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sorry for not being so active. ive been heavily focused on moving out of this state and not much else has held my attention. :C I have done absolutely zero personal art/drake art/anything other than commissions, and those have been very slow. so you're not missing out, it's actually just me. Raine was a character I made to be with my ex, and I did reinvent her to be something id love, and i do love her buuut...I just havent had the desire to draw her, or anything really. x_x; it's actually not been the best few months. so sorry about that haha. [and by that i literallyjust mean for me, artwise.] hhhhhyyyyyhhh

anyway I am trying to find..motivation? for personal art? its just not there lmao. im sorry. :[ but ive been doing comms, and ill keep on doing those. 

i'm also doing some anxiety medicine changes and so ive been following my docs detox instructions [woo. fun] and im not sure if when i start the new meds, if itll make improvements to my mental image of myself or not. obviously you guys will be first to know since ill have more art output, maybe.  D: sorry. im sure ill be more active after i move, but right now i cant focus on much else. x_x


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