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tl;dr last night I showed my bf that the fat skank who rips me off is doing so /yet again/ by conveniently getting a shark character less than a week after I posted my own for myself & my man--

so we discussed how to make his shark more unique [because the bitch even had to get a striped one i mean ffs lol]

so he went back to his original idea of a thresher shark, but we kept some of the black-tip aspects too. so pelagic thresher shark colors and then I custom designed a tattoo for him and then the bf wanted the pisces symbol on the tattoo [for magical reasons that will become clear SOON] 

anyway he's more ~unique~ now and thus harder to steal but it's still rly fucking disgusting that that fat flappy cunt would /once again/ rip me off. even my bf got pissed and he's not even a furry. 



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