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Galactic Wizardry

Chapter 30

Count Dooku wasn’t having the best of times. Recently, he had been avoiding his Master. The reason was simple. He had no good news to give when it came to finding that core. Master Ti was nowhere to be found, and her mysterious bodyguard was just as troublesome to find. They were like ghosts. They appeared in one place only to suddenly disappear a moment later. There was no rhyme or reason to their appearances … at least none that he could figure out.

As a last-ditch effort, he got into contact with an older female Jedi that worked in the Jedi Archives. Once upon a time, they had a very nice friendship, though he could tell that the woman wanted more. Thankfully, she never acted upon her feelings. Dooku was glad to find that she still harbored some feelings for him. When he contacted her, she gladly agreed to meet him in private for a nice meal. After a bit of sweet talk to get her to let her guard down, he began asking about the goings on at the Temple. Not suspecting anything strange afoot, she opened her mouth and blabbed everything that she knew.

Most of what she had to say was useless rumors involving lower-ranked Knights. What did he care if some two-bit Knight was suspected of having an affair with her teenage padawan? However, what did pique his interest was when she started talking about how Yoda and Windu had been acting differently. According to her, it wasn’t that their attitudes or personalities had changed, it was a change in their behavior. Both had been going on more and more trips when normally, they barely left the Temple. There was a rumor that they were working on a very big, secret mission that very few knew about.

She had absolutely no information on Shaak Ti. Apparently, she too was on an extended mission, and no one but Yoda and Mace knew what she was doing. Dooku obviously found all of this very strange. Were Yoda and Mace somehow involved with Shaak Ti and this mystery man? If so, what did they need with the Starforge’s memory core? If Grandmaster Yoda was indeed involved, this could be a major wrench in his Master’s plans.

Filling his crystal glass with very expensive alcohol, he took a sip and thought about his options. Should he report this to his Master? There was always a chance that he would turn his rage back on Dooku because he hadn’t yet completed his task. On the other hand, if he continued to avoid his Master, eventually he would get tired of waiting. Then Dooku would be up shit creek. In the end, he decided to try and tail either Yoda or Windu. Perhaps he could figure out what they were doing. If something important was discovered, then he would share it with his Master. Deciding that Windu was the safer bet, he went through all of the flight plans that he had declared to the local Flight Controller. Dooku obviously didn’t believe that Windu was going to the places that he declared. Jedi almost never did unless they were on official government business. No, Dooku didn’t care about Windu’s lies … He cared about the ship that Windu was using. Windu couldn’t lie about that without getting into serious trouble. Most governments heavily regulated traffic to their planets and kept detailed records about the ships visiting and who they were registered to. Looking through the records, Dooku could see that Windu almost always used a specific ship. Unfortunately, there was no way that he could put a tracker on it while it was docked. Jedi had their own private docking bays and landing pads that were very secure. The only chance he had was to hit it with a tracking bug while it was in flight, and the best time was when it was just taking off. He was very glad to see that the ship in question had returned to Coruscant a couple of weeks ago and hadn’t taken off since. He was also very happy to see that it should take off again within the next few days, if previous schedules remained the same, that is. Now all he had to do was wait for his opportunity.

Galactic Wizardry

Back on Eden, things were going well for the group. After the long stay on Tatooine, they were very happy to spend a couple of weeks relaxing in the tropical paradise. Even so, there was still work to be done.

A Protocol Droid was plugged into the Forge Core, speaking directly to it. “We need to really ramp up production on some heavy hitters,” Harry said from his desk in the server room.

“What do you have in mind?” the core spoke through the droid.

“Things are beginning to heat up. We’ve had multiple people already working against us. It’s only a matter of time before more of our enemies figure out that we’re plotting against them. We need to be ready,” Harry explained.

“We need very large ships that can go toe-to-toe with anything that the Republic can throw at us. They need to be capable of orbital bombardment,” Harry said. Where they would get the crew for such a large ship was beyond him. That, however, was the Jedi’s job.

“For that, we’ll need an orbital shipyard of unprecedented size,” the core responded, and a holographic display of a shipyard came into being. It floated lazily above the emitter, slowly spinning. “What is the timeline?”

Harry wasn’t sure, but he knew that it would take at least a couple of years to expand their current shipyard. From talking to Yoda, the Sith’s plans weren’t anywhere close to becoming a reality yet. “Roughly ten years, which means that we need everything done by then.”

After some quick calculations, the core responded. “With the resources we have available, I can create a shipyard capable of producing the types of ships you desire in one point six three galactic years … assuming most of our labor goes into the project.”

“How fast will the shipyard produce a single ship?” Harry asked.

“Ships of that size should come off the line every six months.”

“So two a year?” Harry asked.

“Correct, though smaller ships can and will be produced at the same time,” the core clarified.

“How much longer will it take to create a shipyard capable of twice that amount of production?”

“Approximately two point two years.”

Harry nodded. Even the Republic wouldn’t be able to produce ships of that size so quickly. It could definitely give them the upper hand. “Begin immediately. Is there anything I can do to speed things up?” Harry asked.

“Nothing is necessary. The droids and machinery we have in stock are more than enough to get the yard done within the timeline. If you wish for production to continue on the planet’s surface, I suggest you supply us with more droids,” the core stated.

He already knew that creating a shipyard of that size would take resources and manpower away from the construction of buildings, landing pads, and infrastructure needed on Eden. While they had everything they needed to be comfortable, there was still plenty that he wanted to be done. If more droids were the answer, then he would need to find a way to procure them. There were plenty of companies that produced droids of all different types. Harry left the server room to go and do some research.

Once back home, he found the place empty until he looked out back. The sight that met his eyes was glorious, to say the least. A whole gaggle of topless women was gathered around the swimming pool, lying in lounge chairs while catching some sun. The sun glistening off Aayla’s perfect, blue breasts were making him tight in the crotch of his trousers. Shaak’s breasts were even bigger, and he could see that her nipples had darkened slightly in the sun. The same was the case for the two humans next to them. Padme and Sabe were laid out with their small and perky breasts on full display. Their normally pale skin had become sunkissed, and their pink nipples had tanned slightly as well. As hard as it was to turn away, Harry did have work to do after all.

Grabbing his datapad, he flopped down on the couch and began researching the best droids for his job and which company produced them. If possible, he wanted to get them straight from the company. Since he preferred to steal them, that might not have been possible. Before he knew it, nearly twenty minutes had passed. He didn’t look up from his pad until he heard the back door slide open. Looking up, he smiled at Padme who smiled back at him. She grabbed a bottle of water and drank greedily from it. He watched a bead of water drip off the bottom of the bottle and land on her chest. The bead of water then rolled down her skin and disappeared between her breasts. Pulling the bottle from her lips, she put the top back on and placed it back on the table. Padme then strolled over to him, her small breasts jiggling slightly as she walked. His eyes lowered as he took in her complete form.

Her belly was as slim as it had always been, though it was a bit more toned from training with her Jedi shipmates. Her waist flared out just a bit, showing her body’s gentle curves. The only piece of clothing that she was wearing was a bikini bottom that did very little to cover her womanly parts. As he came up to him, she sat down on the couch and kissed him deeply. Harry happily returned the kiss.

“You should join us outside. We’re going to swim soon,” she told him, plucking the pad from his loose grip. Harry smiled at her.

“Perhaps I will. I’m just doing a bit of research,” he said, snatching the pad back from her.

“What about?” she asked, scooting closer and leaning in for a look.

“Construction droids. The next phase of the plan is beginning, and there won’t be enough droids to continue working planetside. I need to find some that I can get for cheap … or preferably free,” he told her.

“Any luck yet?” she asked, resting her cheek on his shoulder.

“Not yet. There’s a lot of stuff to go through.”

“Maybe we can help you,” Padme suddenly added. Harry kissed the top of her head.

“I’m sure you can,” he responded, continuing to flip through pages on the pad’s surface.

“But first you should relax,” Padme smiled at him, taking the pad from him again. She turned it off and placed it on the coffee table. “That is why we came back to Eden after all … is it not?” Padme pushed him back against the couch and straddled his lap.

“It is,” Harry said huskily as she pressed down hard on his lap. Her hips rolled back and forth as she rubbed herself against him.

“Then maybe you should just sit back and enjoy yourself,” she teased. Harry’s hands gripped her thighs as she moved against him. Her skin was soft and smooth, and he could feel her tremble as he gently caressed her legs. He moved his hands up to her hips and gave them a squeeze. By then, Padme was thrusting her hips back and forth wildly, gasping and moaning as she dry-humped him with a feverish passion. Her face was flushed and beautiful as her eyes fluttered. Her mouth was slightly open as she let out ragged breaths while her body shuddered. Harry let his fingertips dance against the bare skin of her ass. The g-string she was wearing did nothing to cover her tight, little bottom. Padme thanked him by nibbling on his jaw. Her body was now chest to chest with his, and he could feel her hard nipples rubbing against him. Harry slid his hands up her naked back, and her silky skin immediately broke into goosebumps as she moaned.

Padme trembled as she felt his warm hands sliding up and down her back. Moving her lips to his, she kissed him deeply and passionately while his fingers drifted over the skin of her sides. Pressing against him harder, she stuck her tongue in his mouth just as the back door opened again.

“See! I told you she came in to get more than just water,” Sabe’s voice rang out, making Padme break the kiss and look over her shoulder. The other three women of the house piled in from outside and stood there looking at her. Sabe was annoyed, Aayla snorted at her comment, and Shaak Ti was smirking at her. Her cheeks began to heat up with embarrassment. “If sexy-time was about to start, you should have at least let us know,” Sabe said, crossing her arms and tapping her foot against the floor.

“I didn’t …” Padme began but was cut off by her friend.

“Shove over! It’s my turn,” Sabe said, shimmying out of her bathing suit until she was completely naked. Harry’s eyes immediately went to her hairless mound and her taut lips which were just peeking from between her closed thighs.

“You know better than to start up around Sabe, Harry. She won’t rest until she’s been satisfied,” Shaak chuckled as she moved to Harry’s side and sat down next to him. Padme huffed and moved from his lap. As soon as she did, Shaak began to take his shirt off. Harry raised an eyebrow at her.

“You as well?” he teased. She returned his teasing smile.

“What was that expression that you sometimes use? When in Rome?” she cheekily said as she threw his shirt across the room, making him half-naked just like the rest of them, minus Sabe, of course. As Shaak ran her hands over his chest and back, Aayla grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet.

Before he could even say anything, the blue-skinned Twi’lek slowly dropped to her knees and grabbed the front of his trousers. With a few tugs, she pulled them down until his raging erection sprang free and slapped her in the face, making her yelp in shock. Harry looked down at her just as she looked up. A small smile graced her beautiful face before she lowered her head and kissed the tip of his cock. Harry moaned as Shaak pawed at his body, her hand moving between his legs and cupping his hanging sack. She expertly massaged his big sack while Aayla pushed forward and took half of him down her throat.

“Harry!” Sabe pouted about the girls stealing her turn as she stood there naked. Harry motioned for her to join his free side. Sabe quickly moved in and pressed herself against him while Aayla bobbed her head down below. Her hands joined Shaak’s in exploring his nude form. Wanting some pleasure of her own, Sabe grabbed Harry’s hand and moved it between her legs. When his fingers touched her burning hot slit, Sabe’s eyes fluttered shut and her body trembled violently. “It’s been too long!” she quietly gasped as she started grinding herself against his fingers and smearing her juices all over his hand.

“It’s been six hours!” Padme huffed in annoyance that her friend had interrupted her fun time with Harry. She walked up behind Aayla who was still working his cock like a professional. She slid her hands around Aayla’s body and cupped her large breasts. Padme loved how heavy they felt in her palms. One of her favorite pastimes was laying in bed and playing with a lovely pair of breasts. During most of her time as Queen, she hadn’t really been into girls all that much. She always thought they were beautiful and sexy, but she really didn’t have the urge to do anything sexual with them. In truth, she hadn’t pictured herself having sex with many boys either … at least before Harry came into her life. Now she just let herself be free to enjoy the pleasures that Harry and the girls often bestowed upon her body. In return, she happily gave as much as she received. As if to prove this, she pinched Aayla’s hard nipples and rolled them in her fingers while she gagged around his cock. Kneeling down behind her, Padme placed her lips on Aayla’s slender neck and began laying soft kisses up and down it. She could feel Aayla trembling under her tender mercies. While one hand continued to grope her big, beautiful tits, her other hand moved down her toned belly before slipping down the front of her bikini bottoms. She instantly heard her moan deeply around Harry’s cock when her fingers brushed over Aayla’s throbbing clit.

Once the hormones began rising in the room, the girls quickly dropped their inhibitions. Sabe’s lips found Harry’s while Shaak stood up and kicked off her bikini bottoms as well. Soon after, there were moans coming from each of their lips.

Galactic Wizardry

Count Dooku was doing work in his lavishly decorated safehouse on Coruscant. He was sure that the Jedi had no idea about the apartment he kept in the Capital world. He doubted that even his Master knew of the place. While working, he heard a beeping alarm go off. Excitedly, he grabbed his datapad and turned on the camera feed to a drone he had placed near the Jedi Temple. Sure enough, the ship that he had been hoping to see was slowly lifting out of the Jedi’s private hangar. With not a lot of time to spare, he pressed a button on the pad. The drone ejected a very small tracker droid that resembled a winged insect. Taking control of the tiny droid, he used the built-in camera and carefully flew it and attached it to the retractable landing gear. When the gear locked in place, he tested the tracker by forcing it to send out a quick ping. Immediately, his pad picked up the ping.

“Excellent!” a grotesque smile spread over his ruined face. He only hoped Windu wasn’t smart enough to find the little tracker.

AN - A large time skip will be happening within the next couple of chapters to really get the story rolling



I think padme was 24 when the clone wars began and ahsoka was 14?


More please....


great chapter look forward to more


Thanks for the new chapter.

Michał W

Damn I just realised it's 30th chapter! Thanks for the chapter!


Thanks! Keep up the good work!

andrew rousseau

So kinda curious, are we gunna be seeing Ahsoka Tano at all during the story?


Lest hope not... She's like 3-6 years old at this point of the story...

andrew rousseau

Huh for some reason i thought she was sposed to be older, thought she was 16-17 in the clone wars cartoon, thought it could be a counter point of harry, aayla and shaak helping her if she got framed by barriss

Jonathan Whittaker

Will any of the girls become pregnant in the story?


can we please have some more. Thanks.