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Kai, a scrappy tempered new drake. She's highly impetuous and has zero problem lashing out at anyone around her (as evident by the 9000 scars/cuts)

she's always in some state of healing from some number of wounds at any given time. Kai has no qualms whatsoever about challenging other drakes that GREATLY outclass her. Notably, she's picked fights with Ezrael.

Kai was once knifed in the chest and she's rather sensitive about being touched near her heart or on her bad shoulder. 

Despite being a scrappy little shithead, she VASTLY enjoys calming hobbies such as gardening both in soil and aquaculture. She keeps several marine companions and is always near water. Her ideal habitat is light coastal jungle or mangroves and is deadly in water combat due to extensive time spent in aquatic terrain. She will absolutely drown someone in a fight. 

Kai feeds primarily on a plant-diet, which makes her less muscular than other drakes in her size-class. She consumes fish or certain avian proteins but strays from mammalian or reptilian meats entirely. (she will NOT eat cows, deer, hooved animals, etc but in rare occasions will take beaver-like creatures as prey)

Unlike many drakes who refrain from using their flame-spit unless absolutely necessary, Kai will not hesitate to burn someones face right off for the slightest offense. 

Her mane is actually a grey-color but she adds fur-dyes to make it the rich blue it is.

As a sadist, she enjoys "the fight" and keeps her feet talons exceptionally long and thick to make sure she shreds her opponent in battle. 



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