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Hey hey hey,

Just posting an update here. Now that I'm going through the to-do list, there are currently three animations in the works. Two with Patty and the Kirby one. They will be posted in the folders once they are finished! As for the big project, video editing has been slow since my editor keeps crashing. Audio editing is a pain, but I'm getting through it! Other than that, working on the pacing and such with all the raw footage has been tough. I wish I had spent even more time animating it but I was far too burnt out to keep adding more/revising it. If I had the energy and time for another two passes it would have been amazing, but sometimes we just have to wrap it up and move onto the next project.

Stay tuned, I'll be posting a WIP in the exclusives folder for those who are interested in checking out what I've got planned.

