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An Early Christmas Gift

Part 2

AN - I've decided to do a part 3 as well

Gabrielle watched in shock as her big sister took Harry’s manhood in hand and began moving her hand up and down. Harry let out a moan which meant that he must be enjoying what Fleur was doing. Gabby didn’t have many friends at school which left her socially isolated. Veela often were, she had been warned, but she was lucky enough to have one female friend and a few male friends. Because of this, there was never a time in which they sat around and talked about sex. Her best friend, Dorene, wasn’t exactly a social butterfly. Instead, she was awkward and shy, but Gabby liked her all the same. Dorene had never tried to talk about sex with her, and Gabby wasn’t inclined to either. Her male friends were nerdy and typically sat on the lowest rung of coolness, and considering that she was positive that each had a massive crush on her, she was never going to talk about sex with them either. She didn’t want them to get the wrong idea. She would hate to have to reject them and possibly ruin their friendships. Without anyone else, Gabby was left to figure this stuff out on her own. Sadly for the males in her school, she had no interest in sex, which made her an oddball among her fellow Veela. Due to her aloofness when it came to sex, Gabby only knew the absolute basics. Tab A goes into Slot B. She knew nothing of foreplay and sensuality.

Her face grew hot when she saw that his already large penis was getting even longer and thicker. Fleur’s fingers were forced apart as the shaft thickened, and Gabby was almost frightened by the size. ‘It would tear me apart!’ she nervously thought. Even with her trepidation, Gabrielle was transfixed by it. She had only been in its presence for the last few minutes, and she could tell that she would be forever obsessed with it. She wanted to be close to it, and she wanted to touch it. She reached out with a shaky hand but stopped short. She looked at Harry’s face and saw him staring back at her. Blushing deeply, she asked, “Uh … Is it okay if I touch it?” She very much hoped that he would be okay with it.

“Of course, Gabrielle. That’s why I’m here,” he smiled kindly at her, and Gabrielle felt her pussy twinge. Unable to stop herself, she squirmed and let out a cute, little moan. She had never felt that before. Gabby had only tried to touch herself once when she overheard some girls at school loudly talking about it in the bathroom in between classes. Finding the whole ordeal lacking, she never tried again and quickly put it from her mind. This was the first time that she had ever felt any kind of stirring down below. She then looked at Fleur, who also smiled at her and beckoned her forward.

Waddling over to her on her knees, Gabby reached out and let her fingers brush over his halfway-hard cock. She let out a surprised, shuddering breath. “It is very soft,” she gasped, wanting to touch it even more.

“It is amazing how a man’s penis can be ‘ard and soft at the same time,” Fleur told her. “Wrap your ‘and around it.”

Gabby did as she was instructed. Her small hand replaced Fleur’s, and she found that her fingertips weren’t even close to touching. “Now move your ‘and up and down. Don’t squeeze too tight,” Fleur said. Gabby’s hand began moving, and like before, Harry moaned. Suddenly, her heart burst with joy, and she found herself filled with excitement and desire. She wanted him to feel good, and she wanted to be the one to make him feel that way. She began stroking him faster until he was completely hard.

“Mon Dieu, ‘Arry! Where ‘ave you been ‘iding this?” Fleur asked with amazement in her sexy voice. Fleur pulled his cock away from her, much to her annoyance. Fleur didn’t even notice the glare being sent in her direction. She was too busy examining his long, thick cock. When Gabby finally laid eyes on the fully hard piece of meat, she got that same feeling in her pussy again. She was forced to close her thighs and rub them together to help relieve the ache of longing that she was experiencing. Inside of her, there was a pleasant itch that she was unable to scratch, and looking at Harry’s manhood only made it worse.

“I’ve been keeping it stored away, but it looks like it’s happy to see you, Fleur,” Harry teased with a laugh. Fleur had gone beyond just touching it. She was now caressing his cock and balls.

“Yes, well … Remember that you are ‘ere for Gabrielle,” she said in a snooty fashion that both Harry and Gabby knew to be fake. The biggest clue was the fact that she refused to give up his cock. She was pleasuring him with long, slow strokes while her other hand greedily fondled his balls. The fact that Gabrielle was sitting there waiting for her turn had completely escaped her mind.

“As you can see, there’s more than enough for both of you,” Harry teased her, and Fleur snorted.

Gabby suddenly jumped when she felt something on her leg. Looking down, she saw Harry’s hand caressing her bare thigh. Gabby became lightheaded as her pleasure increased. She was told nothing about him being allowed to touch her, but she was eager to accommodate him.

Gabrielle had obviously never been touched in such a way, especially by a member of the opposite sex. But as his hand glided over her incredibly soft and smooth skin, Gabby realized how much she had been missing. Would any handsome boy make her feel such things, or was it because it was Harry who was touching her? Gabby guessed that it was the latter. Her big, blue eyes fluttered wildly and she let out a moan when his fingers slid underneath the hiked-up hem of her already short Mrs. Claus dress. “ ‘Arry,” she let out a cute gasp of pleasure. Meanwhile, Fleur wasn’t even paying attention to what was going on only a couple of feet away from her. By then, she had two hands covering his cock while she tugged and pulled on it, completely forgetting that she was supposed to be “tutoring” her younger sister.

His fingers climbed even higher, and Gabby felt them lightly brush against the edge of her panties. Gabby felt as though her face was on fire. Off to her side, she heard her sister moan, and she looked over. Her mouth gaped as she watched Fleur straddling his thigh and rubbing herself against it. She wondered if that would feel as good as she felt right now. Harry squeezed her thigh and brought her out of her thoughts. “Since your sister seems to be dropping the ball, why don’t I teach you a few things?” Gabby heard Harry ask.

Fighting off the incredible embarrassment that she felt, she nodded her head. There was no way that she would pass up this opportunity. “Lay down beside me,” Harry ordered, and Gabby quickly complied. She slowly dropped down next to him, her face nearly touching his. One of his arms slipped between her back and the bed, and he wrapped it around her waist and pulled her in. Gabby squeaked as she was pressed against him, especially when his hand went up the back of her dress and squeezed her thong-covered ass. Gabby didn’t normally wear such scandalous underwear, but her sister had talked her into it. Now, however, she was actually grateful for the choice of panties. She placed her hands on his bare chest and looked at him like the submissive, little schoolgirl that she was. He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. Gabby immediately moaned into his mouth the moment he began to kiss her soft lips. Her heart was thundering in her chest as she did her best to kiss him back. Harry broke the kiss shortly after.

“Was that your first kiss?” he asked quietly with a smile. Gabby blushed red and silently nodded. She wondered if she had done it wrong.

“That was quite good for your first time,” he praised her, and Gabby instantly felt like a million Galleons. “Now let’s try it with a bit of tongue,” he said, kissing her lips as she slightly opened her mouth. Not knowing what to do, she slipped her tongue into his mouth and nearly came on the spot when he started massaging it with his. Gabby whined when he broke the kiss again. “Now you do as I just did,” he instructed.

An Early Christmas Gift

As Gabby began kissing a boy for the first time, Fleur was too busy acting like a complete slut to notice. Her hips were thrusting back and forth as she straddled Harry’s muscular thigh. Her panties were completely soaked, and his leg was smeared with her juices. Letting her Allure out at maximum power was a bit of a mistake on her part. Her lust increased right along with her Veela magic, and it clouded her judgment. At the moment, she was totally lost in a sexual daze as she fiercely ground her pussy against his leg, stimulating her swollen clit. It wasn’t until she had her first orgasm of the day that she snapped out of it. Her eyes fluttered, and her body spasmed and shook as she came hard. Fleur shook her head and blinked her eyes. While her body was still crying out for more, the daze had cleared enough for her to use her brain properly. That was when she noticed that her sister was pressed against Harry’s side. His hand was clearly groping Gabby’s ass while she was practically devouring his tongue. Her hand was exploring every inch of his muscled chest and stomach that she could reach. ‘I guess there are some things that you don’t have to teach,’ Fleur thought as cleared her throat.

Gabby slowly broke the kiss and looked up at her. “Over ‘ere, Gabby,” she said. “Take my place.”

Fleur climbed off of Harry’s leg, leaving it drenched in her juices. It gave her an odd sense of satisfaction knowing that Harry smelled of her wet pussy. Gabby was blushing as she untangled herself from him and crawled over to her. “Shoes off,” Fleur ordered, unbuckling her own heels. Both girls gently tossed their heels onto the thickly carpeted floor to get more comfortable. “Now lift up your dress and straddle his thigh just like I did. Unfortunately, very often you will be forced to find pleasure in other ways when your man is unable to perform. This is a favorite technique of mine,” Fleur told her.

“But ‘Arry is able to perform!” she exclaimed, turning her head and staring at his massive erection. Fleur’s cheeks flushed pink.

“ ‘Arry appears to be a special case. We will talk about that later, but for now, do as I say,” Fleur said as she took charge of the situation. Gabby was incredibly embarrassed as she grabbed the hem of her dress. She was just about to lift it up when she felt the wetness between her legs. Freezing for a second, she looked at her sister.

“Umm … Fleur?” she asked nervously.

“Yes?” Fleur raised an eyebrow in her direction. Gabby silently waved her sister over to her.

Leaning in close, Gabby whispered in French, “I am very wet down there. What if he smells it?” Fleur looked at her for a second before bursting into a giggle fit. Before Gabby could complain at her response, Fleur answered her question.

“I would not worry about that,” Fleur answered, also in French. “I would wager that he would be very eager to pin you down and lick every drop of wetness from between your legs,” Fleur smirked. Gabrielle’s eyes bulged.

“Lick me …” she whispered in confused awe, moving without thinking as she threw her leg over his thigh and sat down.

An Early Christmas Gift

Harry couldn’t understand French, but whatever Fleur had said had truly amazed her sister. Gabrielle straddled his leg and accidentally sat on the hem of her dress. Harry saw Fleur roll her eyes and huff before grabbing Gabby’s dress and pulling it out from under her bottom. Fleur lifted her dress until Harry could see her slim belly and the front of Gabby’s red, satin panties. Harry could already see a dark stain right below where her clit would be. Holding her dress, Fleur said something in French just before Gabby’s hips slowly began rocking back and forth. Harry could feel the young Veela’s heat. Between her legs was like a furnace, and slowly, she dragged her panty-covered pussy along his skin. Gabby’s eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she let out a shuddering moan that was surprisingly loud. Fleur hovered behind Gabby, and she gripped her sister’s hips tightly, guiding her body as she moved.

“Press down on ‘is leg. It will make it more pleasurable,” she instructed. Gabby was quick to follow her directions. In fact, Gabby took it even further. Just as Fleur had done, Gabby grabbed his hard cock and began jerking it. “Be careful … Don’t pull too ‘ard. You don’t want to ‘urt ‘im.” Gabby nodded and continued working it. “Now I will lay back and watch. I will give you instructions if necessary.”

Harry’s eyes were locked on Gabrielle’s sexy body as she moved her hips. Her dress had fallen down a bit, but her panties were still exposed. He could feel that she was becoming more vigorous in her movements. Suddenly, Fleur took Gabrielle’s former spot next to him. Now it was Fleur who was face to face with him. Harry’s breath was ragged from the pleasant torture that they were inflicting on his poor, abused cock. Fleur leaned in and pressed her forehead against his. Harry could feel her warm breath on his skin.

“ ‘ow is she doing? Does it feel good?” Fleur asked while her hand touched his bare chest. Her perfect fingers danced over his hot skin, and she could feel his body trembling with need.

“Not bad at all,” he answered quietly. “She still needs some practice, but she’s doing a very good job considering this is her first time.” Fleur smiled beautifully while her hand explored his abs. Sadly, her husband did not have such a sculpted body, which was a damn shame, she thought to herself. If he had, perhaps he would get a little more action from her.

Fleur’s body hitched when Harry’s hand began their own exploration. His fingers tickled the inside of her thigh, and she gasped in pleasure. Harry didn’t hesitate, and his hand quickly moved underneath her short dress. His fingers found her panties, and they zeroed in on her covered clit. As circles were rubbed around her throbbing, little nub, Fleur cried out softly and dug her nails into his flesh. The action of touching her had momentarily robbed her of her ability to speak. Harry wasn’t acting meek when it came to touching her. His fingers were now rubbing her slit, making her panties completely soaked through. Her body acted on its own, and her legs opened for him just a tad. Harry took that opportunity to shove his hand down the front of her panties.

“ ‘Arry!” she gasped quietly while Gabrielle’s body began trembling uncontrollably. “I am a married woman!” she exclaimed, more as a reminder to herself.

“Remember that we are here for Gabby,” he smiled, repeating her words. “You must lead the way and show her what to do,” he said, laying soft kisses across her jaw until he reached her lips.

“Yes,” she gasped as two of his fingers slid back and forth across her wet slit while his thumb massaged her swollen clit. “You are right,” Fleur choked out. “I must … for Gabrielle!” she squealed in sexual bliss as she came. Two of his fingers entered her, and Harry curled them so that he was stimulating her g-spot. Fleur’s mouth opened to let out a pleasured, “Ohhh!” Instead, he captured her lips in a deep, passionate kiss.

An Early Christmas Gift

Gabrielle shook through her orgasm but was able to pull herself together when she spotted Fleur kissing Harry just as she had only minutes before. The fact that Fleur was taking his attention away didn’t sit well with her, but what could she do? Fleur was older and more experienced. She also had bigger boobs, Gabby thought with some annoyance. Then an idea popped into her head. She didn’t know if she had the guts to do it, but what other choice did she have? Her body craved the pleasure that only Harry could give, and he wasn’t even looking at her! With her heart hammering in her chest, Gabby reached down with shaky hands and grabbed the hem of her dress. “ ‘Arry?” she called out.

She saw him break the kiss that he was sharing with her sister and look over at her. Without much confidence, she pulled the dress up and off her body, tossing it aside. She now sat there straddling his thigh wearing only a pair of tiny, red panties and her cute Santa hat. She could see that his eyes immediately went to her bare breasts. Gabby had to fight the urge to cover them up. She had never been so exposed to anyone, and she was nervous about it. When she began to speak, her words sounded a little shaky. “I’m ready for more.”

Harry sat up, all thoughts of Fleur forgotten it would seem. He reached out and placed his hands on her thighs. Gabby trembled as he moved his hands up and down, caressing the expanse of smooth skin. “You’re a naughty, little Christmas treat, aren’t you?” Harry teased her. Before she could answer, he pulled her hips forward until she was straddling his lap.

“Are you sure you want me to teach you how to properly please a man?” he asked her as his fingertips grazed the skin of her back. Gabby shuddered and nodded just as Fleur joined his side. Harry kissed Gabby’s lips but broke the kiss before she could properly get into it. To her surprise, he turned his head and kissed Fleur as well. Fleur was smarter and quickly wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. She spent the next minute or so moaning as he sucked on her tongue and groped her dress-covered breast.

“ ‘Arry!” Gabby whined and then gasped when his fingers tickled her hard nipple. Harry broke the kiss with her sister and turned back to Gabby.

“Help me teach her everything she needs to know,” Harry told Fleur with a hungry passion in his voice. His cock hadn’t gone limp by even the slightest margin yet. He didn’t wait for an answer from her. Gabby was spun around and laid down on her back. Her chest was rapidly rising and falling, and her breathing was strained. Harry’s eyes once again landed on her naked breasts. They weren’t as big as Fleur’s, but he liked them all the same.

“They’re perfect,” he told her as he leaned down and kissed each of her light pink nipples. Gabby loved hearing those words coming from his mouth. She loved the sensation of his lips on her hard, aching nipples even more. She was just about to beg him to kiss them again when he began kissing down her belly. Gabby bit her lower lip and squirmed as his lips tickled her hot skin.

An Early Christmas Gift

Fleur watched as Harry peppered Gabby’s slim belly with soft kisses. The sight of this made her pussy ache with need. She wanted to be the one on her back receiving those wonderful kisses, but she had to stay strong for her little sister. This was Gabrielle’s time, she continued to remind herself. Harry’s lips dropped even lower, and Fleur was forced to squeeze her legs together when he started playing with her belly button. Gabby was squirming and moaning so much that she almost pulled herself from his grasp. “What do you think, Fleur? Should I teach her about oral?” he smiled naughtily and kissed her covered clit. Gabby cried out through another small orgasm. “Or perhaps you’d rather I demonstrate it on you?” he asked in a teasing manner.

She opened her mouth to reply, but Gabby beat her to it. “Teach me!” she begged. “Please, ‘Arry.” Her body was trembling so much that the flesh on her thighs was jiggling. Harry chuckled happily and turned to Fleur as he rubbed his thumb along the wet spot on Gabby’s panties.

“You know … I have a very naughty idea,” he said, his eyes twinkling as he smiled.

Only seconds later, Fleur was lifting her arms as Harry pulled the dress from her body. Now she too was only wearing a pair of panties, and she knew that she wouldn’t be wearing them for long. Soon after, Gabby’s legs were up in the air as Harry slipped her wet panties off of her feet. For a moment, Fleur thought that Harry would fuck her sister right then and there. Gabby’s legs were open after all, and she was clearly offering her perfect, virgin slit to him. Instead, Harry laid down between them and smiled. “Gabby … sit on my face. Fleur … sit on my cock. You’ll be teaching your sister by showing her how it’s done.”

Fleur only hesitated a second before she rolled onto her side and slid her panties down her smooth, sexy legs. Kicking them away, she got up and threw her leg over him. Gabrielle didn’t hesitate at all. She quickly moved to sit on his face but was stopped by him.

“Face the other way. I want you looking at your sister,” he told her. Gabby blushed and turned around so that she and Fleur were looking at each other. Fleur watched as Gabby nervously lowered herself down and placed her pussy against his mouth. Though she couldn’t see it, Fleur knew exactly when he began licking her. A look of pure bliss crossed Gabrielle’s angelic face right before her eyes fluttered and she moaned deeply. Then her back arched, and she thrust her lovely breast forward as she came again. Not wanting to be left out any longer, Fleur reached down and took hold of his big cock. Holding it tightly, she rubbed the head the length of her dripping slit and shuddered when it mashed into her clit. Moving it back until the head was lined up with her opening, Fleur slowly lowered herself and gasped when his impressive girth stretched her tight hole.

While there was a bit of pain, there was mostly pleasure. ‘Bill never stretched me like this!’ she thought wildly as the sides of his shaft rubbed against her silky walls. How could Bill stretch her when he wasn’t even close to being this impressive, Fleur told herself. ‘Perhaps he is not as much of a man as I thought he was,’ the thought flowed through her mind just as his thick, domed head hit her g-spot, causing her to clamp down on him. Fleur cried out in a high-pitched voice as she came. Her body shook, causing her gorgeous tits to jiggle. “F-Fleur?” she heard Gabby stutter in a desperate-sounding voice.

Fleur looked up and saw her sister spasming hard. Gabby’s tits were bouncing violently as her body bucked and shook. “What’s wrong?” Fleur asked through her orgasm. She lifted her hips and dropped them back down, taking him balls deep. The head of his cock hit her g-spot again before bumping into her cervix. Lights flashed behind Fleur’s eyes as her pussy hugged him.

“S-Something’s happening,” Gabby ground out in French. “It feels too good!” she squealed and fell forward, barely catching herself before hitting his stomach. Fleur could hear Harry slurping hard on her sister’s pussy.

“It is only an orgasm. Let it come. It will feel amazing,” she soothed her worries. Just then, Harry started jackhammering up into her and pounding her sensitive g-spot. Her brain froze, and bolts of pure pleasure raced up and down her spine. Her pussy squeezed his cock as tightly as humanly possible while trying to tempt him into cumming inside of her. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and her body began shaking. Unbeknownst to her, Gabby was experiencing the same thing as he used his Parselmouth abilities on her clit. Both girls screamed loudly and fell forward, hugging each other while they simultaneously came on his mouth and cock. Fleur didn’t know how long she had been holding onto Gabby, but eventually, both girls looked at each other and blushed deeply. Harry, meanwhile, didn’t appear to be done with them by a long shot.

An Early Christmas Gift

Apolline Delacour stepped out of the fireplace and was about to go to her room and grab some paperwork that they had forgotten to pack. Her husband was hoping to buy a nice, little cottage near his family, but they needed to show proof that they were magical citizens of France. She was just heading for the staircase when she paused. She heard a giggle and what sounded like a pleasured moan. Turning her head toward the Christmas tree, she saw a pair of legs sticking up in the air from behind the back of the sofa. There was another squeal, and their toes curled as the scent of sex grew stronger. Apolline was shocked, to say the least. She cleared her throat loudly. There were two feminine yelps before her two daughters stood up. Both were totally nude, and both were covering their breasts with one arm while they covered their naked pussies with their other hand. They were looking at her with panicked, wide eyes. “Maman?!” Gabby cried out. “What are you doing here?” Fleur added. Before she could ask her own questions, someone else stood up.

Immediately her eyes locked in on the perfect cock hanging between the muscled legs of Harry Potter. It was long, thick, and slick with her daughter’s juices. From what she could see, that wetness belonged to Gabrielle. The inside of Gabby’s thighs were glistening with wetness. Harry didn’t look even a bit shy when he walked up to her. The Allure of her two daughters hung heavy in the air, and she quickly wondered how Harry was even walking. Their Allures began reacting with hers and it flared. Apolline’s pupils dilated, and her pussy clenched. “It’s nice to see you again, Mrs. Delacour,” she said, holding out his hand. Apolline cleared her throat again when she realized something. Harry was able to take on both her daughters during maximum Allure. Not only that, but his cock was still perfectly hard and ready for action. Maybe that was why the two girls’ eyes continued to follow him as he moved. She smiled sweetly at the young man and held out her hand for him to kiss.

“It’s very nice to see you as well, ‘Arry,” she practically purred as he kissed her hand. “All of you, get dressed. We need to talk.”



Welp part 3 is gonna be apolline on her knees


Part three let's have it lol


Cant wait for part 3


A perfect way to end Part 3: Bill arrives home to an empty house, goes into his bedroom with a spread of magical pictures full of Harry and Fleur with a sign pointing to all the evidence Harry has of Bill’s affairs with signed divorce papers from Fleur with a final picture of Fleur flipping the bird while riding Harry 😂