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this post came about from circulating nonsensical rumors, based with 0 fact to back up absurd claims that 1. I have traced adjot and 2. that I have copied  him.

i made this chart and drew over multiple headshapes from both of our "oldest" versions of our drakes to their latest/last versions. (as he has since discontinued his species)

I want to make a very clear point that i have absolutely nothing against adjot/snowskau whatsoever, he is very talented, his work has come very far and he draws quite well. sad he doesnt draw much other than cats these days but that is his choice and like i said, no probs with the guy.

i DO have probs with people saying i've copied something when i havent.

abyss drakes are the culmination of some VERY old species that i made up when i was still -a fucking underage child- and FA wasnt around at that time, nor was adjot or his drakes. so no, i couldnt have possibly stolen something which did not exist yet. lol.

my drakes take after my ONLY feral sentient dragon species, the sentient dragon species i imagined when i was 2 years old, that ran beside the car as we drove around. the dragon i imagined was similar to FALKOR from neverending story, but not a dogs face, a flat head, all white body and fluffy and iridescent like falkor, but otherwise just a white dragon creature.

when i first started to draw emain things when i was still in highschool, my first creatures were flat headed with pointed snouts. they came -before- sergals even existed. i am a fucking OLD artist. lol. all the people who stalk me and wanna talk shit about how i did this or that know im old, and know i have been drawing this material for the decades they have stalked me. 

so, since people wanted to say theyre apparently the same species, i did this and im sure itll be leaked on the net at some point, but the point is for it to be there and show people that no, theyre not the same, not even close. for one, there are no rabbit ears on my drakes. no jagged jaws, and their nostrils dont have humps on the snout nor are they located at the top of the head like a gator [ive personalyl never cared for that aesthetic]

[added on for comparison, the abyss drake parent race one of the older redesigns of them, this one is 2010. i really hate my old art and dont have much desire to post the stuff from 2003 lol. also i didnt get my first tablet until 2008? 2009? somewhere in that area. so i was entirely pen and paper up until that point. 

anyway, end of the ramble, this was meant to be short and sweet.

clearly if you have eyes in your skull, you can play spot the fucking difference and see there are a million of them.

do we have dragon things with square-ish shaped heads? yes. do i claim that idea as my own? no. have i been drawing that longer than fa has been around? yes. longer than the other guy? i wouldnt know i am  not him, i DO know that he wanted to get as far away from his whisker drakes as possible, after a bad breakup between him and a stalkery-ex bf of his. i dont claim to know much more than that, and i only know that much cause said ex plastered poor adjots face on every forum and thread from here to the moon stalking the poor guy. :/ 

i respect adjot/snowskau as a person and an artist, he isnt someone i know or even talk to, but i think he is talented and his fluffy cat guys are unique in their own way [im not into cats tho soooooo not my personal cup of tea ey]

it's my small teensy hope that people finally shut the fuck up, and those whoa re stealing and copying from me need to fucking go to hell, because i clearly have put a lot of work and love into my species, and ill be damned if some internet tough guy is gunna take my shit and say it's theirs or that it was stolen. not when i have so much details in my drakes that they have their own FUCKING HOROSCOPES. ok? ok.

peace for now. until next time.



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