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Sirius and Ezrael's first time, and Ezrael's first time in general.


 It had been some time since  Ezrael had left Emain for her first deployment in space to search for  habitable moons and stars, and yet the tight spaces and closed quarters  of the freighter she were stationed on provided no basic comfort and  minimal space for bodies. Sirius was aboard the next round of drop offs  and when his friend from basic saw him she was elated.

The two young drakes spent hours talking and catching up on what Ezrael  had been doing since they'd last seen each other, occasionally locking  eyes and each time the female drake giving him a fantastic smile. When  the day dipped into the ships programmed night cycle, Sirius was  informed he would be bunking in one of the converted cafeterias with  several dozen other men. Ezrael was the one who would offer her friend a  proper bed.

As they walked side by side through the hollow steel and alloy walls of  the creaking freighter, stars slowly slid by. They were heading to a  rather small moon orbiting a nearby planet, a moon which supposedly had  atmosphere. Knowing the plague that was on their homeworld, their  mission was to find anywhere that they could escape to.

"Do you think we'll find it?" she asked low as they approached her  cabin, pausing outside of the automatic doors and looking up at Sirius.  "I don't know," he began, his voice a deep, soft tone, thick with  exhaustion. It had indeed been a rough day for him, and he hadn't had  the amount of time to adjust to space or thrust gravity like she had.

"I hope we do, I just can't imagine our entire world, everything,  everyone…gone." Sirius looked forlorn and Ezrael sighed, she hadn't been  programmed with empathy so she wasn't sure how to feel about the  situation. Certainly, it wasn't a good thing. Millions of species dead  or dying, billions of sentient races infected already. Ezrael placed her  hand on the panel and the door to her room slid open, she stepped in  and waited for Sirius to follow. Once he did the door slid shut, beeped  and a light turned red as it clicked the lock into place.

Almost immediately she began to pull off the restrictive flightsuit she  wore, unzipping the neck and pulling her arms out, letting it hang  around her hips for a moment. "I'll uh..take the floor alright?" Sirius  said, glancing at her then away, respectfully. "That's absurd." she said  instantly, giving him a glare and he made a small noise in the back of  his throat. "I invited you in to get some proper rest, if you wanted to  sleep on the floor  you could have just stayed in the commons." Her  response was so mechanical in nature, so blunt that he was momentarily  taken aback, forgetting her lack of emotions. When they made the perfect  soldier, they purposefully "forgot" some things. Sirius had done his  best since they met to be the voice of reason, and give her guidance,  teach her about feelings and emotions and doing what was right.

"You're right…" he smiled slightly, "And well, you do have a good  view.." Sirius felt his tail sway slightly, a small wag. Ezrael's eyes  caught the movement and she smiled ever-so-slightly in response. "Yeah,  for a small can in this ship, it's not bad," she bent down, pulling the  suit the rest of the way off and adjusting her under clothes. "It gets  lonely sometimes…" she said once she was done, walking around the bed to  sit on the side. Sirius followed suit, stripping down and crawling  under the sheets. The two of them lay in silence for a while and Ezrael  curled on her side, breathing as quietly as she could. She was certain  he could heart her heart thumping in her chest. All the grey drake could  smell was Sirius, the familiar light scent of male. She'd never thought  of that as an attractive smell before, but somehow it was different  here and now.

Several minutes into laying in bed Sirius let out a heavy sigh, and  Ezrael rolled to face him, a questioning expression across her muzzle.  He made a soft groan and faced her, staring into the same shade of gold  he was born with, and he questioned in the back of his mind, how a  creature like her, supposedly devoid of emotions and empathy, could have  the feelings he knew she had, and possibly more, how she didn't even  know it herself.  Before he could catch himself he felt his body turn on  its own and roll halfway atop her, his muzzle parallel to her own. He  could smell her clearly, he found her particular scent to be almost like  home. The salty air and ocean scent of the tropics seemed to just be a  part of her.

"Ezrael…" he started, the tip of his snout brushing the side of hers.  With the sound of his deep voice calling her name, the female drake  stiffened slightly, and her heart suddenly pounded. She wasn't sure how  to react, so her hands stayed at her sides nervously gripping the sheets  as he slid a paw around her neck and brought her face into his muzzle,  nibbling her cheek fur softly, affectionately, then turning his snout  into her neck and resting his fangs on it, not biting, but letting her  flesh feel the soft pressure and prickle, a sensation she'd never  experienced. A sensation which drew a shudder and a soft sound from her.  

"You're not alone anymore…" he whispered into her neck, kissing at it  with small licks of his tongue, her slight twitching and soft noises  making his body react rapidly and she would realize the heat between  them was his desire that was rapidly thickening and nudging her lightly.

"Sirius I..I don't…I haven't-" she fumbled and heat rushed to her face,  her eyes shifting away from his own. Embarrassment? He mused, resting  his body atop hers fully, letting her much smaller hands slowly reach  out and touch his sides and his hips. She held her breath as he reached  down between them, touching her body, stroking her soft stomach and then  sliding two claws into her shorts, pulling them down and tossing them  away so that he may lay his warm length against her. He'd tease her like  that, grinding against her slid for several minutes until her body was  shivering all over and she made soft embarrassed moans for him, before  he'd kiss her deeply and sink into the innocent young soldier. As he  filled her and stretched her with his length she wound her legs  instinctually around his hip, drawing him closer and whimpering. There  were no more words, only delicate caresses and soft sounds between them,  his deep voice moaning into her ears as he bred her for the first time,  the sound making her even more aroused, shivering and wrapping her arms  around his shoulders.

They'd go on like that for several hours, Sirius breeding her softly and  deeply, then pulling her up atop him to have her ride his length,  teaching her pleasure and making her flush as she came again and again,  each time saying his name in a way that made him twitch with desire. By  the time he'd knotted her and filled her with his seed, they were both  exhausted, and eventually they coiled up in her small bunk, Ezrael  wrapped up in his arms, held close against his chest as they slept.  



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