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A collective of creatures from either the planet Emain, the moon Eo or the system that Emain is in.

The Beings: A mysterious race of interstellar travelers whos last known visit to the planet was in its early stages of primitive life. They do not follow the logical norm of meat and bone, nor do they appear familiar to a humans eyes. Whether they are still somewhere in the galaxy are unknown.

Status: unknown

Mistavian Dragons: The one "true" dragonic race of Emain. Sentient, massive scaled and feathered reptiles that have fibrous bones and a keen intelligence. They choose to live nomadic lives sparsely dappled across the northern and southern poles of the planet. They have a strict order among themselves and a ruling hierarchy that has existed for millenia. It's assumed that their form is an example of convergent evolution, as they somewhat resemble the warhounds and their ancient ancestor Fenris, albeit with wings.

Status: Extinct

Rift Drakes: The dominant sentient life form of Emain. Rift drakes are small, highly intelligent bipedal dragons covered in fur. Varieties of Rift drake have cropped up planetwide as a result of continents diverging over thousands of years. The aquatic rifts are nearly indistinguishable from their northern, fluffy cousins. Lacking wings and lightweight frames, aquatic rift drakes have adapted to a simpler lung system, gills and very short fur akin to that of a seal, as well as webbed fingers and footpaws. Rifts can interbreed with each other and their DNA is compatible with the feral dragon race of mistavians, much to the rifts surprise. Unfortunately, a 3 foot tall bipedal creature has a hard time impregnating a massive dragon larger than a schoolbus, and impossible to bear its eggs...they had to come up with a more unique way of testing the hybridization theory...

Status: Extinct

Veil Drakes: The original genetically modified "test tube" babies of emain. Much like how modern earth colubrids can breed and produce viable offspring with several others of different species, the drakes are also capable of this through artificial insemination of a "created" host mother. This produced eggs which were then incubated to hatch an oddly furless (to the rifts surprise) species of massive (10ft tall) drakes which still retained the pointier snout of their parent rifts, but more of the strength of Mists. They were, being scaled, more resilient to attacks of flame or heat than rifts. They also were surprisingly well equipped against radiation...Which landed them the role of military soldiers. Once the Veil began to populate on their own (once thought to be sterile.) they blended into society as a more repressed race, with few rights as their question of birth was that of "I was born here, what about you, you freak" and etc, begging to whether they were really alive. Veil of course, were.

Status: Extinct

Abyss drakes: The unexpected jewel of Emain. Abyss drakes are the result of a rift drake and a veil producing viable eggs, and those reaching adulthood and either reproducing with hybrids like themselves, or alternatively breeding back to veils or rifts again. Eventually (only a few years, as drakes reach maturity at 2 Emain years of age--like many reptiles of earth) a distinguished and notable version of drake came to be. Quiet and under the radar as wars had been raging, Abyss proved to be the most viable species on the planet. When the first hybrid drake had a single egg with her Veil drake mate, a massive pup was born. This pup would grow to be the largest recorded abyss drake in the history of the species, it's assumed this is due to the large amount of veil and mistavian blood he carries. He was drafted into the military and "requested" to "donate" his DNA to 'save the world'. His seed was copied thousands of times with thousands of females eggs, only the most intelligent or strongest females were donors to the cause, and these offspring were rapidly aged up and imprinted with the knowledge of their planet as by this time, a true known evil in the universe was inexplicably destroying their world. With the hopes of an entire planet on their shoulders, Abyss Drakes were launched into space.

Status: Alive, pockets existing throughout the galaxy. No known colonies.

Chaos: The common nickname given to a sentient life form that fell from the sky in a meteor. It proceeded to infect all animals and insects it came in contact with, spreading like a virus rapidly. Hosts showed signs of infection within hours, and within a few days their bodies were puppets for the virus. A few months and the virus slowly fed on their organs, leaving only itself to pump blood and keep the host alive, eating their brains at the very end so it could feel the suffering and anguish as it made its hosts rape, kill, infect and slaughter their own lovers, friends, families and even strangers. There is no known way to eliminate Chaos, it's highly adaptive, however the planets unique stone Amanathine, a crystal form of a radioactive rock similar to uranium or polonium on earth proves to be a barrier. The virus seems unable to penetrate the cellular structure of any being with a high rate of infection from Amanathine poisoning. This early discovery is what allowed the Abyss drakes, out of any other species, to survive.

Status: Unknown, planet is sealed off by a heavy duty defense system

Clover beasts: A native predator of emain. Slick black skin, massive jaws, no visible ears, and four legs with massive claws. This dune predator will attack and eat anything. Highly agile, they are solitary and "convenient" pack hunters. If a large animal is struggling to be taken down, a handful of Clover will band together to take the prey, then split off afterward. 

Status: Extinct

Aberrant drakes: Feral abyss drakes that either crashed or landed on inhospitable planets and "adapted" to the circumstances, losing their common tongue along the way and devolving into a feral beast. Often cannot be rehabilitated. Interestingly, they can carry different traits from where they live. Some have even come to carry a toxic saliva or venom in their fire glands, rather than the typical combustible sulfuric acid. 

Status: very much so alive & dangerous

Qothari warhound: The descendants of the legendary "wolf" Fenris, a massive titan of a dog, the best friend and companion of the hydra Scylla. They imprint on one drake for life and become a lifelong companion. Their death is tied to that of the one they imprint upon. If their owner dies in battle the hound will fight with all it has and after the fight has ended it will collapse at its owners side and die from despair.

Status: Pockets survived in space with their owners and have been bred over time, keeping the species alive.

Aestharii: A feral, semi intelligent drake-like creature that vocalizes like a bird and have finely scaled bodies and magnificent head crests of feathers. 

Status: Living on the moon Eo, they are native to the moon and safe from the outbreak on the planet below.

Chargers: A 'horse' race of fleshy beasts with long limbs. They communicate using bellows from a massive hollow tube protruding from the crown of their heads. Males have enormous horns that they use in combat to assert dominance. They have regional anatomy differences. Tropical communities have bred chargers with finned backs and webbed feet and massive lungs to hold their breath in the water. Dune chargers are the origin species, have distinct feet with wide toes that allow them to run on sand without sinking. They are the fastest travel beast of burden on Emain. They are a herding beast and omnivorous. Mainly vegetarian but will consume fish or small mammals they trample or come across if they lack protein from vegetation.

Status: Likely extinction

Aquaelions & Greater crested aquaelions: The sentient form of life on Eo, an entirely aquatic species that cannot survive on land for more than a few hours, they are somewhat bipedal, but have more fish or eel-like appearances than anything. They have large coral cities deep in the oceans and are excellent fisherman and spear hunters. They communicate with under water song, much like Earth whales.

Status: Alive

Athelion sprinters: Large, aggressive, plated and spined beast of Eo. Very difficult to tame. They have unique jaws where they can protrude an inner gum-line to fold a series of sharp teeth out in threat displays. Avoid at all costs, extremely deadly and next to impossible to kill. Not much gets through their thick plated body armor.

Athelions: Alive

Dunestriders: A theropod-appearing mount used by the nomadic gypsies of the desert areas in Emain. Large, bipedal, extremely fast. Like the chargers, they have feet with large surface area to keep from sinking into the sand. Their leathery hide often is sand and blended in swirls of color. They have a fan on their heads that fills with blood and can raise or lower like a lizards dewlap, allowing them to release body heat. Their tails also feature a second fan. They're equipped with two arms that have opposable thumbs and can articulate things fairly well despite their large size. They are reasonably intelligent and if raised young, tame well.

Status: Likely extinct


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