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The person who commissioned this story wanted it to be continued for a few more chapters. I know a lot of people appreciated it, so here it is.

Part 1 -https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-1-62064702

Part 2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-2-62653232

Part 3 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-3-63283274

Part 4 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-4-63841505

Part 5 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-5-64806202

Part 6 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-6-65325578

Part 7 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-7-66006209

Part 8 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-8-66865421

Part 9 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-9-67478530

Part 10 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-68058777

Part 11 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-68469764

Part 12 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-69136977

[part 13]

As she stared at her basket in the corner of the room, lit only by the dim night light that colored everything a light orange, Erin found herself actually wishing she could use it to sleep. Since Rachel had bought the humiliating piece of furniture, she had only been allowed on it during the day when she wasn't performing horrible tasks for her family. She hated to admit it, but it was actually comfortable. Not that she could complain about the mattress she was sleeping on at the moment -  she had personally bought it less than a year earlier  after all - but the softness of the surface wasn't the problem. What made her nights hard to endure was the constant kicking by her little sister, who wouldn't waste any chance at pushing, trampling or dragging her around using only her bare feet as she slept. Plus, now that the weather was getting colder, she had to spend the nights under the covers, where the air quickly saturated with the smell of feet. And even though she had grown used to it over the past months, she felt like she'd never stop finding it horridly unpleasant.

Like she was doing now, she sometimes had the chance of slipping outside of the bedsheets for some fresh air, but the unforgiving room temperature would quickly make her fall back to the humid air under the covers; not to mention the fact that Rachel would punish her whenever she found her outside. She just loved to keep her under control any way possible. And even though Rachel had forgotten to tie her neck to her toe a few times already, running just wasn't an option anymore. After all, there was nowhere she could go. The one she had hoped could eventually be an ally had turned just as much as a monster as her sister, even though she seemed to be blissfully unaware of her suffering. And trying to run out of the house was just out of the question. Erin still remembered the horrors that she and her college friends had inflicted upon a woman that had dared go to them for help after catching the virus, and shuddered at the thought that she was now in her same condition, probably worse. Even if she made it out of the house, the chance of running into somebody who would treat her worse than her sister was simply dreadful.

Rachel's alarm clock rang, eventually snapping Erin out of her fantasy. Rachel had set it at a very low volume, so it could only be heard by her shrunken sister. Since she hated to be woken up by the sound of the alarm clock, getting her awake had become another of Erin's tasks. And of course, she was supposed to do it by licking her feet. Erin crawled to the spot under Rachel's toes, where she knew she was most sensitive, and knowing there was no point in delaying the inevitable, she started licking. Although clean, her sister's feet had perspired during the night, so she had to swallow quite some sweat before even getting her to react to the strokes of her minuscle tongue. It took Rachel at least five minutes in order to start wiggling her toes in response of the tickling sensation under her foot, and even more to acknowledge that it was time to wake up. 

"Hmmmm, good morning, Toejam" she managed to say with her sleepy voice. Then, without further comments, she withtdrew her foot from Erin's care, and presented the other one to the girl who knew that she was exactly halfway through her morning routine. The two stayed like that for a few more minutes, while Rachel checked her messages, then eventually stood up, leaving Erin alone on the bed. At least she would get a few hours for herself.

When the giantess came back with the scraps from her breakfast, she hastily said "Hurry up and eat, mom is already working and she's asking for you". Erin lowered her head in defeat. She hadn't realized it was already friday, which meant that Donna would work from home. She would have no rest for the whole day. When Rachel deemed that she'd had enough food, she snatched her from the table and brought her to the home office, where Donna was speaking to a board of people on the screen. She was wearing a full makeup, and her upper body was covered in her formal office attire, while she only had a pair of grey sweatpants on her legs and a pair of worn-out yellow havaianas on her feet. Despite looking extremely busy, when she saw Rachel with the corner of her eye, she signaled her with her hand off-camera to put Erin on the floor, while simultaneously removing her left shoe.

Erin crawled to the now bare foot, knowing exactly what she was supposed to do even without the need to be told. She planted a few kisses on the sole of Donna's raised ped, then started kneading it using her hands. Her mom loved her feet to be massaged while she worked. Erin only turned her head towards the other room when she noticed that Rachel was waving goodbye at her, and she was initially going to respond out of sheer instinct, but she stopped the moment she realized her sister was just teasing her. 

Erin was starting to get familiar with her mom's job in the worst way possible. She was learning unfamiliar terms, she was starting to recognize people by their voices alone without having ever seen their faces, and was learning the ropes of the office dynamics. Anything was better than accepting that she was spending literal hours under a pair of feet that dwarfed her whole body. She thought that she could have been like one of them one day, instead she was now reduced to the house dog. 

After at least half an hour of rubbing, Donna  raised the tip of her foot, and presented her red painted toes to Erin. She then separated her big toe from the second, so the space in between was directly in front of her daughter's face. The smell of feet was already all over her body, but it had grown somehow more intense now that Donna had done this simple gesture. Erin knew exactly what it meant: Donna wanted her to start licking. This time, she just chose to ignore it. Maybe if she showed to be a bit more rebellious the woman would realize the hell she was putting her through. Instead of doing what she knew was being asked to her, Erin simply kept rubbing. Not that she enjoyed it, but it was definitely better than enduring the taste of sweat all day long.

Donna didn't say anything. After all, she was in the middle of a meeting. But she definitely looked annoyed. She pulled back her foot, taking it away from Erin's hands, and pushed it forward, spreading her toes once again. Erin was determined in her defiance, so she simply resumed the massage. But Donna was not satisfied, and she was unafraid to show it. Again, she pulled her foot backwards, but this time she carefully aimed her foot so she could trap Erin's head between her toes, and she gave a light squeeze that was enough to send pain all over the girl's body. There was no getting around it this time. Erin regained her strength, and stuck her tongue out, feeling the now-familiar taste of sweat assaulting her tastebuds, all while her whole head was engulfed by a pair of toes that were easily bigger than it.

After a while, not before Erin had already licked about all the spaces between Donna's toes, she heard her mom's colleagues calling for a pause. After the woman had turned off her microphone and camera, she had pushed her chair backwards, and looking directly into her shrunken daughter's eyes, she had said her first words to her that morning. "What the hell was that about?"




Brilliant re-start! Thank you so much for continuing that story mate!