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Part 1 -https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-1-62064702

Render 1- https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-render-76004919

Part 2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-2-62653232

Render 2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-render-76430838

Part 3 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-3-63283274

Render 3 -https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-render-77473393

Part 4 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-4-63841505

Render 4a -https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-render-77922992

Part 5 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-5-64806202

Part 6 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-6-65325578

Part 7 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-7-66006209

Part 8 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-8-66865421

Part 9 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-9-67478530

Part 10 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-68058777

Part 11 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-68469764

Part 12 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-69136977

Part 13 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-75266348

part 14 -https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-76273753

[part 15]

The next half hour was unbearable. Rachel had put Erin on her desk as she unpacked her gym bag. Erin knew she was mad, but she couldn't find the words to apologize, and even if she somehow found the courage to speak, she doubted it would be of any use. And when she managed to ignore the fact that she was being purposedly ignored by her sister as she came back and forth from her room, her mind went to the fact that they would visit their aunt the next week. How could Donna even think of something like this? The logistics alone seemed like a nightmare. Where would she sleep? Whenever they would sleep at their aunt, she would get the comfortable queen sized bed, no questions asked, while Rachel and Julia fought over the top bunk bed. Holy shit, Julia! The younger cousin was just one year apart from Rachel, and whenever they would visit it meant that she had another victim for her bullying. She would often tease both girls, having them spoil her like a queen, but what would happen now that she was the size of an hamster and at the mercy of her sister?

Rachel snapped her back to reality when she sat at her chair with a loud squeak. "So? Anything to say?" she asked with an inquisitive tone. "I'm sorry Rach" Erin blabbered, knowing very well that she was in a difficult situation. Her sister shushed her, violently putting her index finger in her face, sending her on her butt. "No, you don't get to call me that anymore." she said as a matter of fact. "You'll have to address me as your superior from now on". Erin sat on the desk, rubbing her nose in pain while confusely listening to her sister who was drunk with power. "I was thinking... Princess?" she looked away, giving it a thought. "No, it sounds childish." she added, tapping her fingers on the wooden surface. "-Goddess- should do the trick" she said, triumphant. 

Erin, still trying to recover from the painful tap, said "Rachel I..." just before the younger sister slammed her fist on the desk, making everything shake. "What did i just say?" she hissed. It was terrifying. But Erin couldn't believe she was serious. "Sorry..." She actually had to swallow before saying it "Goddess". Rachel simply smiled, satisfied that she had once again obtained what she wanted in the blink of an eye. "Good. Anyway we're leaving in five minutes, do you need to drink?" Erin was even more confused now. "Rach-erm... Goddess" she corrected when Rachel turned her head menacingly towards her "What do you mean we?". And without losing her composture, Rachel simply said "I'm getting ice cream with my friends, and you're coming with me". When she noticed the amazed expression on her older sister's face, who hadn't left the house in weeks, she added "But you're not getting any ice cream. Did you actually believe that i would leave your little talk with mom slide off like that? No miss, you need to be punished" She explained as she removed the insole from her left shoe. "Now, heel or toes?" the giantess asked an increasingly confused Erin. "What?" the tiny answered. She had no idea what to say. "Too late, i'll decide for you. Mmmm... Toes" she said after thinking for no more than two seconds.

Erin didn't know what to say. On one hand, she was intrigued by the fact that she would finally leave the house after so long, but on the other hand, the perspective of Rachel punishing her was horrifying. Who knew what the wicked girl had planned for her. She wondered why she had removed the insole, and gave a look of disgust to the piece of fabric and plastic. A black imprint that had the exact same shape of Rachel's familiar foot had formed over the months of wearing that very shoe, and it smelled horrible even from her position. Erin started to figure out what was going to happen when Rachel started measuring a piece of tape, and when a flash from when she'd seen how Colette treated her tiny twins made her beg for her life. "Please Goddess" she fell on her knees, hands joined in prayer in front of her while Rachel cut a large piece of tape. "Please, don't do this! You'll kill me!" Rachel kept ignoring her, and eventually grabbed her naked figure in her hand. She held her body with her back against the worn insole while she whimpered for mercy, and after adjusting her position so her head was roughly aligned with the imprints of her toes she used the tape to tie her at waist high, holding her arms joined to her body. 

"PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!" Erin was crying at this point. She really thought she wouldn't survive this. "Oh shut up!" Rachel gave her little thought. "I'd tape your mouth shut, but i really want you to use it while you're down there!" were her final words before putting the insole in its place. The air became humid as Erin was lowered inside the shoe, until the point where she couldn't see past the opening anymore. She was face to face with the rubber tip. Nothing could have prepared her for what came next. She had become accustomed with Rachel's foot over the past month, but seeing it making its way through the confined space that it was supposed to share with her was an experience out of this world. She didn't even realize that she was screaming, until she couldn't anymore. The toes that had slided all over her naked body now compressed her face so she could barely breath, and when it was clear that the space was too small for both her and the oversized foot, Rachel simply pushed like she was trying to wear a shoe of a slightly smaller size. A simple gesture for the giantess, a world of pain for the tiny, who found herself compressed under the mountain of flesh way beyond anything humanly bearable. But she was a tiny now, and it meant that her body was practically indestructible. While it meant that she was almost invulnerable to the countless dangers that someone her size was exposed to, it also meant that the torture wasn't likely to end soon.

And when it seemed that it couldn't get any worse, Rachel started walking. Each step seemed to squeeze her soul out of her body, and Erin knew she would have screamed her heart out if her face wasn't completely flattened by five oversized toes. This was nothing like she had ever experienced in her life, and it seemed to last forever. She got a brief pause when Rachel boarded the bus, but the girl took great pleasure in playing with her tapping her foot rhytmically and squeezing her head using her toes, even to the limited degree of movement she was getting inside the shoe.

The only reason why Erin correctly guessed that Rachel had reached the ice cream place was because she got some momentary relief. The girl had probably sat down, and she could barely hear undistinguished voices around her, chatting like nothing was happening. Then the pressure eventually seemed to be sucked off her cage when Rachel unexpectedly unlaced her shoe. It was a warm day, but the air from outside felt like a cold breeze on her exposed skin. Rachel actually took her insole out of her shoe, and Erin could see the faces of Colette and Jess, who were sitting at her same table. There were other people in the park, but they were too far to notice her, and even if she wasn't held down by tape anymore, Erin knew she had no chance of catching anyone's attention. And to top that, there was the solid chance that people would just not care about a shrinkee.

"Unbelievable" Jess shook her head as she looked at the girl of her dreams covered in sweat and toe jam. "How can you do something like that?". Rachel smiled and said "Well, you just have to push a bit harder" purposedly ignoring the subtext of her question. Colette laughed at the silly joke. "Wanna give your crush a little kiss?" Rachel waved the insole in Jess' face, who turned her head the other way, disgusted by the sight. "Get that thing away from me!" she said, and Erin wasn't sure if "Thing" was referred to her or the insole. Even the girl who apparently idolized her was now disgusted at her sight. She was surprised when Rachel actually ripped away the tape that held her down, and she fell right in front of Colette's feet. The girl was wearing leather sandals today, and her immaculate toenails were painted a dark purple. She barely managed to stand right up, but Rachel said "Aren't you going to say hi to my friend?" and gave her a light push in the back that sent her basically hugging the back of Colette's foot. "Oooh, she's so passionate! I like it!" Colette said as she shook her off with a light twist of her ankle. "Come on, give my feet a little kiss!" she encouraged, wiggling her toes.

Still dazed from the hellish trip, Erin got to her knees and started kissing the top of Colette's right foot, almost automatically. It took her a while to realize that somebody else was watching. Since the french girl had her other foot resting on her heel, the sandal wasn't completely adhering to the sole of her foot, and she could clearly see the blonde squished between the sole and the inside of the sandal. She looked miserable, and even though she was looking in her direction, she seemed to be gazing right through her. Erin had just endured a fraction of what she experienced daily, and it had been enough to make her dizzy. She couldn't imagine what it would mean to live like that constantly.

Erin was distracted when a blob of ice cream fell from the sky right next to her. It had melted from Colette's cone and had fallen on the ground. "Look at that! Strawberry! Your favorite!" Rachel said, and it was true. She salivated at the sight of one of her favorite desserts, even if it was a mess on the ground. The drop that had fallen would be the size of a regular ice cream for her. Colette didn't waste any time, and after kicking her away from the top of her foot, she gently stepped on the pinkish blob on the ground, smushing it underneath her shoe. She then raised her foot so the bottom would face Erin directly and said "Please, help yourself". Erin knew she had no choice but to obey, but this was worse than usual. She tried to focus on the ice cream, but inevitably ended up swallowing some dirt from Colette's sandal as the girls laughed at her.

When they were satisfied, the girls spent some more time at the table, chitchatting about their daily lives. Rachel had removed both shoes at this point, and played with Erin like a stress ball under the table for the whole time, hiding her under her feet whenever a passerby would get close. There was nothing strictly illegal in what she was doing, but she really didn't feel like explaining herself to strangers. When Erin saw Rachel fishing a roll of tape from her purse, her heart sank. She thought the torture was a one time thing, but apparently her sister wanted her in her shoe for the way back too. Jess looked at her, half pitiful, half curious as Rachel taped her to the other insole, and the brat eventually said "look, i'll rent her to you if you want" when she noticed how she was looking at her naked body, and Jess's badly hidden smile when she said "Only if you wash her first" was the last thing Erin saw before entering her prison.




Fanastic chapter!🤩 So loved the insole punishment and the comeback of Colette and Jessica!💯

Brian Smith

Another great chapter! Can't wait to see how Erin's little cousin Julia is going to treat her!