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part 1 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/personal-trained-73858760

part 2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/personal-trained-77244805

[part 3]

May froze in fear. What the hell was that supposed to mean? She could only watch as Christina slowly walked towards one of the benches and sat on it, with one woman in each hand. In order to have freedom of movement, Crhistina eventually squeezed both her victims in the same hand, so she could use the other to remove her shoe. Both May and Vanessa started protesting, even if none of the two actually believed that she would ever do something like that. But each second that passed seemed to bring in the direction of Christina actually keeping her word about what she had enticed. The gigantic girl eventually lowered the duo towards the shoe she had removed, and deposited an increasingly worried Vanessa inside. 

"Stop! This is gross!" the beautiful girl cried out when her bare skin made contact with the dirty inside of a shoe bigger than herself. The fact that Christina had trained in it without any socks on was apparent by the humididity of the air inside. But then something even worse happened. Christina looked like she had every intention of wearing her shoe. "Oh no! Please stop screwing around!" Vanessa pleaded, before being pushed on her back by the girl's monstrous toes, which relentlessly made their way inside the shoe with very little consideration for the fact that she was in there first. 

May was dumbfounded. She couldn't find anything that would stop what was by all means an attempted murder, and helplessly watched as the giant in front of her set her foot to be comfortable with her friend underneath it. "Aaaah, great!" Christina declared, apparently satisfied. "This actually feels pretty good!" she said to nobody in particular as she rotated her ankle in front of her, appreciating her new insole. "And now it's strong woman's turn! Let's see how you hold up against my weight!"

Realizing what that meant, May panicked. She started beating her fists against the fingers that imprisoned her, but of course it had no effect on the immense strength of the hand gripping her. She watched in shock as Christina removed her shoe, and screamed the whole time while she lowered her towards the inside. She put up quite a fight, but it was easy for the giantess to pin her back to the insole with just one finger until it was time to slide her foot inside. Her screams and protests were finally muffled by the weight of the woman that she had mocked no more than an hour earlier. She was too terrified to appreciate the irony of the situation, but it was very clear to Christina. She had been offended by her sweat when they were the same size, and now she was being literally smothered by it. The girl smiled as she ground the bottom of her foot to the ground, knowing perfectly well that she couldn't physically harm the shrinkee, but savoring the great deal of pain she was inflicting her.

After stepping a few times across the empty gym like she would do if she was deciding wether to buy a new pair of shoes, Christina was sure that not only she could go back home like that, but also that having the two women under her felt more comfortable than a pair of expensive gel insoles. She fastened the laces of her shoes, gathered the clothes of her unfortunate victims in May's backpack and hit the road. Her heart pounding in her chest, she barely met anyone on the street, but was suspicious of any looks she got from whomever crossed her paths. She tried her best to act normal, but every single step she took reminded her of the heinous crime that she'd committed, and she even considered turning herself in before somebody found out. It took about five minutes to realize how absurd her paranoia was. The fact that she was using two people as cushions for her feet was so out of this world that there was just no way that anybody would suspect anything remotely close to that, even if she had given any kind of hints.  

When she entered her apartment, she was anxious of seeing the state of her prisoners, and quickly removed the shoe containing Vanessa. She laughed out loud when she realized that the shrunken body had adhered perfectly to the bottom of her sweaty foot, and after poking it a few times, she eventually peeled the barely conscious girl off. "How was the ride?" she asked, but Vanessa wasn't exactly responsive. Christina decided to play with her later, and after emptying a bowl that she'd used to eat chips the night before, she capsized it and imprisoned the girl underneath it.

She removed her other shoe while standing up, and noticed that May's body was stuck as well. She couldn't help but laugh at the pathetic sight, and after grabbing her by the ankle, she peeled the body from the sole of her foot. It took her a bit of effort because the sweat, coupled with the pressure she'd subjected her to, had made her basically sink in her flesh. When she came apart with a sound that reminded Christina of scotch tape being released from a wooden surface, she brought the woman to her face. "Whew!" she exclaimed sincerely. "You stink, babe!" she mocked her personal trainer, using her own silly word against her. The only things that came out of the shrunken woman's mouth were barely audible ramblings. She had just endured the worst experience of her life, and she was somehow still alive. She wanted to kill Christina, but she was unable to speak a coherent sentence, let alone move. The fact that she was a fraction of her size now didn't even reach her consciousness. It was like observing things happening to somebody else. That's why she didn't react even when Christina bound her wrists behind her back and tied her to a post of some kind, which she had no way of knowing was just a permanent marker hanging out of a cup. 

She fully came back to her senses only about ten minutes later, in the middle of Christina's ramblings about her being disrespectful to her and whatnot. Of all the people to own a shrink ray, this psychopath was surely the worst. "Anyway i hope you found our sauna service of your liking, madame". The crazy giantess sat at her desk. May desperately tried to get her arms free once she realized they had been tied behind her. "We'll discuss your training regimen soon, but first i'd like you to try our meal plan". She was obviously delirious, but nothing could have prepared May for what was to come. She watched as the monster in front of her used the tip of her index finger to scoop a bunch of dirt from between her toes, and aimed it straight to her face. "Come on, don't be stupid! Open your mouth!" the giantess said with a smile.





Always love to see a new chapter of this story! And all these renders - just great🙏


Really enjoying this whole story.