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admittedly my original idea was a bit different but I went with this because it's fitting.

Rarely in anyones life do they experience true love. Kisenya [kisu] and Fern were truly in love, it was a  spiritual, beautiful, pure love. The love they shared was like that of your soul being split at birth. Their love was never sexual, but they gave their lives for each other and to take out the [current] hive King of Chaos in a brutal final fight where they both lost their lives--but allowed Ezrael and the other civilians that final chance to escape the planet.

During the final fight Fern is stabbed by the hive King who was inhabiting body of another Mistavian, and thus Fern was infected. He was fully aware upon infection he had no choice but to die.

To buy his people time, he fought in the air with the current Mistavian host and tore out the mass of chaos cells that were serving as the beasts heart. They both fell from the sky in a crumpled mess. Kisenya had fought alongside from the ground, and was fatally wounded. In her last moments she crawled over to her mate and curled in his massive heaving chest with one eye seeing the last ships launch. They died at the same time, and no one ever saw their corpses again [what with chaos n all rampaging across the planet]

This kind of sacrificial infinite love is what the theme was for.


full process of this will also be posted. hope you like it. and it may seem SAD, but from the beginning, their story was always destined to end in death. their deaths saved countless lives. with Chaos being FULLY involved in the fight with Fern, the civilians were able to escape to safety.



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