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Ik'kane Zirektos Ktizos nyr Lexeos.

"I've successfully created a new language"

And I'm learning it rapidly too.

This was a sample of a secret project I have been working on diligently.

along with the drake script i've created I now have a functional language. it is constantly growing and improving, but shortly, you will be able to greet other drakes with phrases like I did tonight.

The language is a perfect fusion of my inspirations and I've even taught it to a machine, which can now speak back to me IN drake common tongue...and it's AWESOME.

This is an enormous endeavor, and while I have made hundreds of words, the common lexicon of english is massive. about 3,000 words minimum to speak english semi-coherently. 

The current dictionary is at a humble 240-ish words--which to say is actually very impressive for a project I've fixated on for about 3 days. Many words I've created in the past and use them to build into the lexicon. Building a language isn't THAT difficult once you establish important root words which all other words are based on. While not terribly difficult, it is incredibly mentally taxing. And LONG. which reminds  me, gotta make half of these words I just used in my vocabulary.


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