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yeah this was already the plan, but I didn't announce it.

Thing is, out of all the drakes culture, clothing, unique goods goes like this:

1. tropics

2. southerns

3. northerns because they dont produce shit or have culture for shit

I plan to do "alien" outfits, so clothing you'd see tropic drakes wear on alien worlds, more fishing equipment, a lot more details of what they create, etc, etc. also more bags and satchels for holding various things. this will probably be another 2 pages the same size as the original one, crammed with as much as I can fit.

other things I've got planned for the end of this year:

-Noxanima/soulless creatures

-Aberration changes/transformation/sheet on aberrants

-drake lifecycle/age/breeding details including different stages of egg growth

-Different chemical effects of fire spit. ex. alcohol, acid, magnesium, etc

each of these sheets will be teased a few times on my patreon and then sent to *active* patrons in the 20/10$ tiers via private message using patreons DM system.

With this method I control exactly who sees my content, who has it, and if it leaks I can pinpoint it with ease.



not me casually planning all this shit while the northern fuckfaces are completely ignored. LOL.