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I'm a dad

Rio surprised the shit out of me today. I thought this was coming because she's been VERY affectionate. She was trying to build a nest 2 days ago but then she did the most pigeon typical thing and laid an egg in her box with no sticks no fluff and nothing whatsoever. Literally identical to the pigeon memes you see online.

Anyway I can't take her egg or she will lay more and I'm expecting another because pigeons always lay in pairs. Last pic is her in her box trying her best to incubate. It’s fundamentally impossible for a pigeon to raise her young alone. Pigeon pairs both incubate. Females eat during the day while the male sits on the nest and at night they swap roles. She must feel so overwhelmed because me, her" husband", isn't sitting on her egg 😭 at least she isn't mad at me. And she is accepting food from my hand. despite the obvious that the eggs are infertile

shes literally just a chicken




YOU'RE A DAAAD congrats. Will send diapers and bird feed and I'm just kidding, that's a really cute fuckin egg tho. It's so smol. Fat birb Rio doing what a Rio does.


I'M A DAD D;< well...yeah I can't be the mom I didn't make the egg so i guess im a dad XDDDD and JEEZ she is a terrible mother. she has already given up sitting on it and is back to wanting my attention. its a damn good thing she doesnt have a REAL husband bird