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october 7th an atrocity happened against my people, my jewish brothers and sisters in Israel. I watched dozens of videos, uncensored, roll in of corpses of men, women and children who had been raped, tortured, lit on fire, stabbed, mutilated and murdered. I've seen footage of IDF soldiers walking the grounds of the music festival that was ruined by terrorism, I saw the dozens of mangled corpses on the ground. I heard the trauma in soldiers voices as they called out in Hebrew "please, is anyone alive? anyone?" and there was only silence. and me, this tough ass bitch, cried.

I watched videos that showed burnt corpses of babies and toddlers and was horrified and speechless. I watched the videos as they came in of jewish families realizing mid interview that their daughter, a 22yr old med student studying to be a doctor was finally found brutally murdered.

I've seen the lies of the hamas terrorists and I've seen t he extreme hatred lobbied against MY people in the last 2 months.  Hamas started a war and now they want to cry and moan as Israel bombs gaza in retaliation. These same innocent palestinians everyone is riding the dick of in america were literally filmed beating the corpses of naked israeli girls in the street, celebrating and dancing. only after retaliation happened did the narrative twist and they claim they are "innocent civilians"

the same innocent civilians who elected hamas as a figure and political power  because they supported terrorism and the terrorist ideals.

these events have disgusted, enraged and infuriated me to no end. while I am not religiously a jew, I am racially. my grandmother didnt survive the holocaust so white dickheads in america can ride antisemitism cock and claim 'from the river to the sea' and call for the murder of my people. israel is jewish land, it always was. it always will be. even if all the jews die, the land will still be jewish land. jews founded the first monotheistic religion 3,000+ years ago. there would be no GOD for anyone to worship without them. when the ottoman empire stole jewish land they were forced to wander as gypsies. this crime against the jewish ppl was only rectified in 1947 and finalized in 1948. prior to that the land of "palestine" existed for some 25 years after saudi arabia made an arms deal with britain and created 'mandatory palestine'

people want to deny history, deny facts, deny reality. but the real facts are this WAR is the direct result of yet another jewish massacre and this shit cannot be tolerated. it's evil, immoral and just fucking disgusting. turkey stole HALF of greece during the VERY SAME ottoman period and the turks [who are also mainly muslim] have defiled and destroyed thousands of year old greek historical landmarks. but you don't see greeks blowing themselves up or behaving like terrorists. 

so how is it fine that turkey gets to keep STOLEN LAND of greece, but the ancient jewish lands are returned to them and this is evil and corrupt? how? palestine existed TWENTY FIVE YEARS.  the current iteration of palestine was founded in 1988. they do not have claim TO THAT LAND. nor do they hold any claim whatsoever to murder innocent people just going about their lives. if jews are so evil and corrupt how come 2 million of the population of israel are arabic muslims? how come these arabic muslims have rights and privileges and even places in law and in the govt of israel? there is only one clear defined enemy here, one true evil. and that is terrorism. whenever the M.E doesnt get its way it turns to terrorism and violence. and make no mistake, it's not just jews.

last week 2 palestinian men were murdered in the street by hamas for SUSPICION of being collaboratorss with the IDF. No proof. no facts. just hamas doing what every terrorist organization has ever done, killing and labelling it as something else.

do you know what else muslims do? they stone women to death. they honor kill women and children and often these honor killings are the most violent and heinous of crimes. they rape and behead women for the mere mention of possible adultery, even if it's a LIE. they dont allow women jobs, education, human rights, voting, free speech. they murder gays and lesbians for existing. they marry off 8 year old girls to 55 year old sicko men for MONEY and then these girls end up dead 50% of the time from internal bleeding from the RAPE.

but sure, yes this is innocent ppl and a religion of peace.

if anyone says israel or jews are lying about the horrors against us, we arent. they arent. elon musk may be a colossal piece of shit but he has overruled the twitter rules multiple times to keep videos UP, LIVE and accessible on twitter to show these heinous crimes. 

my people are the tiniest demographic on the fucking planet, how can they possibly be responsible for anything truly evil when everyone else including muslims outnumber them by *literal* billions.

it's not hard to find the truth and the evidence, it's really not. and anyone wearing blinders to this or supporting these nazi rallies on college campuses or in internet circles is just as much a criminal as the criminals themselves. now there's a whole fucking war happening, all because of a despicable act of terrorism

do you know I have to look over my shoulder where I live now when I go shopping? 

Do you know my 89 year old grandmother called me and told me DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE TELL ANYONE WHAT YOU ARE.

Do you know that I can't even mention my family background in this current time and place because of the radical naziism spreading in a country founded by multiple goddamn races? 

But you know who aren't living in fear and hiding? terrorists and muslims. no they're outside tearing down posters of missing and murdered children, calling for jewish murder and eradication. THEY should be living in fear. THEY should be cowering and be forced to remove their hijab and head scarves under the fear of being murdered in the street. but no, this is what MY people are experiencing and living with. NOT THEM.

I'm so sick of it. I didnt find out we were jewish until i was twenty-fucking-five because my grandmother, the matriarch CHOSE to hide what she and her children were out of fear.

I'm PROUD to be her grandchild, proud of our ancestry. I shouldnt feel bullied into hiding what I am, I shouldnt have to feel this fear for my life or my families lives. but guess what, I do. and it isn't me. every jew in the entire fucking world was raised with this same fear I have. this need to hide who we are or where we are from because the trauma of what happened in ww1 AND ww2 is so ingrained in us now, that it has become the goddamn foundation of what we are as a people. we're 3 and 4 generations into this trauma now and it isn't any better now than it was in 1945.

my bf keeps telling me not to watch these videos, to let him watch them and not traumatize myself.

but I told him "we HAVE to watch this shit. we HAVE to spread it. we cant pretend it isnt fucking happening AGAIN." 

/end rant



If I may, to add on to this: I see the bs mixed in with the reporting and the narrative the big news stations are trying to spin. Israel has an army they're responding with while oh no, they're only going after a small terrorist group. It surely must be a power imbalance there, no war is wanted if only one country is bringing military into it. Wrong, it's like poking a bear with a stick and crying when it mauls you. (In my eyes). War is terrible, messy, civilians that don't want to fight caught in the crossfire all the time. Hamas knew that and still instigated it. But if you listen to our media out here, you'd think Israel overreacted and are bullying Palestinians. Normally I don't like the newstations or twitter for reporting, but in my humble opinion, the people who post the atrocities hidden by news there are the real "ground side reporters". Israel was already dealing with their own shit head leader, and now they're stuck with him even longer due to having to deal with their dumb neighboring country. ): If we're such an ally to Israel politically speaking, then why the heck are the ppl in charge just rolling along with such an incorrect narrative that the terrorists are the victims here? Ugh


if I was capable of signing up and going over there to blow up some palestinian terrorists I'd already be on a plane. The whole thing is SICKENING and the fact hamas is openly lying and no matter how many times israeli forces post PROOF now people say "oh its fake its zionist lies" when less that 1% of the entire global jewish population are even /zionists/ is insane. I've SEEN these videos that hamas and ultra left wing whackos in america say don't exist. it isnt hard to find them at all. there was 'peace' before hamas murdered hundreds of innocent civilians, now all of palestine has to deal with the consequences of their actions. when you elect an insane nazi you don't get to cry when the same insane nazi gets your people into so much shit it's unbelievable. and notice how all the neighboring muslim and arab countries REFUSE to take palestinian "innocent civilians" it's cuz they know. jordan, egypt, iran, they don't want that shit in their country.