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After she'd dragged numerous sandbags into the entryway of the crumbling building, Ezrael knocked over a table and made a blockade, sealing off all but the largest intruders. She stripped down from her wet clothes, tossed them over a stick she pried up with some loose rocks from the hole in the roof and adjusted the tarp she'd dragged up there to create a small overhang above her head in case it rained.

Now inside a damp nest she finally opened the pot of meat and rice she had cooked a distance away to avoid luring anything she didn't want to deal with.  A leg of a medium sized mammal she'd killed in one hand and 3 fingerfuls of rice at a time she stuffed herself. 

Eventually, after inhaling a decent portion of food (several bowls worth) she became drowsy and the battered drake nodded off, rice still sticking to her fingers and fur, the overgrown plant wall serving as a comfortable cushion.




I want a soft plant wall cushion. ;_; God this looks so good, the quiet green of the atmosphere and Ezrael's serene appearance. Even if she's still got a little rice to clean up still. :P


it's one of those pics that while working on it I was like GOD I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I HATE IT, ITS SO BAD I CAN NEVER MAKE THIS NICE