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my man said the pulsating chaos nutsack was "creepy and disgusting as fuck"

so I guess I succeeded lmao

this is obviously a different period of time from her initial drop onto emain for battle practice [aka prototype weapon testing] some point at this time she's traveling the dying world, learning whatever she can about Emain before she's shipped off to space. She's probably between 1-5 cycles old here.




So young, eyes that haven't seen the horrors and trials yet.


young but definitely not innocent. but you're right about one thing. she's not yet numb to the horrors of the universe yet. poor egg


"Pulsating wh- OH" It's looking at me and I don't appreciate it :( Very nice atmospheric piece! I can feel the melancholic disappointment radiating from it and Ezrael's thousand-yard stare.


lololololololol pulsating NUTSACK. it's some nasty ass embryo full of horrible infected insects ew