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Been going through *times* and my best friend in the world has been really supportive and he's genuinely great at providing distractions from *bad stuff* and making it better. he's one of a tiny tiny amount of people who have been here helping me

I'm SURE the people online will REE TO KINGDOM COME about me doing what literally *every fucking artist does* and drawing a cute edit of a screenshot *i took* of me and Oni playing RE: Remake together. We joke a lot that Rika[I'm] the little shit in his pockets and that's why he can only pick up like 6 fucking items, and also continually harass him about the gun HOLSTERED ON HIS LEG THAT HE NEVER ONCE USES IN THE GAME LOL. But old bad games aside, we enjoy playing together, me as the side-kick viewer/puzzle aid and him as the guy with the big boomstick. 

My trigger finger screencapping was SHORT A BIT for the previous sentence and onl caught that sentence partway (actually after the Can' it cuts off) soooo..went online till I found the exact font they used in game for the -super bad- subtitles and voila. also did a painty style thing because I kinda wanted it to somewhat mesh with the games enviro and Oni loved it. So my little doodle gift to him was a thanks just for being such a good pal and I thought i'd share it.

I got stuff for /other people/ i want to do too but it's hard to find motivation with all the craziness in the world happening around me today and other somesuch *vague explanations*

Also, if you couldn't figure it out--we went in the hole X'D (EVERYTHING WAS FINE TOO ONI WAS JUST BEING A BIG BABBBY)

but yes, *OBVIOUSLY* resident evil is *not my game* and I only screencapped and painted over it, so no fucking credit needed. *obviously*

you know, like when people make fan characters from idk, Ark or pokemon and everyone just fucking goes "yeah that's a charizard" or "yeah that's obviously a raptor stylized from a game that the artist specifically said she plays & was inspired by"

but  you know


--also since this was just a free gifty thing for my pal it'll be available for all supporters to see~



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