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part 1 - (with picture) https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-66265441

part 2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-2-51082720

part 3 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-3-51456788

part 4 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-4-58489117

part 5 -https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-5-58806577

part 6 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-6-59042944

part 7 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-7-66618393

part 8 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-8-74401579

part 9 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-9-74984065

part 10 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-75631990

part 11 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-76497057

part 12 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-77086667

part 13 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-77644186

part 14 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-78459939.

part 15 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-79002613

part 16 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-80051823

part 17 -https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-80761678

part 18 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-84277192

[part 19]

Rose's interest fell short pretty quickly. "I'm going in my room" she announced, and took the microscopic girl with her, along with her shoes and their new inhabitants. Christina was now paying even more attention with her heavy brush, trying not to accidentally hit any of the unfortunate women stuck between the monstrous toes of the girl that had imprisoned them. It was actually much easier not to smudge the paint on Angie's skin, but she had to move around more obstacles than earlier, not to mention that she was in much need of a break, considering how tired she was getting from the straining job. Luckily for her, she had completed one foot, and stood over the last toenail while she tried to regain some strenght in her fatigued arms. 

"Why did she say it was your idea?" one of the girls eventually hissed from her uncomfortable position. "I didn't - i couldn't imagine that-" Christina tried to defend herself, but another one of the girls came in her help "Oh shut up! You really think this isn't another of her games?" It was ridiculous. Those girls' chests were easily compressed by toes that surpassed them in weight and strenght, effectively making it impossible for them to move. The girl who had spoken last had her breasts squished upwards by Angie's third toe, and even though it looked very painful, she looked like she had gotten used to the abuse.

"Aaaaw, are you making new friends? How cute!" Angie's face popped up from the horizon. "But now is not the time to socialize!" The cruel girl visibily squeezed her toes, and the girls suffered painfully from the seemingly insignificant gesture. "Help them out, will you?" Angie offered the tip of her foot to a confused Christina "Come on! We got another foot to go!" she insisted, and only then the shrunken woman realized what she wanted from her. She grabbed the arm of one of the girls and pulled as much as she could. When she finally came off, the residual strenght she had been using made her fall over her, knocking both girls on the ground on top of one another. "Sorry!" Christina was quick to stand up, deeply uncomfortable with her nudity while she had another person on top of her. The girl seemed unfazed by the ordeal, and after she stood up, she helped her pull out another woman from the toe gap she was occupying. It was much easier now, and it was even easier with the third, considering that there was yet another person helping with the pulling. 

What became inexplicably frustrating should have been the easiest. The last girl was stuck in the relatively large gap between the big toe and the second, but she wasn't coming out despite the combined effort of four women pulling. It soon became clear that Angie was playing a twisted game of tug-o-war with her slaves, laughing at their pathetic effort to pull their friend out of her vicious grip, all while the contended girl was visibly hurt both from the extreme pressure of the titanic toes, and the pulling forces on her leg and arm that her desperate companions were trying to snatch. "Come on Rebecca, we're almost there!" one of the girls shouted when the girl had slipped off a bit. Christina realized that she knew none of the names of the poor women she had brushed so close to. 

Suddently and without any warning, the pressure on Rebecca's strained torso ceased all together, and she was shot like a bullet towards the girls that were pulling her. They all fell on their backs, scattered all over the vicinity of the gigantic foot that was tormenting them, sweating and exhausted. "Strike!" Angie declared, satisfied, then she proceeded to easily stick the girls between the gaps of her other foot. She was relentless. But Christina was exhausted. Angie offered her the other foot, but she could barely hold the brush in her arms now, and as soon as she started painting the big toe, she fell with the thing in her hand, causing it to splash some paint on one of the girls' head. 

"Stupid BITCH!" Angie became furious. "Look what you did!" it was actually a minor inconvenience, but it was part of her power play. "I should make you lick it clean, but i don't want to die of poisoning". Despite her "nice" words, Christina couldn't feel grateful. "You are useless, you know that?" with a single sweep of her hands, Christina freed her prisoners from between her toes, and limped to her room, careful not to smudge any nail polish on the floor. When she came back, she had a bottle of acetone in her hand, that she used to clean her skin from the barely visible spot of varnish. "I'm sorry" tried to say Christina, fearful of a punishment "Just shut up" she was hushed by a frustrated Angie, while she easily wiped away the spot from her skin. 

When she was finished, she stood up and went to pour herself a glass of juice from the fridge. Without saying anything else, she sat back down and put both of her bare feet close to the girls who were still trying to catch a break. "Go on girls, lick. I'm too stressed for anything else" the giant declared, with the audacity of declaring herself the victim somehow. Christina observed how one after another, the girls meekly stood up, and walked closer to the feet that overshadowed them. Each of them found a suitable spot and complied with the horrific order. "You too, nail girl. Show me a reason why i should keep you alive". She didn't need to add anything else. Christina knew exactly what to do so she stepped forward, found a free spot that wasn't already occupied by her other unfortunate companions, and landed her tongue on the salty surface, doing jer best trying to make the giant happy.

In the meantime, Rose came back from her room. She was holding a piece of paper where laid a microscopic Stephanie. Rose had engineered the method in order not to lose her, exactly like she would do with a particularly small bug. She deposited her on the table, not far from the others, until one of the girls eventually noticed her. "OH MY GOD, IS THAT STEPHANIE?" the girl shouted, and immediately the others stopped what they were doing. All with the exception of Christina, who had already seen the poor girl minutes before, so she wasn't as shocked. She continued licking, and actually tried to dig her tongue deeper into the flesh because she knew that Angie would be upset by the commotion.

"Yeah, she's tiny, you are too. Big deal. Now go back to your job, chop chop!". The girls meekly resumed what they were doing, but one of them had apparently had enough. "You BITCH! You won't get away with this!" She was obviously venting out of pure frustration. There was nothing logical to her words, and she was soon aware of it, but it was too late. Angie looked at her with pure rage, and it was enough for the poor girl to practically jump back at the heel she was licking, slurping audibly like a kitten who's just been served a cup of milk. "Are you not going to punish her?" Rose sat next to her daughter, now in her home attire. "Yes, later" Angie answered, devilishly. For a second, she felt the tiny tongue stop, only to resume immediately after.

Rose extended her legs on the table, and the girls could now appreciate the size difference of her feet compared with her daughter's. If Angie's feet were already taller than every single one of them, Rose's would easily dwarf the tallest of the group. To poor Stephanie, they looked like skyscrapers. "I really feel like a massage" she said to her daughter. "Be kind and lend me a couple girls, i don't want to walk all the way back". Angie was enjoying the fact that five grown women were acting like her personal dogs, humiliating themselves beyond comprehension just for her mild amusement. She rolled her eyes, and said "Ok, but just because you brought a new one" She used her left foot to scoot two girls towards her mom. "Oh, speaking of which" the older woman said "I locked her in my bedstand for now, she was being too loud. But I'm going to need some help training her". Angie now felt an expert in the matter. "Don't worry mom, when she sees how small we can make her" she pointed at Stephanie, who was still in the football field-sized piece of paper, trying to make sense of her surroundings "She'll be easy to tame".

Christina and another girl approached the titanic feet of Rose, who had spent a long time in her office pumps, and it showed. Most of the sweat had dried since she had came back home, but the smell of perspiration was still quite present. Her soles were covered in barely visible particles of dust that the woman instintively decided to shake off by rubbing her feet together a couple times. Such an insignificant gesture for her, made it rain dirt on the heads of the poor girls who had just walked towards her. "Better in my hair than in my mouth" Christina thought, and eventually reached for the awaiting foot in front of her. As soon as her tongue touched the bare skin, she noticed the different taste that Rose's sweat had, and grimaced at the thought of being able to know such horrible piece of information. As she watched her unfortunate companion next to her, she thought of the day when this had all began, years prior. Maybe, if she had never escaped, she would be like Francesca now.  A slave, sure, but happy. She wouldn't have had to go through years of false hope, believing that the nightmare had ended. She woulnd't worry about a job, opening up a business, or paying the bills in time. She would have served her bratty owner, and maybe she would be rewarded for that. Instead of worrying about opening up shop and keep up with her annoying customers, she would wake up and make sure that Angie's nails would shine. Sure, it was disgusting and humiliating, but after all, it looked like she was going to do that for a long time anyway.



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