. Seems its obviously a problem at my end anyway, and easily fixed with a new game, so thanks again for your work. Stay safe and happy Pavel. .........edit: it was my fault entirely, I didn't actually load face 1, by squeezing the trigger on my controller it loaded face 2 first, I had to 'scroll back' to face 1. Actually loading face 1 was the fix, as you said. Sorry to trouble you.


The armour is a work of art! 🤣 Great job!