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Part 1 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-1-74677814

part 1 (pic) -  https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-jin-75125109

part 2 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-2-75873772

part 2 (pic) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-kim-76155872

part 3 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-3-77400842

part 3 (pic) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-77778377

part 4 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-4-78686928

part 4 (pic) -https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-5-79132903

When Jun came back home, she couldn't hide that she was quite worried. She had left her tiny roommate all alone in her room, and she and her regular sized other roommate weren't exactly in good terms when she had left. She wasn't worried about Zoe's safety, but for sure Kim's unpredictable charachter didn't help her enjoy her trip to the fullest. And in her time alone, she had noticed that she was developing conflicting feelings towards the girl whose life she had saved. She surprised her own mind wandering towards new and unexplored places when thinking of the minuscle woman, and one night she had even allowed herself to indulge in her fantasies, knowing that touching herself while thinking of someone couldn't hurt anybody. She remembered a few nights back, when she had fallen asleep with Zoe at her feet, only in her mind it went differently. In reality, she had pretended to fall asleep, but right now she was exploring the possibilities that could have happened had she decided to engage with the tiny girl's behavior. She was too embarassed back then, and couldn't help but wonder what could have happened instead.

 When she opened her front door, she was surprised by the scene that unfolded in front of her eyes: Kim was watching TV on the sofa, her bare legs propped on the coffee table in front of her, all while Zoe was busy massaging the soles of her feet. The blonde's feet were shining with baby oil, and so were Zoe's hands. "Hey, shortie!" Kimberly waved at her roommate without getting up. Zoe waved at her with a smile on her face. "Hey girls" Jun dropped her bags on the floor, and the first thing she did was check on her shrunken friend. Even after inspecting her from closer, Jun was reassured by the fact that it looked like she didn't mind her position at all, so worry slowly gave in to an hint of jealousy when she saw how much Kim was enjoying her treatment. 

Noticing her look, Kim decided to tease her a bit "She feels amazing down there, you know" she said, wiggling her enormous toes. "I'm glad she finally accepted to do my feet as well, but don't worry, as soon as she finishes doing mine" she added, lowering her left foot on the side so Zoe could easily reach her toes "She's all yours again". Zoe turned her head towards Jun, and without slowing down the circular motion of her hands, she said "Take off your shoes, girl, I'll be with you in a moment!".

Jun really wanted in on the treatment, but she had to confess that she felt a bit uncomfortable after a long trip. She told her friends that she really needed to wash her feet first. "Nonsense!" Zoe said enthusiasthically "Fill a basin with water, some salt and just a bit of essential oil, and i'll show you what it means to be treated like a queen". Jun smiled involuntarily at the mention of being compared to a queen, so she quickly did what Zoe asked. She filled a salad bowl with warm water, threw in some salt and a few drops of orange scented oil, and basically ran to the sofa. "I'm ready!" she said as she removed her sneakers and socks. "Ew, make sure you wash it well after!" Kim said, referring to the bowl in Jun's hands, making the asian girl giggle. 

"Well, she's all yours" the blonde wore back her flip flops. "Thank you, Fairy-hands" she said to Zoe, tapping her head with her index finger. "I hope this wasn't a one off" and as she left, Jun could swear that she'd seen her wink at the tiny, but she had no idea why, so she decided that she had just imagined it. "How did she convince you to do it?" she asked her tiny friend, who was trying to get rid of the excess oil from the palms of her hands. "She was just very polite" Zoe lied. It was all part of an elaborate plan that Kim had asked to partake in with; the giantess had confessed her her love for her roommate the day before. And while it explained why she had called her with her name while using her as a living dildo, it was still hard for her to understand how she would be useful at all. What Kim had asked her was basically to try and get Jun to be used to be around women, so she could eventually make her move, and since she seemed to be very comfortable around her, probably due to her tiny size, she would ease her up in that direction. 

Zoe had accepted because it would allow her to explore a new part of her that she was just discovering, but while she enjoyed the idea, she really failed to see how her getting intimate with Jun would steer the girl in her roommate's direction. Nevertheless, she tried to get as much as she could from the pact.

"Won't your clothes get all wet?" Jun asked Zoe when she asked her to immerse her in the water. "You're right!" the tiny answered. So without thinking twice, she removed every piece of clothing she was wearing, only realizing her nudity when it was too late. She was quickly adjusting to it, but Jun blushed at how quickly she had stood naked in front of her. "Oh come on! Nothing you've never seen here!" Zoe joked, then jumped from the table to the basin, diving in it like a swimming pool. She then signaled Jun to put her feet in there with her, and the girl happily obliged, careful not to step on her tiny friend. The warm water felt so refreshing on her tired feet. She didn't really know what to expect at first, and when Zoe touched her skin she let out a surprised "Oh" that really showed how much she appreciated the treatment. 

Zoe's hands carefully explored the whole length of Jun's raised foot, not leaving any surface untouched. She kneaded, rubbed and caressed every single wrinkle of her sensitive skin, and the best part was that she was enjoying herself. She had never realized how much she loved feet, and although she couldn't really think of an explanation, she was happy to indulge in her newfound fantasy. When it was time to switch feet, she didn't wait for Jun to raise her other leg. She simply dove underwater and used her whole body to push against the bottom of the gigantic appendage. Shy at first, Jun instictively retractred her leg, but when Zoe encouraged her to step on her body, reassuring that there was no way she could harm her, she didn't think twice. She applied a very light pressure on the girl, and used her whole body for a deep tissue massage, almost like she was a stress ball. 

She kept her there for no more than 20 seconds, and afterwards she picked her up in her hand and brought her to her face. She wore a mischevous smile that didn't hide the pleasure she had been getting from the situation. "It's always you getting your hands dirty at my feet, and i have been thinking of a way to repay you for some time" the giantess said to the girl in her hand. "But my hands are definitely too big for the job" she said, using her other index finger to tickle the minuscle feet poking out of her fist. "Then i had an idea" She bent her neck so her face would look upwards, and after placing Zoe on top of her mouth, she stuck her tongue out. 

"Don't say that!" complained Zoe "I am the one in deb-mmmmmhh" she was interrupted mid sentence by the wave of pleasure that the immense tongue provided her with. "Oooh you like it the other way around too!" Jun teased her. When she saw the perplexed look on her face, she added "What? you think i didn't feel your tiny mouth on my feet the other day?". She was of course referring to the night when she had been carried away on her sofa. She had hoped she hadn't noticed her going to town with her feet, but it was now apparent that she had. Contrary to Zoe's fear, she didn't seem upset at all, but she left her no time to reply because she gave her feet a second, powerful lick that rocked her world upside down.

"I have to admit, it is a bit weird" Jun confessed, then she let the tip of her tongue run once again under Zoe's soles "And to be honest, i don't see the fascination some people have for feet" she emphasized the expression "some people", of course referring to the diminutive girl enjoying the experience "But hey, looking  at how much you are loving this is super fun" 



Brian Smith

Love this chapter! So sexy & fun! Loving that the 3 girls are really getting off on the situation and each other!


pure genius