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If it's your first time reading this story, i strongly recommend to read the prequels, or it'll make very little sense. 

prologue - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-prologue-47071748

part 1 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-1-47375560

part 2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-2-47875128

part 3 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-3-57357415

part 4 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-4-57931897

part 5 (with picture) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-collage-5-65081478

part 6 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-6-65680918

part 7 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-7-67755808

part 8 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-8-68207074

part 9 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-9-71656456

part 10- https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-10-72507955


[part 11]

She couldn't remember how she'd gotten there, but she was in her last year of high school, and she was supposed to submit a paper that was due the day after, but for some obscure reason she had just remembered about it. It was on a subject she knew very well, but the moment she tried to write something at the computer, words would literally melt. She then found herself face to face with her teacher, a beautiful woman in her 40's that was as pretty as she was strict. "Well?" Ms Robinss had asked her "I haven't received your paper yet. The whole class has already submitted theirs". Gloria dumbfoundedly looked at her teacher "What? I thought it was tomorrow" she protested, already on the verge of tears. "Don't give me that attitude, you have exactly ten minutes to hand me your paper" The older woman was unmoved by her emotional breakdown. "Or you'll need to be punished". Gloria was terrified. While hearing something like this from her teacher felt somehow off, she was already stressed out by the assignment, and knowing that she was so realistically close to missing the deadline made everything worse. The timer on the wall somehow accelerated its countdown. The minutes that she had seen on it had quickly become seconds - how the hell did it get there in the first place?- "And please, Gloria, wear something appropriate next time!" It was the cherry on top. The whole class laughed, and Gloria finally realized that she was completely naked.

She practically jumped out of her sleep. It had all been a nightmare. But the reality she was in wasn't much better in the end. Her stressful slumber was due to the fact that she was really supposed to keep an eye on time, only it wasn't to submit some stupid homework. She was supposed to wake up the girl who, drunken with power, had decided to make her life a living hell. Her subconscious had actually done her a huge favor in keeping her alerted. She had woken up just three minutes before 7, when Hillary had demanded to be awakened. Giving a look at her surroundings, Gloria quickly wished that her trouble really were limited to the submission of a school paper. Instead, she found herself face-to-face with the sole of a foot she had learned to know too well since she had been shrunken.

Wanting to make the process last as little as possible, she asked herself where her tongue would be felt the quickest, and immediately ruled out the heel. The skin there was too rough and it would take too long for Hillary to feel her. Instead, she thought of her own body, and tried to decide where she was most sensitive  between the hard padding just under the toes, or the mid foot. True, the first option was probably the quickest way to get her owner to come to her senses. Unfortunately, it was also where it tasted the worst, and she hated herself for knowing such a bit of information even too well.

The alarm clock was now pointing 7:01, and she was already past the time Hillary had commanded. There was not even one more second to waste. She crawled to the spot right under the mid and second toe of the gigantic girl, and used her tongue to tickle the surface, praying for it to be enough of a stimulus to get her to open her eyes. No response with the first few licks, so she just kept going, pressing harder with her tongue, and consequentially exposing her tastebuds to a full-blown assault. Not that she wasn't used to it, but this was even more intense than usual. It felt particularly humiliating to pass her tongue down those familiar ridges, maybe because Hillary kept sleeping despite her best efforts. 

It was hard to feel even more insignificant than usual, but the cruel girl was succeeding very easily - and without even trying. Her foot briefly twitched, sign that at least at some level, her efforts were felt. Gloria insisted on the same point until Hillary pulled her leg back, dragging her along with it through the collar she had designed the day before. Gloria came crashing face first with the hard part of Hillary's sole, and took a few seconds to be able to stand up again. She couldn't believe that what she was doing was actually irritating the girl. But the prospect of being punished was much worse, so she increased the intensity of the strokes of her tongue, despite how horrible she felt.

Unbeknownst to her, Hillary was now looking at her. Her expression now annoyed rather than pleased, despite having obtained exactly what she'd asked for. She observed her de facto slave at work down at her feet, and let her do it for a while, relishing in the power it gave her. "Hm." she cleared her throat, obviously just to catch Gloria's attention. The shrunken woman gasped, startled by the sudden noise. "It tickles when i sleep" Said the giantess, with a tone that didn't leave space for a reply. "Plus, didn't i tell you to wake me up at 7 sharp? Look at that! It's 7:09! Do you want me to be late?" Hillary turned the anger in her voice up a notch. "But princess!" Gloria panicked. "I tried t-" her sentence was interrupted when she was snatched up in the air. Hillary had simply lifted her leg, and the string tied to Gloria's neck was now tense up to its max extention, almost suffocating the woman while holding her mid-air. "You're useless, aren't you? I'm starting to think that i shouldn't keep you around anymore".

Gloria was literally hanging by a thread. She almost wanted to say that she was glad if she was useless to her if it meant that she would set her free; but the implications of what the giantess was saying pointed towards another, gruesome ending. In a frantic attempt to save herself from suffocating, Gloria used both hands to relieve the pressure from around her neck, but despite her ridiculous weight, she couldn't really do much. Was she really going to end like that? Smited because she couldn't satisfy the whims of a sadistic young brat? For a second, it even seemed like the lesser of two evils. Maybe dying wasn't so bad compared to a life of servitude. But then her survival instinct kicked in, and she used her last energies to beg for her life. "Pl-eeeh-a-seeh" she managed to mutter, her face red with anguish. "What?" the giantess swung her foot in the air, pretending not to hear. "Are you trying to say something?" she said, sending the naked tiny back and forth. "Don't... K..." was the only thing Gloria managed to add, before she came crashing on the mattress again. She didn't have time to take in the air she so desperately craved because Hillary's foot came landing on top of her one second later, smothering on the bed.

"I'm not gonna kill you, silly" The girl laughed, while twisting her foot on the naked body. "I know you tried your best - which is pathetic by the way" she added. It was an odd way to reassure her, but at least Gloria could breathe again. "We have some time before i leave, go on" the giantess gestured in her general direction, and Gloria didn't need more. Hillary offered the tip of her other foot and spread her toes so she could fit her head in between. The cruel girl hadn't left her a minute to catch a breath, she had put her to work again. While she licked the foul surface, trying to ignore the toejam she was forced to swallow, Gloria's mind went back to her nightmare, and thought that it wouldn't be so bad to be failing a class and be punished for it, instead of whatever her life had become now.

When Hillary was satisfied, she put her phone away and took off her toe ring. She left Gloria on her bed, with her neck still tied to it while she cleaned herself up. When she came back, wearing the outfit for the day, she put her back in her familiar cage, and without saying a word, she closed the door, leaving once again Gloria alone with an used sock, only this time she was also tied to her precious ring. It was very heavy, but still manageable. Gloria found herself able to roam in the confinement of her cage; it still felt like she was tied to one of those old-timey iron ball used for prisoners. 

While she was alone, she couldn't help but look at the ring that held her down, and try to imagine how her wedding should have been, but the more she tried to picture herself enjoying her hypothetical life, the faker it looked to her. As soon as she imagined herself during the ceremony, something always happened, to the point that she had to kick away the intrusive thought of a gigantic Hillary celebrating her wedding to her feet. "You may now kiss the groom" the cruel girl would say, and she, all dressed up for the occasion, would throw herself happily at the bottom of her appendages, lapping like a dog. What the fuck is wrong with me. She thought, after coming back to reality. She didn't know if it was her guilt speaking for how she had treated the girl back when she was bigger than her, but for sure it was almost impossible to imagine her life different from a foot slave now.




Happy to read this Story again!