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Things people do to us hurt. The things done by people we care about most, hurt most.

These things don't go away..they linger and come out when you sleep, or when you go out to a familiar place, or when you're just making coffee.

I've been talking to people less and less, ive even had bad anxiety the last two days without stopping. finally gave in and took my extended release-o anxiety meds. I don't like doing that though.but im at a crossroads in my life and i'm more stressed than I seem able to cope with. havent been broadcasting it on twitter as much or anywhere really.

most days I have are pretty good, or at least alright.

but it doesnt stop me from thinking about horrible things like whether or not the words I have saved in letters or cards was ever real.

I never animate guys, I hate animating. I'm not good at it, so maybe this shows just how badly the pain in my chest has been. and ive been enduring it on my own, because I grew tired of leaning on friends for support.

anyway, I wont say more. 



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