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This story was commissioned by an anonymous supporter.

The Quidditch Star

Chapter 2

Lavender Brown flopped onto her bed in the Gryffindor girls’ dormitory and covered her face with her pillow. She squealed louder than she ever had before. Why was she screaming into her pillow? The answer was simple. All her hopes, dreams, and hard work were about to pay off. As one of the biggest gossips in Hogwarts, she always had her ear to the wall trying to find every scrap of information before everyone else. Most of the time what she heard was boring or useless. This time, however, the news was fantastic.

It seemed that the rumors about how good the current Gryffindor House Quidditch Team was had made their way to various big-shots in the Ministry. Word on the street was that they were setting up a charity game against some of the best players in the entire world! Everyone was going to be there. Several Ministers of Magic, the Heads of various departments, scouts from many different professional Quidditch teams, all were showing up. She didn’t even mention the rich and famous or the press from around the world. It was everything that she had ever dreamed of. All of it was right at her fingertips. Her future was riding on Ron’s ability to play his position well.

The day that she decided to have a threesome with Harry and Parvati ended up being the best day of her life. It was the smartest thing that she had ever done. She wasn’t just talking about the sex. Sure, the sex with Harry was mind-blowing, and adding Parvati in was surprisingly fun. No, she was talking about taking her future into her own hands and cutting a deal with Harry. She had lived up to her end of the bargain. Not only did she have a threesome with him, more than once mind you, but she also slept with him many times thereafter. In return, Harry lived up to his end of the deal. He did as promised and gave Ron the Keeper position. Not only that, but Harry also helped train him to the best of his ability. When he had taught him everything that he could, Harry hired a retired professional to give Ron training whenever possible. It had paid off big time. Ron was no longer the bumbling idiot on the Quidditch pitch. He was actually a really good player now!

Lavender couldn’t be happier. Her dreams of becoming a rich, Quidditch wife were about to come true. She could already imagine the parties, and galas, and Balls that they would attend. The rich and famous would want to talk to them and invite them to their houses. Lavender couldn’t wait to hobnob with all the wealthy elite. She couldn’t wait to hear some quality gossip. Gossip of the rich and famous had to be way better than the tripe she heard in the halls of Hogwarts. She calmed down and removed the pillow from her face. She took a deep breath.

She was extremely thankful to Harry for what he had done for her and Ron. Sure, she paid him back by giving him near unrestricted access to her body, but she was still thankful. He really did go above and beyond. Harry was serious about Quidditch, and wouldn’t allow Ron to pull the team down. She sighed thinking about him. Now Harry was going to be the true star of the show. Everyone knew that he was soon going to go pro. He already had the skill and natural talent. She wished that she was able to get her hooks into him sooner. Maybe she would have ended up as his wife. Oh well. Ron was good enough. Besides, she could still fuck Harry any time that she wanted. Her face heated up as a blush covered her pale cheeks. She was thinking about the explosive orgasms that he could coax out of her tight, teenage body. He never failed to deliver. Night after night he would have her squirting and squealing until her throat hurt. More than once she had to make up an excuse when Ron would ask her why she was limping. Obviously, she couldn’t tell him that Harry had spent the night railing her tight cunt until she was raw and sore. She thought about the many nights when she would kiss her boyfriend goodnight with Harry’s cum still staining her lips. She kind of enjoyed the naughty secrets that she was keeping. She giggled when she realized that she was already acting like a Quidditch wife. She wasn’t even one yet, and she already had a scandalous secret!

Even when she would eventually marry Ronald, she was loathed to give up her time with Harry. Sex with him was just too good. There was also the fact that Harry was better at Quidditch, richer, way more famous, better looking, had a way bigger cock, and the list went on and on. You didn’t kick a guy like that out of bed. Even Parvati knew that. Her skanky best friend had warmed Harry’s bed quite a few times since their threesome. While she loved Parvati, that did irk her a bit. She didn’t want anyone getting in the way of her plan. For her plan to work, she needed Harry. Thankfully, the biggest part of her plan was about to pay off. She flopped back on the bed and thought about everything.

“Mmmm, Harry,” she whispered out a moan. Her hand slid under her shirt and caressed her smooth belly. Lavender sexily bit her lower lip as her hand dipped into the waistband of her pajama pants. All this thinking about Harry had her moist. It wouldn’t hurt if she quickly rubbed one off. She had earned it. One of her dainty hands went under her shirt and fondled her breast while the other dipped into her panties and stroked her dew-covered kitty. Slowly her fingers slid between the delicate folds of her pussy, collecting her wetness before plunging deep within herself. Lavender groaned as she went knuckle deep on herself. Her other hand pinched and pulled at her stiff nipple while she began to finger-fuck herself. She mewled and squeezed her thighs together as her fingers slid between her wet folds. Just then, she heard the door to the dormitory open and someone walk in. She hurriedly straightened herself up and pretended to be asleep.

She inwardly sighed. She couldn’t wait to finally graduate. Then maybe she wouldn’t have to deal with all the nonsense.

The Quidditch Star

Lavender looked around the Quidditch stands in wonder. They were absolutely packed. People from all over the world were in attendance. She had spoken to her boyfriend not long ago. Expectedly, he was nervous. She did what she could to calm him down. Hopefully, he would pull himself together and have a great performance. Once again, she wished that he could be more like Harry. Harry was as cool as a cucumber. There was no doubt in her mind that he would have a great performance.

Even if he had the best performance of his life, it was still going to be a tough fight for the Gryffindor team. The opposing team was made up of the best in the world. Victor Kum highlighted the team as the greatest Seeker of the generation. She looked in the distance and saw Christina Warbeck talking with the French Minister of Magic. Her eyes widened considerably. The sheer number of famous people here was mind-boggling. She desperately hoped that Ron would bring his A-game today. Their future was riding on it. It turned out that her intel was correct. The stands were full of talent scouts for various professional Quidditch teams from around the world. Every single one of them was looking for the next big star. In reality, they were probably here to see one man, Harry Potter. She knew that. Hell, the entire Gryffindor team probably knew it as well. That didn’t mean that they couldn’t wow the scouts and end up with a juicy contract themselves. It was for that reason that the team seemed so nervous that morning. All except for Harry that is. If they played the best games of their lives, it was possible that their careers as a Quidditch pro could start today.

No one expected the team to do much, however. They were playing an All-Star team. People were just hoping that the game would be fun and entertaining.

The two teams were on the grassy pitch waiting for the start of the game. Madam Hooch opened the chest and the two Bludgers flew out and sailed around the pitch. Then the Golden Snitch rose to eye level before flying off into the distance. Finally, she tossed the Quaffle up into the air and the game started. All fourteen players scattered, and her lover, Won Won flew up to his set of golden hoops and waited for some action.

Her eyes went to Harry who did a fancy barrel roll to avoid a rocketing Bludger heading straight for his face. The other team was showing off their skills. Their three Chasers were swooping in and out of each other in mesmerizing patterns, tossing the Quaffle to one another. They were rapidly approaching her boyfriend, and she knew that this was his first big test. A fast throw had the Quaffle zooming toward the far-right hoop. Ron accelerated and was just able to get his fingertips on it to deflect it away from the hoop. Lavender jumped to her feet, yelled, and clapped along with everyone else around her. A huge smile was on her face as Ron had passed the first test. Hopefully, this would help him build up some confidence. Ginny Weasley quickly recovered the Quaffle and the three “Flying Foxes” of Gryffindor decided to show off some skill of their own.

“Ginny Weasley passes to Demelza Robins, Robin passes to Natalie McDonald. Weasley swoops low and McDonald drops the Quaffle to her. Ohhh! She was nearly hit with the Bludger,” the commentator yelled. “Weasley tosses it back up to Robins and Robins punches it back to Weasley … and Weasley scores!” The crowd went wild.

It turned out that the game was actually closer than everyone expected. The Gryffindor team was still a hundred and twenty points down, which was really good considering that they were playing the world’s best. Everyone was at the edge of their seats, hearts beating faster and faster as the game went on.

Ron had made several fantastic stops at the goal, and a few that looked fantastic but were probably on accident. Either way, it didn’t matter. What mattered was that she heard people muttering about the skill of the Gryffindor Keeper. That made Lavender beam with pride. If only people knew the sacrifices that she made to make that happen. It was difficult walking up all those stairs while bowlegged, three or four days a week! “And another great stop by Ronald Weasley!” the commentator yelled, making Lavender jump to her feet and clap loudly.

Suddenly, the crowd went wild. Lavender looked around trying to see what was going on. Finally, she spotted Harry Potter and Viktor Krum in a furious battle trying to capture the elusive Golden Snitch. They were neck and neck as they flew through the air, dodging Bludgers and body-checking one another. Krum had to roll to avoid a fierce attempt from one of the Gryffindor Beaters. The Snitch was right in front of them, barely darting out of the way anytime they took a swipe at it. Out of nowhere, the Snitch shot straight up into the air. Both Harry and Krum elevated, desperately chasing after it. Hundreds of feet the little golden ball rose until finally, it reached its zenith and began to drop. Once again, the opposing Seekers went after it. Their shoulders were slamming into one another’s, and suddenly they split apart, letting a Bludger fly between them. The Snitch darted to Krum but quickly moved away when he reached for it. He reached out again but was rammed by Harry, knocking him out of range. The Snitch was flying directly toward one of the goalposts. Harry and Krum were body-blocking and tossing elbows as they fought for any advantage. Both added a burst of speed, wanting to end the game right there. Both reached out their hands as the Snitch danced right outside of their grasp. They were so focused that they didn’t see the goalpost until the very last second. Harry’s eyes widened, and he pulled left and rolled, barely skimming the pole with his toes. Krum wasn’t so lucky. He pulled right, but his shoulder wasn’t able to clear the post and was sent careening through the air! The crowd gasped as the best Seeker in the world corkscrewed through the air and hit the ground in a heap, sending up a cloud of dirt and grass.

As Krum was soaring uncontrollably through the air, Harry stretched out as far as he could and snatched the golden ball out of the sky. Harry soared into the air, his hand held high presenting the Golden Snitch as the crowd groaned at Krum’s not-so-graceful landing.

“Harry Potter has caught the Snitch! Can you believe it?! Gryffindor has won!” the commentator yelled. As more people saw that Harry did indeed have the Snitch, more started to cheer until finally, the entire stadium was cheering for him.

Lavender couldn’t believe it either. She was dancing around and hugging her best friend as their house team defied the odds and had somehow defeated the best in the world.

The Quidditch Star

Lavender was in her room getting ready. A massive party was already in full swing in the Common Room below, and she just needed a few more minutes to make sure that her makeup was perfect. With one last check of herself, she got up and went down to the Common Room. As soon as she entered, the noise hit her full force. People were laughing and cheering, music was blaring, and bottles were clinking as butterbeer and firewhiskey were being shared openly. She spotted her boyfriend Ron smiling widely as talked to a crowd of interested people. Not long after the game had ended, he ran up to her and hugged her tightly. He had been offered a rookie contract! She was so happy for them and proud of herself for doing her part. It wasn’t just them that needed to be thanked, however. Harry played a huge part as well. She looked around until finally, she spotted him. He was sitting in his favorite chair with a gaggle of girls surrounding him. Chief among them was Romilda Vane and her bestie Parvati. Lavender rolled her eyes. Of course, Parvati would be among them. Unfortunately, she had left it for far too long. She wasn’t going to be able to rope him in now. At best he would use her for his pleasure and send her on her way.

The real interesting thing was Hermione Granger. She was sitting off to the side looking at her best friend with such longing and lust that even Lavender was taken aback. It was clear that she wanted him … badly. Lavender smirked to herself. Wouldn’t it be fitting? She started all of this with a threesome, and wouldn’t it be grand to end it and thank him in the same way? Nodding to herself, she walked over to Hermione and grabbed her hand. She pulled her toward Harry and grabbed his hand as well. With a quick wink, she silently told him what she wanted. With a smile on his face, he followed without complaint.

A few moments later, Lavender was with Hermione in the bathroom while Harry was undressing in the room.

“Lose everything but your panties,” Lavender ordered. “Harry likes to take those off himself.”

“I can’t believe that I let you talk me into this,” Hermione huffed, slipping her clothes off.

Lavender snorted. “It didn’t take much convincing, truth be told,” she teased, causing Hermione to blush. The two near-naked girls walked out of the bathroom and saw Harry laying on the bed stroking his cock. Both girls ogled his massive erection with wide eyes. It was the first time that Hermione had ever seen it.

“Wow!” she gaped. Lavender giggled and hopped on the bed, gripping his cock and giving it a few strokes.

“Fantastic … isn’t it?” she asked, and Hermione just nodded silently, her cheeks a bright pink. “Come over here and touch it.” Hermione did just that. She nervously crawled on the bed as Harry perversely watched her. He loved the way that her perky breasts hung beneath her and gently swayed as she crawled over to him. Her body looked incredible. She looked so soft and smooth in a way that only a teenage girl could. Her light pink nipples were stiff, and he couldn’t wait to taste them. Her last treasure was hidden behind her light purple panties. He would get to it soon enough. “Get on top of him. I’m going to show you how to please him with your mouth,” Lavender instructed. Blushing, Hermione did as she was told and got on him in the sixty-nine position.

Lavender took his cock down her throat, and Hermione watched, wide-eyed as she deep-throated his massive log. Hermione shrieked when Lavender gagged on him and pulled off, leaving a slobbery pole of flesh out in the open. She took him in hand and stroked him, massaging her saliva into his meat. “Your turn!” Lavender ordered, pointing his cock in her direction. Hermione grabbed the base of his cock as she gasped and mewled. Harry was down below, rubbing his face against her panty covered pussy. She was getting really wet, and it embarrassed her to know that he was smelling her arousing scent. It would be impossible not to. She was dry humping his face after all. Hermione put the large, spongy head against her plump lips and opened her mouth wide as Lavender pushed her head down. Slowly his cock sank into her mouth until it hit the back of her throat, and she gagged. Lavender let up and pulled her hair back to keep it out of her face. She smiled and rubbed Hermione’s bare back. “Now bob your head. Make sure to keep your teeth away from it, and use plenty of tongue.”

Hermione nodded as she slowly started sucking Harry’s cock. Hermione heard him moan loudly, and that filled her with confidence. She started sucking faster. Lavender watched as the shy bookworm started really working his cock. She reached out to help her. Grabbing him at the base, she moved her hand up and down, stroking him in rhythm while Hermione blew him. “My turn,” she said. Hermione pulled off of him and presented his cock to her. Lavender took it. “Suck on his balls,” she said, taking his cock back into her mouth. Hermione followed her directions and placed her head by Lavender’s. Hermione’s tongue lashed out and slathered his testicles with her saliva. All over them, she licked and once they were nice and wet, she sucked them into her mouth. Harry moaned against Hermione’s panty-covered pussy. The bookworm was rolling her hips and riding his face. Wanting more, Harry pulled her panties to the side and pressed his face into her. Hermione gasped into his balls as he kissed, licked, and nipped at her bare skin. Blushing profusely, Hermione got back to work as Harry’s talented tongue flicked over her engorged clit. As time went on, Hermione had grown more and more confident. Now she wasn’t taking orders from Lavender, but it was the other way around.

Unknown to anyone, Hermione had a bit of a dominant streak to her. She found the idea of ordering Lavender around in bed to be quite titillating. Trying her hand at it, Hermione got Harry to lift up a bit, and Hermione forced the blonde’s face right into Harry’s ass.

“That’s right. Lick his asshole!” she ordered, happy to see Lavender going along with it. Lavender couldn’t believe that Hermione could act like this. She figured that she would act the part of the blushing virgin. It shouldn’t have been a surprise though. Hermione had always been a bit bossy. A hard slap on the ass made her squeal into Harry’s asshole as Hermione had spanked her. She looked over her shoulder to see her smiling. Another slap on the ass made her get back to work. As she rimmed him, Hermione was spanking and groping her thick ass cheeks. She gasped as Hermione started rubbing her pussy and asshole. She moaned and mewled as she started licking Harry’s big, juicy balls. She let go of his nut with a wet pop of her mouth when Hermione made it known that she wanted her ass licked as well. The brunette got on the bed on all fours and wiggled her ass at her. Lavender slid the panties off of Hermione as Harry got behind her. Hermione waddled further up the bed to give Lavender room to join her. Soon, she too was on all fours, and Harry pulled her panties off as well, sniffing them to satisfy his perverse sexual urges.

Lavender pushed Hermione’s sexy legs up and exposed her virgin holes to the warm air of the room. After a quick lick between her pussy lips, Lavender’s tongue traveled south and came in contact with her puckered hole. She pressed her face hard against Hermione as her tongue added pressure to her crinkled hole. “Yes!” Hermione hissed in pleasure. “Lick it, please!”

Lavender did what she asked and rimmed her tight hole. She was really getting into it when she felt Harry pressing the tip of his gargantuan cock against her asshole. She looked back wildly but was returned to her rimming by a hard slap on the bottom. Lavender gasped and breathed heavily into Hermione’s ass. Harry was stretching her so wonderfully. It hurt but also felt good at the same time as inch after inch slid into her bowels. She felt so incredibly full when finally, Harry’s hips connected with hers. She groaned when he squeezed her butt cheeks and slowly started thrusting. He pushed her face deeper into Hermione’s ass.

“Lick me on the inside,” Hermione moaned, rubbing her naked crotch all over Lavender’s face. She blushed fiercely. She had never done anything so naughty before. Lavender rolled her tongue up and made it stiff. She placed the tip on Hermione’s asshole and tried her best to push it inside. She wasn’t able to get much, but she was able to get an inch inside. Hermione gasped like a whore as her tongue wiggled around, licking the walls of her dirty hole. All the while, Harry was thrusting faster and railing her abused asshole. Lavender felt like such a slut, and it turned her on so much. Harry’s long, thick cock was spearing deep inside of her ass, hitting the most pleasurable spots imaginable. His hand had slipped underneath her and was rubbing and groping her wet, naked pussy. She shivered when he pinched and pulled on her sensitive clit. He rolled the hardened nub between his fingers as she tasted Hermione’s ass.

Lavender squealed as her pussy contracted when a fantastic analgasm washed over her. She pulled her tongue out of Hermione’s ass and rested her face on her pale butt cheek. Harry pulled out and laid back on the bed. He spread his legs apart, showing off his giant erection. “Clean me off,” he told her. Still shivering, she crawled over to him and took his cock down her throat. Her ass wiggling around gave Hermione an idea. Grabbing her wand, she conjured up a strap-on and placed it on her groin. Lavender moaned on his cock when she felt the large piece of rubber slip inside her wet pussy. She felt so disgusting, licking off her ass juices as she was being plowed by Hermione’s fake dick. Lavender mewled as Hermione used her thumb to rub her sore asshole as she fucked the blonde doggy-style. Harry pulled her long hair into a ponytail and held it tight in his hand. Her eyes bugged out when he started thrusting into her mouth. Neither was being gentle while they spit-roasted her mouth and pussy. She couldn’t do much except stay there and take it as they fucked each end of her. A line of drool dripped from her mouth as she continuously gagged on his large cock. With a loud groan, he came down her throat, and she did her best to swallow it all. Even so, globs were dripping out of her mouth as her pussy clamped down on Hermione’s fake cock. Everything went black as she collapsed onto the bed.

She didn’t know how long she was out, but when she opened her eyes, Harry and Hermione were fucking right next to her. She got up and looked at the point of their union. Hermione’s little pussy was being stretched out as Harry furiously fucked her. “Put your head down here, Lav,” Harry ordered. She did so, thinking that he was going to pull out and make her suck him off. As he pulled out, he slapped Hermione’s pussy causing her back to arch, and her pussy to squirt. Lavender squealed as she caught a face full of her ejaculate. Harry was rubbing Hermione’s clit as she mewled and squirmed through a powerful orgasm. Hermione was still cumming when she watched him flip her over and stuff his might cock up her virgin ass. With every thrust, Hermione would squeal and squirt a torrent of pussy juice right onto the bed. Lavender just wanted to join in. She leaned over and kissed her. Soon their tongues were battling over dominance as she came with every thrust of his cock.

It was a bit difficult to kiss her as her body was being slammed into. The loud slapping of Harry’s groin colliding with Hermione’s ass filled the room as the two made out. Hermione squealed again as Harry groaned noisily. She watched as he gripped her ass cheeks hard and ground his hips against her. Hermione was mewling like a slut as her ass was seeded for the first time. After a few more thrusts, Harry pulled out and ushered her to Hermione’s ass. “Suck the cum from her asshole,” Harry said, slapping Lavender on her ass. Lavender squeaked and got to work. Hermione was shuddering through an orgasm as Lavender’s talented tongue licked up the semen oozing from her abused asshole. Harry watched on with pride. Hermione was going to be his new sex toy, and Lavender … well, he was going to keep fucking her for years to come. Life was good for Harry Potter. He licked his lips as Lavender’s ass swayed from side to side. He hadn’t had her pussy today, he thought. Her squeals were music to his ears as he penetrated her slutty pussy for the first time that day.

The Quidditch Star

The next day, Lavender limped around beaming with happiness. Her raw pussy and asshole were of no consequence to her that day. She was too happy to focus on the uncomfortableness. Everyone in Gryffindor was treating lunch like a late breakfast. Everyone was too drunk last night to wake up early. Her boyfriend Ron was gorging himself on food, smiling widely, and telling anyone who would listen about the lucrative contract he had earned. Harry was sitting with Hermione by his side as she acted much like his pet. Girls were surrounding him and practically begging for his attention. The three Chasers were especially guilty of this. It appeared that they wanted to thank him as well. Knowing Harry, a foursome was likely in his future, she snorted to herself. That didn’t matter to her. What mattered was that she had finally gotten what she wanted. Soon, she would be a Quidditch wife and live the life that she had dreamed about for so long. She would have a rich and famous husband and a hot piece of ass on the side that could make her cum like no one’s business. Yes, life was good for Lavender Brown.


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