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[part 12]

prologue - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-prologue-47071748

part 1 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-1-47375560

part 2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-2-47875128

part 3 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-3-57357415

part 4 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-4-57931897

part 5 (with picture) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-collage-5-65081478

part 6 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-6-65680918

part 7 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-7-67755808

part 8 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-8-68207074

part 9 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-9-71656456

part 10- https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-10-72507955

part 11 -https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-11-81139395

It was late in the afternoon, and Hillary was slouching on her bed in her home clothes. She was wearing loose gym shorts, and a white tank top. She had finished her homework early, so she could afford to just do nothing for the rest of the night. With her phone in one hand, she kept scrolling tiktok after tiktok of people doing their stuff. It was quite boring, but she really didn't feel like doing anything else, and Anna was still at gym practice. She had Gloria in her left hand, gripped in her fingers, while her opposite leg rested on her raised knee. She was brushing the naked woman against her toes, in an effortless attempt to remove what little sock lint had adhered to her skin over the course of the day. There was of course no room for protesting, and the former real estate agent laid limp in the grip of her owner, while she used her body for something she would have easily done in a minute with some running water and a piece of cloth.

Hillary's phone rang, taking both women by surprise. "God you're such a boomer" the girl answered to the caller, automatically resuming the relatively gentle movement of the tiny woman under her toes. She was referring to the fact that Anna would prefer calling her rather than texting, something that was apparently reserved for older people. "Love you too, honey" the response was loud enough for Gloria to hear, even with her face plastered under the girl's bare skin. "I'm taking a shower, then i'm all yours, after we can-" Anna was interrupted by Hillary "You're already all mine" she said with a smile on her face, and judging by the brief pause on the other end of the call, those words had had an effect on her girlfriend. 

"As i was saying" Anna loved to be spoken to that way, and it was no secret "We can go watch a movie later" Gloria was unphased "A movie? Like at the theather? How old are you, 50?" Gloria would have been offended by the statement. She was 29, and she loved going out to watch movies. But right now, while having her face and most of her upper body smeared in someone else's toe jam and sock lint, she felt like it wasn't her biggest concern. "Pleeease" Anna begged "It's Amy Ramalk's new flick! You know i have a massive crush on her!". Hillary was struck by those words. Gloria could tell because the pressure she was exerting on her face increased significantly, and she was smothered under the ball of the giantess' foot.

"Excuse me?" Hillary asked, pretending she was jealous of a celebrity. "Oh come on babe! You know i only have eyes for you! But she's always been my fantasy!" Hillary's cheeks had colored red in anger. She wasn't entirely pretending; she knew perfectly that it was irrational to be jealous of a celebrity, and such a big one, but she couldn't help but be a bit hurt by her girlfriend's words. "I'll have to punish you for this, you know that" she teased her. "Don't threaten me with a good time" Anna giggled. "But seriously" Hillary continued "don't ever say something like that again, or we'll pay little miss actress a little visit, and then i'll have to -crush- your crush. It would be such a shame!" Gloria already knew that Hillary's frustration would be channeled on her, so it wasn't a surprise when the giant's gentle circular motions became strong as an hydraulic press. What had started as a gentle massage had become a full on self rub session, all at the expense of poor Gloria.

"I'll watch your stupid movie" Hillary said to her girlfriend. "But we stop at the arcade after". Gloria could hear a loud "Yaaay" at the other end of the call. When Hillary closed the conversation, she turned the woman in her hand in the direction of her face and addressed her directly "You're coming with me tonight. Are you happy?" Gloria was definitely happy to leave the home after such a long time, even if it was just to watch a terrible movie. But she had no time to answer, since Hillary cared very little about her opinion anyway. Very soon after the question, she dragged her back to her feet, and procedeed to use her head to scoop away whatever dirt and toejam was left in between her digits.


It was painful to admit, but Gloria was actually excited to be in Hillary's purse. She found herself bracing every second step, trying no to be stuck under her phone or her wallet or whatever oversized object was sharing her space. She could hear the faint sounds of the suburbs as her owner walked around, then the overwhelming noise of the subway, and eventually she found herself captivated in the undescribable noise of the city at night.

She eventually heard the familiar voice of Anna, who sounded glad to meet up with her girlfriend. She found herself flying in the air as she correctly assumed the girls embraced each other in a poweful hug. In the confusion of the uncountable voices and noises around her, she could not really understand what they were saying to each other, but at some point the the sky opened up over her, and she found herself face to face with the evil look of the two girls looking hungrily at her diminutive form. "Hi there!" Anna waved at in her direction, then the purse closed on her, putting her back in the dark. Only now Gloria started asking herself why the girl had brought her along at the theater, but there was not really a way to ask her. 

It was clear when the girls had sat down at their seats. The environment surrounding them had become much quieter, and the voices were muffled, waiting for the projection to start. Gloria even considered screaming for help, but immediately realized what a terrible idea it would be. She would only get herself in trouble, and she definitely didn't want that. After just a few minutes into the trailers, the purse opened again, and Hillary took her out of her confinements. While still holding her with her fingers, she signaled to her to keep her mouth shut. Gloria briefly looked around herself, and noticed that the girls had carefully chosen an empty row. People in other seats were just too far to see her, besides, who would believe that a person the size of a mouse was in the theater? 

It was the last look she gave at her surroundings, before she was lowered at ground level. Gloria cringed at the idea of touching that filthy floor, but to her surprise it had apparently just been cleaned. Sure, there was the occasional rubbish under the seats not too far from her, but the pavement wasn't sticky as she had imagined it to be. Close to her there was a single popcorn that had escaped the janitor's broom. by the looks of it, it could have fed her for a whole day, She was now surrounded by a familiar pair of ballerina flats, which encased the even more familiar feet of the girl that had kidapped her. Hillary carefully removed her shoes, and posed her left heel on the ground in front of Gloria, so the sole would be directly in front of her. That was why she had brought her along. She wasn't going to watch any movie that night. The only thing she would look at was the sole of Hillary's foot.

She had a pretty good idea of the reason why she was down there, but she still waited a command from her owner. She looked up, only to meet the gaze of the younger girl, who simply stuck out her tongue and pointed at her foot. There was no doubt what she wanted now, and Gloria knew better than to disobey. She tried to distract herself, following the story of a terrible movie she could only hear behind her, but the taste of sweat was impossible to ignore. She licked and licked. She kept licking even when her tongue felt dry, even when it started to hurt. She knew she couldn't stop. She then heard a noise on her left side. Nina was unlacing her shoes, and after she was done, she removed her socks. One pink and one yellow. She had stacked them on top of each other just a few inches away from her, and she had made it on purpose for sure.  So now, on top of the taste of Hillary's feet, Gloria had to endure the smell of her girlfriend's socks. 

The double exposition only lasted for a few minutes because, at her girlfriend's request, Hillary kicked Gloria on her side, and sent her tumbling between Anna's now bare feet. Thinking that she wanted the same treatment, Gloria tried to stand up, but was met with the unrelented pressure of the taller girl's sole that pinned her to the ground. As the sweaty appendage played with her diminutive form, Gloria saw Hillary extend her legs to cross her ankles on the seats in front of her, uncaring of whoever occupied it. Anna's feet were much bigger than Hillary's and she was much less delicate while handling her. Gloria did her best not to scream while the air was pushed out of her lungs with each stomp.

Both girls kept giggling at the situations in the movie that she could only hear, to the point that the girls in the row just in front of them started complaining. Gloria could hear them first speaking to each other, in the hope that the people behind them would be considerate enougg to  stop the noise after hearing them, until the one sitting directly in front of Hillary turned her head back to address the source of the noise. Gloria couldn't know, partly because of her perspective, and partly because her vision was mainly occupied by a pair of feet that dwarfed her in size and strength, but the girl in front had turned her head to complain, and was met with the sight of Hillary's bare feet directly in front of her face. Taken aback by such direct display of couldn't-care-less attitude, she was speechless, and blushing, decided to just ignore the talking for the rest of the movie.


After the movie, the girls had briefly stopped at the arcade, and had eventually gone back to Anna's place, but this time they had decided not to invove Gloria in their twisted games. She had some rest for the night in the unusual sleeping environment. It had been difficult to fall asleep while surrounded by the contents of Hillary's purse, but once she had dozed off, her sleep had been so deep that she had only woken up halfway to Hillary's house.

"Excuse me" she heard a man's voice call in her general direction while Hillary fished for her keys in her purse. It was familiar, even too familiar. "Do you live here?"




Interesting Setup!