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yeah sorry the title is 100% unrelated to this pic I started in stream last night

in reality the 'praise be to yevon' is thanks to janeway's vet bloodwork coming back clean. I've been silently fretting over her because she's going to be a senior doggo soon and I am paranoid about her health. like, super paranoid. so, a big old breath of relief and an ironic/jovial 'praise be to yevon' because janeway is healthy and happy and I am burnt out from worrying about her. 

anyway here's some TOTALLY UNRELATED ART LOL of aeryn and theo uhhh, being loving. yeap.

I dont do nsfw often anymore so now when I DO, i get all embarassed about it .///. ooh so naughty..uuhhhhh

this is just a crop/wip!



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