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Part 1 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-1-74677814

part 1 (pic) -  https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-jin-75125109

[part 2]

As she put her hands on the feet of the gigantic girl, Zoe found it extremely difficult to manipulate it. She was way too small to exert any force on the flesh, but she really wanted to give her best to the person who had saved her. And despite how weak she felt while doing what she was asked, Jun seemd to enjoy her work. Zoe hadn't noticed at first, but the fact that the giantess was rhytmically flexing her toes was a direct index of how much she liked what she was doing. For a reason that she coulnd't explain, it gave her enough motivation to keep going on, unitl she eventually felt fatigue in her arms. "Is this what you had in mind?" she asked Jun. "Mmm-scuse me?" The giant girl seemed to wake up from a trance "Oh, sure, it's amazing!". Zoe was glad she could be of service "Good. I was afraid i wasn't strong enough for this!" she confessed. Jun gave a hearty laugh. "Oh, but you are definitely not!" she said, still snickering. "You can barely call this a massage!" Zoe was a bit confused now. She had just told her she was loving it. "It's just..." the giantess paused "It's a bit embarassing, but i love to have my feet played with. It's so relaxing".

Zoe gave her a weird look. So she wasn't giving her a massage as much as she was simply spoiling her. She felt a bit used, but in the end, the girl had saved her life, so she didn't feel like complaining too much. "So please, five more minutes, and then you can do my other foot" Jun said casually, raising her idle foot while playfully wiggling its toes. It was apparent how much she was enjoying this. Zoe was almost about to protest, then decided it wasn't worth it. To be fair, she owed her too much, and her initial fear of finding out that her feet would be dirty was unfounded. Of course, there were a few inevitable dirty spots here and there, but it was obvious that they were only due to her feet being in her flipflops. The typical smell of feet was easily overshadowed by the lotion that Jun used, and while the shrunken girl couldn't say that she was enjoying herself, she definitely was not the torture victim she was afraid she would be.

When Jun was satisfied with one foot, she gave Zoe a gentle push towards the other awaiting sole. It was not a particularly rude gesture, but Zoe felt like she would have never done anything like that to a regular sized person. She couldn't help but feel a bit toyed with, but decided not to complain. Even when she heard Jun moaning in pleasure, which she thought was very uncalled for, she didn't really know what to say. It was nothing overtly sexual in nature, but she felt like the girl was enjoying the treatment just a bit too much. And the worst part was that if she had to be honest with herself, she started to realize that she didn't mind to be at her mercy. There was something in the caring way she had been treated, and at the same time in the way the girl made her feel insignificant, that was tickling a part of her that actually enjoyed it, even if she couldn't fully understand why. 

"Mmmh, you're amazing" Jun complimented her work as she moved towards her toes. "You're basically just caressing my feet, yet it's the best massage i've ever had". Jun continued her praise to the work of the tiny girl. Her moans became gradually softer with the passing of time, to the point where they completely stopped. Not wanting to disappoint her savior, Zoe continued massaging the immense wall of flesh in front of her, determined to stop only if prompted by the giantess to do so. But the command never came. While she pressed her hands into the woman's heels, Zoe realized that the sensous way Jun had wiggled her toes up to that moment had become an almost imperceptible, non-rhytmical twitching. She had fallen asleep

Zoe couldn't believe it. On one hand, she felt a bit offended by the fact that Jun had dozed off while she was literally working for her pleasure. On the other hand, she could feel inebriated by the situation for that same exact reason. She couldn't explain why, but the fact that somebody held so much power over her had proven somewhat arousing. She was confused by the sensation, and she impulsively decided to pay a symbolic tribute to the goddess in front of her. She bowed and gave a tiny, unnoticeable kiss on the bottom of Jun's foot. 

The adrenaline rush she got out of it was incredible, to the point that after a few seconds of hesitation, she bent once again, and kissed one more time. Then again, and again and again until she lost control of herself, and just planted kiss after kiss on a foot bigger than her whole body. She was so immersed in what she was doing, that she didn't even hear the front door opening behind her. It was Kimberly, Jun's roommate, who had just returned home from a workout and had all the time in the world to witness the unbelievable act unfolding in front of her very eyes. "What the hell?" She said so loud that she startled Zoe out of her trance and even scared Jun awake.


It took Jun some explaining to do, all while holding Zoe in her hands, symbolically shielding her from Kimberly's inquisitive eyes. It was absurd from the shrunken girl's point of view. Jun's roommate was probably a foot taller than her, making her a towering giant even relatively to the already immense girl. She couldn't believe how much the gargantuan form of the athletic goddess in front of her dwarfed the woman who was already so big compared to her. Luckily, her ogrish stature didn't seem to imply any violent intention, but she sure was intimidating.

"Yeah sure, that explains why she's tiny" the girl cut Jun's explanation short. She had heart of those experimental shrink rays, but she had no idea that her flatmate was the owner of one. "But what was she doing down at your feet?" Kimberly barely held a smile while asking, while Zoe blushed at the mention of what had happened, guiltily hoping she handn't noticed her kissing. "Oh" Jun felt embarassed herself. "She was giving me a foot rub". Kimberly laughed at the mention of that. "Oh man i have to see that. Put her on the table, show me how it works!". Jun gave a look at the tiny in her hand, symbolically asking her permission. And since none of the two wanted to admit that they were enjoying the treatment a bit too much, they decided to pretend that there was nothing to hide, so Jun put Zoe on the coffee table, and gently put her bare feet next to her.

Under the fascinated gaze of Kimberly, Zoe went back to what she had done. Now exhausted, she put her hands on the soles of her new friend, and tried her best to give a massage. Kimberly couldn't believe her eyes. She laughed out loud, then sat on the sofa next to Jun, completely overshadowing her, and without saying anything she unlaced her gym shoes, removed her socks and put her sweaty feet on the table next to Jun's. They were so much bigger, and now that the girls had their feet so close to each other, Zoe could truly appreciate the massive size difference between the two. She suspected that the bigger girl would have been massively taller than her even at her normal size. "Great, now do mine!" Kimberly ordered, like she was talking to a servant. Zoe's eyes opened wide in surprise. Did she really expect her to touch her filthy post workout feet? It had been one thing to do a favor to the girl who had saved her life, but this was a completely different ball game. "NO!" she categorically refused, and she turned her back to the bossy stranger, while crossing her arms in defiance. There was just no way that she was going to be treated like that, and she was going to make sure the girl knew that.



Brian Smith

I love that Zoe is enjoying rubbing Jun's feet. It's a nice change from the usual theme