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I make a lot of gator related jokes with my boyfriend as we are both from the tropics and love reptiles [both large and smol] and we have a lot of gator-related inside jokes [actually, ive had them for years now wayyy before I met him but I digress] I decided it was finally time to make a /gator something/ he had all kinds of WEIRD ideas for the gator-chimera, and I personally wanted to do a seal/shark/gator but ended up doing something entirely out of my comfort zone and a nudibranch [that's seaslug to you common folk] seal, gator shark thing. though the only real seal elements that carried over into the final draft were her teefs. she's a chimera, so shes not meant to make 'sense' tho I refer to her as gatordog now and forever. 

prolly think up a name eveeentually.

the stick joke is based off of a *real* phenomenon that started with  /american gators/ and has been seen since in other large crocodilians. They are very intelligent animals and use twigs and sticks as "bait" in the nesting season of birds to bait the birds into flying down to grab the sticks and the gators promptly snap them up.


if you're curious there are some sweet videos on YT of gators snapping up water-birds as a tasty snacc. guess the lizard brain outsmarts the 'superior birdbrain' yet again! 




Oooh she reminds me of a waterlily! A bitey waterlily. I'm not usually big on pink but the addition of the green in the mane and eyes makes it really nice to look at.