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It had been some weeks since their initial encounter, and Ezrael had grown accustomed to Alaric's presence on the moon her ship was orbiting. He was unusual for a drake; kind, warm, accepting, attentive. Attractive. The voice in the back of Ezrael's mind whispered.

He'd asked if he could come with her, just for a time, and be dropped off on a nearby star, so begrudgingly she'd allowed him aboard her ship, and away they'd went. However, each day that crept by, Alaric grew closer to her, and though Ezrael tried to ignore it, an overwhelming sense of comfort and security surrounded him. 

Though she was the one carrying him to his destination, a sense of peace came over her when he was near, and oddly, the captain even smiled at him from time to time. So it came as no shock to anyone but her, when he had nudged his way into her cabin, coiling his large frame around her from behind and giving her his heat. From the first touch alone, a small breath into the back of her neck, a nuzzle of his snout into her hollows from behind, and she felt the hot desire. 

Alaric too, was heated from having restrained himself so long. He wanted this, he wanted her, bad enough to risk his well being on it. When he rolled atop her and pressed his heated sheath against the gap between her thighs, she could hardly resist squirming, and as it grew from its warm, furry home, his length rubbed against her, slicking them both up before he'd angle himself and proceed to sinking into Ezrael, slowly, in shallow thrusts, a little in, all the way out, deeper, then back out; before he could finally sink in his entire length, the knot not quite flaring yet, but the thickness of his size stretching her tight around him.

And then there were the sounds, soft moans and whimpers each time he pulled out and squeezed himself back into her tight, wet space. He leaned down and kissed her, tongue out, lapping at her own. Hot, sloppy kisses as he began to pick up his pace and press his chest tighter to hers, burying himself fully each time, the male drake himself moaning as he felt himself bottom out against her soft insides each time. He could feel every inch of Ezrael squeezing, threatening to milk his seed at any point.

Somehow, during the lovemaking, she'd sunk her nails into his back, superficial scratches parting his fur. At some point her hand had slid between them and she toyed with her piercing, and then would wrap her fingers down further, around his slick length, feeling him push into her with each thrust, and loving that feel of his heated cock as it slid against her hand and into her. Using the slime from between them she teased at her piercing again, and Alaric could feel the shuddering and tightening of his partner, gritting his teeth and growling in lust as his thrusts grew harsher and deeper, fully burying himself each time until he knew she was close enough that he'd push himself in one last time, his knot having swelled enough to catch her insides which were clamping down on him, the swelling of his member growing and filling her, and that fullness causing her to reach her own orgasm. 

For what felt like hours his cock twitched inside her, pumping her with his hot come, filling her in every way and marking her with his scent. The tugging he'd do of his knot firmly held inside her made the female drake writhe in ecstasy and he'd force her to come twice more before he'd go limp, pulling out and leaving a mess in his wake, one that they both laid in, exhausted. Once they'd caught their breath he grabbed the smaller female, pulling her across the small bed, out of their mess and into his chest, her head laying on his beating heart. They found their hands stroking and touching each other, and their digits lacing, his thumb rubbing the back of her palm. They laid like that the entire night, until falling asleep in each others arms. It was perhaps, the first time Ezrael hadn't felt rushed to let go of the male in her bed. It was, perhaps, the first time a male had equally wanted to cling to her. 



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