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What would you guys like to see??

Keep in mind for these I won't do gay or lesbian, but solo pinups or straight nsfw are totally options, as are fanart (monster hunter, digimon, pokemon, etc)

let me know some ideas!

since my computer was down/dead with a blown motherboard during ALL of august, you'll get 2 pinups this month~

and since im making it up to you guys, im allowing you to pick what i draw rather than vote on something i pre-picked



Hmm, feels a bit awkward to write something like this but here goes. As an idea, how would you feel about a piece somewhat of a cross between your "Bound and Bridled" piece and "Relieving Tension," ones. i.e. I'm not sure if you enjoyed drawing bondage, but Ezrael/Halycon/etc in suspension and plugged while Dmitiry/Arthas/etc have their way at the front? Also, any thoughts on latex/bodysuits? Yeah, sorry for being slightly lecherous.