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you can see my very rough concept in sketchup [which is a nightmare to use btw because it is NOT a 3d program, it's 2d pretending ot be 3d but any "3d" objects are just 4 planes and hollow/empty inside]

you can see how the process pretty much went from here. artists are told by fandom hobbyists that to use 3d or references or stock photos, it's wrong and bad. that tracing is bad, that all of it is bad and that using tools is considered "not real art"

if you become a real industry artist, you'll learn VERY fast this is a LIE.

use your tools


learn however you can

references are NOT cheating

stock images exist for a fucking reason

you do NOT actually have to "credit" stock image websites [unless specifically states in the publishers tos]

and that whatever makes your process easier, is a viable and legitimate option




forgot to say that "rendering" the idea in sketchup took about 5 hours. It's a wildly annoying program to use. I had to hand draw each crack and then delete the section of 'square' that the line was attached to..only sketchup is very badly made and the pen lines on the faces would sometimes just attach to blank space/air and not the fucking object face at all...so it was a pain in the dick


This is why I just use minecraft to build any sort of interior room lmao. My smooth brain can't stand programs like sketchup and blender. This is so sick though. The progress for the final work is always so interesting.


XD I never though to use minecraft tbh because it's only squares ;w; this program does allow for circles but on this I only used 3 [for the rebar]