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first big piece for 2024. yes I designed that bike MYSELF it is not imported 3d from anywhere, I made it, it's a custom design as is the airbrushing concept on the tank [I reckon ezrael did it herself, it's the god Fenris from Emain]

I wanted this piece to be able to have a great perspective so I modeled some of it in a poser program I bought yrs ago and it took the ENTIRE day because creating the 'shape' of a motorcycle without any ability to actually sculpt is laughably hard. because its just blocked in poorly for the color test i doubt you can tell the bikes ass isnt deformed theres some bags strapped to it

i might change things up and do different colors for some of the stuff, also make the wall taller

uploading the concept sketches of bikes I was working on for ez

and also the hysterical "3d model" I made using flat planes, half spheres, sticks and hollow spheres

oh and no, ezrael will not be naked in the final draft lmao. I personally HATE IT when ppl have their furries walking around butt ass naked in society doing normal shit like shopping or WAR or whatever. PUT SOME DAMN CLOTHES ON. I might leave her topless though because MMMM that chest is nice




I say if a furry character has human characteristics or higher thought, they'd wear some type of clothing, even if it were a simple loin cloth. I can understand it if the character is more wild, primal, then yeah clothing wouldn't thought of.. Advanced races though..I imagine would wear *something* even if for status/symbolic reasons.


yeah well, even furries on a basic level are supposed to be "human" animals. and outside of weird nudist cults, humans dont walk around butt-ass-nekkid. it is one of my biggest peeves with generic furries cuz like...you're just a fox walkin around with your nuts swinging in the breeze? dick flapping around? rly? but you got human consciousness and human thought which means human /decency/ X'D drakes dont do that whole naked thing. I guess its possible aberrants would end up naked from time to time but they would still find some way to cover up 'the delicate bits' with SOMETHING . hell, a leaf would work