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I've been in a massive rut, like falling apart with stress.

I'm hoping my patrons can help, you guys deserve the opportunity for free art more than any random followers do.

please leave links (direct image links if from FA, not submission links I cant see them) 

preferably dropbox or imgur links.

you may post up to 4 individual characters for me to choose from, please no more than 4.

note, I have absolutely zero interest in the following species: felines, otters, most short muzzle creatures, rodents/rabbits, humans or anime/human faced furries

I AM interested very much in: bats, dragons, drakes, avians (particularly raptor birds or lovebirds), snakes, all reptiles, unique mammals, deer, goats/sheep, aquatic creatures of all kind [sharks, whales, manta rays, you name it]

once again, ALL patrons qualify, hopefully I will get inspired by someone here.

please do:

include direct links to your refs (no fA submission links)

include up to 4 characters

add personality/mood traits/theme ideas for each character linked



Oh man thanks for this chance! I have a few characters perhaps? https://toyhou.se/8365.akhlut-oki https://toyhou.se/5270709.griffin-needsname Plus the two drakes you made me ;w;


https://www.dropbox.com/s/xv3jy3soi1vtjue/Indomi.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/1asjhcnxpu9yp1y/dalma.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/uyx4f7viigxcyuy/Photo%20Jul%2013%2C%2004%2034%2033.jpg?dl=0 As my offers. Thanks for a chance Ez, hope it helps.


thanks for the chance http://puu.sh/EUSQo/b1bfa31e53.png /adventerous http://puu.sh/EUSSn/f3d4853cc4.jpg / tired http://puu.sh/EUSWP/48dc5cad90.png /curious stay strong Adi, i believe in you


ill leave mah fluff derg and meh Drake Indi https://www.dropbox.com/s/ky6t6e14vsiyea4/1551378167.rhaenjarr_maxxys.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/211ekbz9o1oko1z/1566817930.maxtheshadowdragon_maxtheshadowdragon_drake_ref_lrg.png.jpg?dl=0 Max be pretty chill n laid back, Indi has all that on said ref


Thank you so much for the chance! https://sta.sh/0102lpf18ap9


thanks for the chance. I hope you find the support you need anything https://imgur.com/a/fOBQlgP


I hope you find the inspiration you need. https://imgur.com/a/ojvQ5lR