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made yet another drake


just for fun. i was kinda rolling around the idea of a big emo colored baby, like black all black. I mean ez is black-ish, she's mainly grey. but i mean like emo baby blackity black with black hair black fur black horns

would that be too much black? 

hypermelanism is honestly super cool. i already have a hypomelanistic drake [nile] why not the opposite end

oh and happy screw years



I figured the hypermelanistic would be possible if they can come in albino! If it was me I'd be too tempted to throw in some kind of lighter accent to truly adhere to the rules of hypermelanism. >_> I have an unused color concept that's basically a super desaturated bluish-black that wound up being offset by a tiny amount of silver accents and pale blue scars since I thought it looked like lightning. Anyways! I do like the way certain melanistic animals look with the subtle markings showing through, so it would be fun to see a drake with it. Jaguars are ~gorgeous~ when they're like that.


Why not. As the creator, you can bring to light rare instances that can happen in the universe but isn't common. Take advantage of that for lore. Make a black colored drake, slap some myspa- yeah go for it.


MOOD. I don't fancy felines much but my favorite ones are melanistic jaguars which MANY people confuse for melanistic leopards. but jaguars are BIGGER and have muuuch nicer spots. oh man theyre so pretty. I was htinking a solid black design with maybe a white blaze on the forehead. just plain black all over. though I might be overly tempted to throw in white speckles for that nightsky effect. also, you can totally have hypermelanism+ piebald. so there CAN be patches of white or a very pale washed out color. in general hypermelanistic animals are the same as ppl, just darker versions of the normal range of color. so they don't necessarily have to be black. I just wanted to draw a black one for EDGINESS. admittedly I almost made a black jaguar drake once but I nixed the idea because someone I knew also had a black jaguar oc and I didnt wanna seem like I was stepping on her toes ;_;