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I have to admit wholeheartedly I LOVE drawing love. It ain't about showing dicks in pussies, it’s about making someone, even one other person see the art piece and go "awwwhhhhhh" and swoon and get that flutter in their heart/stomach. That's something I enjoy immensely.

So on that note, after I finished the comm I posted earlier I worked on my final 2021 piece, it’s something sweet and sure the pose is one I've done a ton but it's cause I love, love. I may not have the ability to feel romantic love anymore due to trauma but it doesn’t stop me from yearning for it with every fiber of my being. I'm in love with love. And I hate love too, I hate that it can destroy a person. But the feelings when it’s good, are unparalleled. Beautiful. Amazing. Worth saving. Worth protecting. So I draw it, or at least I try to.

Yes, an angry rage filled Italian jew from a 6.7million population city who has been burnt and raped and given ptsd by men, still loves the thought of love. And even if it’s bittersweet in my own heart, I like seeing good people who deserve good things, in love.

I should be sleeping now :') night!



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