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Snow fell quietly on the deck outside of the warm nook the two drakes had rented for the evening. They'd bathed, fed and the night was winding down now, peaceful and quiet.

Kai had combed her mane out and she was fluffy and fresh as a summer evening, even in spite of the cold wet substance falling from the sky.

The small dwelling was lightly furnished, had a bed and sofa, a small table, and a cooling receptacle with worn wooden floors and a creaking deck that bowed outside from the weight of the snow.

Her claws tapped on the floor as she walked through the room, pulling a pile of blankets and pillows from the sofa and haphazardly tossing them onto the floor in a big pile, kicking them around a bit until a rough nest-shape was formed. She walked up to the sliding glass doors that stood between her and a miserable, cold outside and sighed, drawing the curtain into a bunch and tying it open.

A few moments later Nero joined her, equally clean and fluffy and he proceeded to gently bonk his forehead into hers, the customary greeting between two affectionate drakes. Kai reciprocated and turned her head to nuzzle in return, rubbing cheek to cheek.

"My love-" he whispered into her ear and Kai leaned into the sound of his voice, putting a hand on his chest. This wasn't a moment that needed words, or permission. The keen senses all drakes were born with made it easy to recognize desire, however, the desire for physical contact in an imprinted pair was always more prominent.

Kai continued to nuzzle into her mates neck, giving him gentle kisses and slight pricks with her fangs, making him melt into the pile of blankets with her. They continued caressing each other, Nero touching every inch of her body with his larger hands and Kai returning the affection in kind.

When Kai rolled atop him and leaned down for a kiss, Nero happily gave it to her, tongues rolling together for a heated moment. Neither could contain how they felt, or what they wanted from the other and their tails coiled together like feral serpents while they embraced.

"Thank you" Kai whispered, pressing the maximum amount of her body against his, showing their growing bond.

"For what" Nero asked, voice soft, his palm caressing her cheek.

"Teaching me to feel again," she said even softer, her voice low and somewhat morose.

Nero rubbed his thumb against her jaw and brought her into a kiss, the other hand stroking along her back.

"The feeling is mutual," he said with a smile, staring up at her with his pretty, dark eyes.

That look always affected Kai the same way, her heart suddenly pounding in her chest and the heat rising in her face.

"I'm so lucky I found you," she said, giving a small smile of her own and nuzzling him again.

The snow fell. And two drakes entwined, drowning in each others scents and emotions.



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