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Blue: No she didn't.............../sweat

completely random generic white female drake c:




I don't think I've seen a white drake from you yet! Does this one qualify as albino, or just lightly colored? The sort of yellowy tones and the pale eyes have me curious. (In hindsight I guess there would be a lot more blue tones in the flesh as the blood is blue, but I am still wondering)


so this random female isn't albino as she still has her normal flesh color [reddish] most if not all albinos would have a bluegreen tinge to their skin and all white areas will be tinged with blue. so around the eyes/nose/paws/fingers and any joins like the knees or elbows[unless they had long fur tufts] and her eyes are normal colored. albino eyes in drakes are a sort of lilac-y color. I've still yet to actually draw one and a lot of this is subject to the pattern as well. for example if a pure black male and a chocolate female of [whatever region] had an albino pup that pups fur would depend on if he inherited dads black or moms brown coat. and then it would be lightened accordingly. a brown [albino] coat would appeal like a grey-lilac, a black-albino would be slightly darker and more blue tinted. that pup would likely have severe allergies and hearing problems too. :< hope this kinda answered?


Ooh, even the fur is bluish! Interesting. Albino critters may be pretty but I feel bad for all the health issues that come with it.


yeah, well this example has a blueish coat since black fur = bluegrey in albino [for drakes, well and some animals like dogs too]