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it's big news lmao

my little man gave me kisses for the first time tonight while I was feeding him a ~brand new treat he never got to see before since he's a rescue~ MILLET. he LOVED the millet and he got so excited he started nibbling all over my hands and fingies


pigeon kisses ARE SO FUCKING CUTE. they basically nibble on you to show love not like parrots which actually /lick/ pigeons express love with nibbles and rubbing their head against their partner [which is me???] and he did both for the first time WOOOO SOOO SWEET.

he's also been singing for me at bed time, he has the most BEAUTIFUL voice he doesn't have that pRuuu that most pigeons have where it sounds like rolling an R in your mouth

he just says


"woo wooo wooo wooo woo"

i'm dead


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