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A commissioned pic story (I'll post the pics in the next few days). This is going to be much less violent than usual. Still, foot stuff involved.

[part 1]

Jun could barely hold her excitement. The day of the convention had finally arrived, and the map on her phone signaled that she was only a few blocks away. She had always watched videos and read blogs about it, but this year she made sure she bought a ticket for the EG5, the most prominent video game convention in the US. People from all over the world would come to her town just to visit, and she'd already spotted someone in the street, going in her same direction. Some of them even wore costumes, and Jun could only feel a bit jealous, but she hadn't had the time to prepare properly. Maybe next year she would come up with a nice outfit.

She was standing at a red light daydreaming about the convention, when a girl stepped right next to her. Normally she wouldn't have given her much attention, but the Koopa Keychain hanging from her pocket gave away the fact that she was probably headed the same way as her. Since none of her friends had agreed to join her at the convention, she thought that it wouldn't have hurt to socialize a bit, but she didn't want to come off as a creep, and really didn't know how to strike up a conversation.

God, this red light was slow! But it gave her time to give a better look at the girl. She was taller than her, and she looked both pretty and confident. Her red, curly hair really stuck out in the morning light, and Jun caught herself staring a bit too long. The woman had noticed her gaze and was smiling at her. "EG5?" She asked confidently. "Ye-yeah" Jun stammered, probably only making things worse. "I hear they're going to present the PS6 this year!" The girl said, in a successful effort at breaking the ice. Jun smiled. She felt more at ease now. They chatted for a minute and introduced each other, agreeing that they would spend the day together at the convention since they had both come on their own. The girl's name was Zoe, and she apparently loved videogames at least as Jun did.

At some point, Jun realized that the red light had already cycled, probably multiple times, and without even thinking, she sprinted towards the other side of the road, dragging Zoe by her arm. "Come on, we're going to be l-" she shouted at Zoe, without looking at where she was going. In that moment, a car that seemed to come out of nowhere failed to stop, and Zoe only managed to push Jun away before the car hit her brutally and sent her flying on the sidewalk.

"OH MY GOD!" screamed a terrified Jun, who hadn't been hit only by a few millimeters. She ran towards the hurt girl, and watched in horror as her injuries seemed quite bad. "HEEELP!" She shouted, but nobody was around. The guilty motorist had quickly fled the scene, not wanting to be held responsible. "SOMEBODY HELP!" she screamed a second time. At least Zoe seemed to be breathing. Frantically, she took her phone out of her pocked, and cursed at her roommate for stealing her charger the night before. The battery was dead. She had no way of calling an ambulance. Panicking, she knew she had a last resort. Her father had entrusted her with experimental technology, absolutely illegal, and only to be used in case of absolute emergency.

The device emitted a ray that would drastically accelerate the healing process at a cellular level, but it had a quite noticeable side effect: it would shrink the recipient down to size. Jun took it out of her pocket, and she decided that this could be well considered an emergency. She flicked the button on the device while aiming it at the hurt girl, and watched in amazement as her body retracted inside her own clothes. She had never seen anything like that before. She reclutantly went to retrieve the now minuscle body from the pile of clothes on the ground, and was relieved to see that even though she still seemed to be unconscious, all the major wounds on the girl's body seemed to be gone already.

The major problem right now was that even though she had literally saved the girl's life, Jun couldn't grow her back as the ray was single use only. She'd have to find another one, and in the meantime nobody could know what had happened. Panicking, she placed the naked girl in the back pocket of her jeans and headed back home.

She managed to sneak past her roomate Kimberly without arousing any suspicion. That girl scared her for some reason, evne though they were pretty good friends. She had made up an excuse in case she'd wonder why she had come home that soon, but there had been no need. The girl was working out in her room with music on very high volume. She probably hadn't even heard her come in.

Jun deposited Zoe's naked body on her nightstand, and now that the adrenaline rush was fading away, she took the time to watch in fascination as her ribcage rhythmically rose and deflated. It seemed like a miracle. True, she was a fraction of her size, but at least she was alive! It was a very real possibility that the impact would have killed her in hours, if not less. Jun was indulging in looking at Zoe's body, when she noticed she was starting to regain her senses. She panicked, she had no idea what to do. How would she explain her everything?

As could be predicted, after looking around herself in confusion, Zoe screamed in primal horror when she saw Jun's gigantic face towering above her. The girl tried to hush her, but there seemed to be just no way she could calm her down. Zoe was completely frantic. She would scream, call for help, nothing made sense to her. But Jun could not afford Kimberly hearing her scream, so she did the only thing she could think of. She grabbed the miniature girl in her hand, and used her index finger to close her mouth shut. "Sorry! Sorry!" she kept saying, but Zoe was still flaying around in her grasp, her eyes darting around in the hopeless search for a helping hand. There seemed to be no way to sooth her.

It had actually taken her hours to accept the reality of the situation. If somebody had told her that a literal shrink ray existed, she would have never believed them, but she had to come to terms with the fact that she was much smaller than she used to be. It had taken her even longer to come to terms with the fact that Jun was actually trying to help her. After all, she did remember being hit by a car, and the fact that her body was still in one piece proved that the girl had been sincere at least in one thing.

Three days had passed. Jun was doing her best to give Zoe every comfort, and had managed to explain that the reason why she hadn't grown her back yet was because she had to find an excuse to get another shrink ray to restore her size. All of this had to be made without admitting that she had used it in the first place. She had brought her food at every mealtime, and had even refitted some doll clothing to have her cover her intimacy. Zoe actually started to feel guilty about treating the girl like some kind of monster; she had saved her life after all, and she really looked like she was doing her best to make her feel at ease despite her condition.

One evening, Jun was watching some Youtube while Zoe was in her box, and she heard her name being called. It was the first time the miniature girl had willingly addressed her, and her voice sounded quite relaxed for a change. "Jun?" Zoe called again. The relatively giant girl hopped to her feet and went to check on the shrinkee. "Yes?" she said as her head came out of the cardboard. Zoe had an unusual smile on her face, and despite still not looking at ease, she did seem genuinely thankful for what she had been doing. "I - i think what you did to me was beautiful" she said to the godlike figure in front of her. Despite her kindness, the girl was still extremely intimidating "I'd like to do something for you". Jun actually laughed at the proposal "Oh thank you honey! That's so sweet. But i don't know what i could have you do for me at that size" Zoe's expression quickly changed. She almost felt offended by the response. "B-but yeah! Maybe that's a good idea!" Jun added when she realized that her words might have hurt the woman.

"You... You could give me a massage!" she said, after some thinking. It was the first thing that came into her mind, and she immediately blushed after saying it. "Sure, i guess" Zoe answered, trying to figure out how she would carry such a difficult task, but still wanting to give back to the person who'd literally saved her life. "Really?" Jun's eyes brightened. The thought of this extremely pretty girl putting her hands at work on her gave her goosebumps "Oh you're the best!" she said as she picked her up from inside the box. She then made sure that Kimberly wasn't home, and practically ran to the couch with the girl in her hand.

Zoe wasn't particularly thrilled about being carried in the girl's hand, but she was slowly getting used to it. What caught her by surprise was that once the giantess had reached the couch, she had deposited her between the soles of her bare feet, and thanked her for being so generous. Zoe hadn't really expected to be asked for a foot massage, but she felt like it was too late to take back her words. She really hated feet, and finding herself in front of a pair that were larger than her really set her in a bad mood. After seeing the waiting smile on Jun's face, she decided to try and put her disgust aside, and do her best to please her.



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