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this female drake who I was calling Seven [but you can call whatever you want] is up for grabs.

if you'd rather not have her be female that's fine--the associated art will just not apply.

you can use any of the 4 colorations I messed with, buyer gets access to all 4.

standard adoption rules apply, no reselling without my consent

any mane [hair] style is fine, if you want me to sketch one on there I can, if you pick female and wanna use the one in the artpiece of her, you can do that.

be aware she has a brother, my partners drake [nox] you don't have any need to ever recognize the relation at all. it's just for any future commercial work I may do. 

whoever offers first gets a 24hr hold on her, after that it's free for all. 




Oooooo I'm genuinely tempted by the blue coloration...... >x> Would any further tweaks be permitted beyond the hair/gender? Just little things like the horns or the style of the tail, for example.


between the concept sketch and the pinup are 2 different horn styles anyway, so whatever hornshape is wanted would be fine with me. they have basically infinate horn options what with the binding/training them. it's just that no one thus far has really ordered VERY COMPLEX horns. but its totally doable. the basic rule with the horns is they grow from 1 stalk. so single horns, dual tip, tri tip, etc all grow from one point. other than that it's endless options. same for the other things you asked about like the mane and tail. all changable.