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idk how many hours it's been. since uhhhh 9 or 10pm ive been going at it so I guess 7 or 8 hours.

I need to rest my hand I have a welt on my drawing finger and I have cleaning and dusting to do so I stopped here. did my best to include screencaps of all the drakes at a decent zoom. 

also intentionally made all the chugs look like they'd seen some serious shit bc it's too funny. [and i wasnt lying when i said id delete most of the lineart lmao. chugs have no lines i only added a few back after painting them--wheeee  wasting time by inking wheeee]




Damn, woman! Rest that hand! Everything looks really good so far, all the different drakes and their respective poses/body language and the critters. Good luck with rendering everything once you hit that stage!


well I got all the drakes flatted so now it's time to turn their layers all off and do bg..BUT NOT TODAY. I got a solid dent in my fingie ;_;