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A remake of an old picture story i had on my DA. As usual, I left the story untouched, and remade the picture in DAZ.


Laura could barely tolerate her younger sister Katie. She always wanted to be around her, especially when her best friend Pamela came to visit. Even though she had her own room, she would find just any excuse to be around the older girls. One day they ended up fighting about it, and with a wicked smile, the bratty little sister said "if you don't let me stay here, i'll tell mom you smoke pot!"

That was the last straw. They screamed to each other for a good ten minutes, and that's when Pamela came up with an idea. She zapped Katie with her portsizer. Both sisters looked at her, surprised and shocked, but only Katie started shrinking. As they watched the younger girl dwindle in size, Laura was a bit worried. 

"you know it's permanent, right?" she said to her mischievous friend, who just nodded. "Ok, we'll tell my mom she ran away or something" Laura started to smile as she watched her annoying sibling emerge from a pile of oversized clothes, still in awe for her surroundings. It was a good idea, after all. Pamela snatched her from the ground and brought the horrified girl to her face. 

"I'll show you how to treat a tiny" She said to both sisters, eliciting an entirely different reaction from each one. She had Laura lay on her futon with her belly down, and before she did the same, she placed the small girl down at the foot of the bed. 

"Make yourself useful and rub our feet!" she said, commandingly "And start with your sister!". Still in tears, Katie started rubbing the monolithic appendage of her older sister, while both friends chatted. Laura listened intently as Pamela explained to her how she had shrunken her school bully more than five years earlier, and she still kept her in a hamster cage.

At some point, the massage stopped, and the girls turned their heads to see what was wrong: Katie had listened, too. And facing the rest of her life in a hamster cage, she had started crying even more than before, her face resting in the palm of her hands.

 "Aaaw, don't worry!" Her sister boomed from miles above "i will keep you in a nice dollhouse". And as she said this, she gave her sister a mock hug with her enormous toes. "That is, if you behave, of course!". "speaking of witch" Pamela interrupted her friend "come over here and stick that little tongue out! It's so hot today, and i don't like my feet covered in sweat!"



Brian Smith

Love this picture and the story (although I like when the younger sister shrinks the older sister and gets revenge). Reminds me of my favourite story of yours, Sister in training!


yeah, usually i like that better too, but i like to move things around at times